NASCAR is rascist.

The average NASCAR race team costs over $5 million per year to operate. Tickets to Talledega can run as high as $1200 for skybox seats. It will cost you around $1 million to get your company name painted on the side of one of those "redneck" race cars. A Jeff Gordon t-shirt sells for $40... and beer sells for $7.50 a pop at the track. So this seems to completely contradict your criteria for what is "redneck." Thanks for refuting usidiot's argument.

Not as well as your mother does. :cof1:

Rednecks have their priorities. Nascar,Beer, Monster Trucks, Wrasslin, Satellite TV, and a pickup truck are some of the TOP Priorities in life!
so because a certain sport or entertainment is predominately one skin is racist. wow, the logic to get to that conclusion is mind boggling. using that logic, is basketball racist?


what, do we now have to affirmative action in nascar...what about basketball? what about the KKK, black panthers....
so because a certain sport or entertainment is predominately one skin is racist. wow, the logic to get to that conclusion is mind boggling. using that logic, is basketball racist?


what, do we now have to affirmative action in nascar...what about basketball? what about the KKK, black panthers....

UK basketball was under Adolph Rupp years ago.
The average NASCAR race team costs over $5 million per year to operate. Tickets to Talledega can run as high as $1200 for skybox seats. It will cost you around $1 million to get your company name painted on the side of one of those "redneck" race cars. A Jeff Gordon t-shirt sells for $40... and beer sells for $7.50 a pop at the track. So this seems to completely contradict your criteria for what is "redneck." Thanks for refuting usidiot's argument.

Not as well as your mother does. :cof1:

Yeah, stadiums charge excessive prices, but you're still talking about BudLight and pisswater like that. Now, when I go to Safeco Field to watch a baseball game, I can buy all sorts of beers such as Alaskan and Black Butte - also overpriced, but not a redneck drink.

Good one, though, on the come back.
How many black or hispanic Nascar drivers are there?

lets see. there are two hispanic drivers in the Sprint circuit.

There is one black driver in the craftsman truck series and I believe that there is about to be another.

Not sure about the Nationwide series, but from time to time that black truck driver hits that circuit on certain tracks.
Wow, STU must be a full fledged Redneck to know all that.

Did you have your period of mourning when Dale Died?

I was living down south then and it was like an elvis death experience. which I never understood either since I did not know either one of them.
Wow, STU must be a full fledged Redneck to know all that.
"But let's break down that word "Redneck". First word red, color of power, fire, passion. Second word neck... neck... hey I can't think of nothing for neck right now, but without that you still got red and that's something to be proud of." - capt james west.

Did you have your period of mourning when Dale Died?
I was indeed saddened that day, but then I don't like any driver dying on the track.

I was living down south then and it was like an elvis death experience. which I never understood either since I did not know either one of them.
You said you don't watch sports, but is there anything that's on national tv, event wise, that you are into? If there is, now take your favorite one that you're a fan of and imagine they died during an event. It's not hard to do, especially if you have some compassion for people. I hate boxing, but I'm saddened if someone dies in the ring.
"You said you don't watch sports, but is there anything that's on national tv, event wise, that you are into? If there is, now take your favorite one that you're a fan of and imagine they died during an event. It's not hard to do, especially if you have some compassion for people. I hate boxing, but I'm saddened if someone dies in the ring."

umm maybe winter olympics. But you forget I have NO heroes.
I realize I am abbienormal in this respect.

Well a handful of personal heros I know or have known, but I do not idolize any public figures or entertainers even though I may like the performances of a certain actor or someone.

I watch movies, history channel , Natgeo, etc.
"You said you don't watch sports, but is there anything that's on national tv, event wise, that you are into? If there is, now take your favorite one that you're a fan of and imagine they died during an event. It's not hard to do, especially if you have some compassion for people. I hate boxing, but I'm saddened if someone dies in the ring."

umm maybe winter olympics. But you forget I have NO heroes.
I realize I am abbienormal in this respect.

Well a handful of personal heros I know or have known, but I do not idolize any public figures or entertainers even though I may like the performances of a certain actor or someone.

I watch movies, history channel , Natgeo, etc.

The fact that you are a man who admittedly doesn't like sports, speaks for itself dude. You could have left out the kudos for the Winter Olympics, it just makes you sound MORE gay. Okay... I've got it... imagine how you'd feel if Keith Oblerman croaked? Wouldn't you be sad? Or... you claim to like actors... weren't you a bit sad when Heath Ledger kicked it? It's almost the same with Earnhardt for NASCAR fans.... except, imagine Heath died AFTER the release of the Batman movie, as he was about to accept his Oscar... only he had won 7 previous Oscars and was Hollywood's leading actor... THEN you have a similar scenario to Earnhardt's death.

...And I don't buy you don't have any heroes. I think you just don't want to admit them here! I don't know why, you already said it all... don't like sports except for maybe the Winter Olympics... dude! LO effin L! C'mon, who is it? Spiderman or Incredible Hulk?
First of all, here are your own words... "And as one who has been to a few races and have been around some NASCAR people, I know its a redneck sport." Now excuse the fuck outta me, but that sounds like you are trying to claim you know more than others by way of your intimate association with "NASCAR people", to which I set the record straight on which of us has the biggest connection.

Secondly, you have yet to define what a "redneck" is, so I don't know whether it is a "good" or "bad" thing, or what the criteria is for your determination, but I venture to say not all, and not even MOST of the 2 million people who tune in to watch the Daytona 500 on CBS are "rednecks", and the 150,000 who show up at Sonoma, CA, Sears Point, Watkins Glen, and Pocono Raceways, are not "rednecks." I think it is an ignorant stereotype that ignorant people like yourself, apply to things they don't understand.

Lastly, I never said that I was going to run you anywhere, but you don't have the balls to go running around Alabama in public, calling NASCAR a "redneck sport" because you'd soundly get your elitist ass whooped and probably find yourself on a Greyhound headed north in the baggage compartment. I have heard your consistent put downs of the south long enough to know you are a SINO. You'll sit there behind the comfort of your keyboard being derogatory toward the people and culture of the place you live, but in public you'll act like the two-faced liberal bastard you are and suck up to the "rednecks" claiming to be one of them. Naw, "redneck" isn't a "bad" term is it? Only when it's coming from the mouth of an asswipe elitist liberal punk like you!

Dixie, calm down and pull your panties out and unwind them.

NASCAR is a redneck sport. The fact that races happen in CA changes nothing. The sport began with bootleggers and is still a redneck happening.

Did I make any claims to know more than anyone? I was simply stating that I have seen first hand the NASCAR fans and more than a few of the race people.

Want me to say it in public? How about a t-shirt that says "NASCAR - hillbillies driving in a circle"? In manhy respects I AM a redneck Dixie. I live in the boonies, I hunt, part of my time at work is outside doing physically demanding jobs.

How about if I told a former NASCAR driver (Buckshot Jones) that NASCAR would be entertaining if half of them went the other way? And that I didn't care for the sport at all?

I'll tell anyone that NASCAR is a redneck sport.

And unless I am mistaken, you saying "Why don't you stop being a fucktard from the South who likes to bash on the South, before we run your traitorous ass out of here on a rail, boy!" was pretty much you saying you would run me out of the south if I didn't stop calling things like I see them.

And BTW, quoting the prices of the advertising on the side of the cars or of the skyboxes is not an argument. The advertisers are making money. There is big money in NASCAR. I never denied that at all. You are apparently operating under the misconception that all rednecks are poor??

LOL Dixie, the fact that you can make the claim that NASCAR is not a redneck sport, and keep a straight face is amazing.

Its a sport about loud engines, running extreme speeds, and some of the biggest advertisers in its history have been cigarettes and beer.
Of course, anything that is identified with the South I would hate anyway, but NASCAR is a serious boorfest. It really is only worth the crashes! We have a local brewery/bar in Lacey that is kind of cool, and has a NASCAR theme, but that's about as much as I would ever associate with it. My friend admonished me to shut up the first time I was there because I said out loud to my group of friends that I think NASCAR sucks.

Actually, the bar is a real failure commercially (not because of the NASCAR theme) but because the people who run it suck at marketing, and because its horribly located. Also, the college students don't patron the local bars but like to travel miles away to drink (which confounds me).
Billiards, yes, but it sux anyway.

Last night at the bar (my roommate's birthday), I played pool with a black guy, so the analogy doesn't really work anyway...

No, no Three... it really does. Think about it...

Most pool tables are or used to be covered in green felt, the color of the Earth. Then, you have all these multi-colored balls, these represent the different races. Then, you use a white ball to knock all the other colored balls off the Earth. Finally, the last ball to go is what? The BLACK one!
And unless I am mistaken, you saying "Why don't you stop being a fucktard from the South who likes to bash on the South, before we run your traitorous ass out of here on a rail, boy!" was pretty much you saying you would run me out of the south if I didn't stop calling things like I see them.

Generally speaking, when people use the noun "WE" they are not referring to themselves! AsshatClown may be an exception, but most of us say "I" when we mean ourselves. As for your idiot ass, I don't think you have the balls to go out in public being disrespectful of the South or NASCAR in Alabama. You'll sit here and pop off your loud mouth like you're some kind of bad ass, but you're saying things you wouldn't say in public, and you know it. If you want to pretend otherwise, that's fine, I can't prove you're wrong and you can't prove you're right. But I don't believe you.

And BTW, quoting the prices of the advertising on the side of the cars or of the skyboxes is not an argument. The advertisers are making money. There is big money in NASCAR. I never denied that at all. You are apparently operating under the misconception that all rednecks are poor??

I don't know, maybe you can't see the other idiots posting in this thread, but that was a response to one of them, not to you. It was incorrectly asserted that "rednecks" like "cheap" beer, and if that is supposed to be the criteria, NASCAR is anything BUT cheap!

LOL Dixie, the fact that you can make the claim that NASCAR is not a redneck sport, and keep a straight face is amazing.

Its a sport about loud engines, running extreme speeds, and some of the biggest advertisers in its history have been cigarettes and beer.

So fucking what? Does THAT make it a "redneck sport?" As I clearly pointed out, the people who are associated with the sport are not all rednecks, the fans who go to the races are not all rednecks, the people who watch on TV are not all rednecks, the sponsors and drivers are not all rednecks! Are there SOME rednecks? SURE! There are SOME rednecks into just about every fucking thing you can name, except maybe the Winter Olympics! You have applied a STEREOTYPE!! Go look up the word Sol! It's what you are doing here! You are applying a prejudiced view based on ignorance and bigoted viewpoints.
No, no Three... it really does. Think about it...

Most pool tables are or used to be covered in green felt, the color of the Earth. Then, you have all these multi-colored balls, these represent the different races. Then, you use a white ball to knock all the other colored balls off the Earth. Finally, the last ball to go is what? The BLACK one!

:lmao: Yep... definitely a racist sport!!
Generally speaking, when people use the noun "WE" they are not referring to themselves! AsshatClown may be an exception, but most of us say "I" when we mean ourselves. As for your idiot ass, I don't think you have the balls to go out in public being disrespectful of the South or NASCAR in Alabama. You'll sit here and pop off your loud mouth like you're some kind of bad ass, but you're saying things you wouldn't say in public, and you know it. If you want to pretend otherwise, that's fine, I can't prove you're wrong and you can't prove you're right. But I don't believe you.

I don't know, maybe you can't see the other idiots posting in this thread, but that was a response to one of them, not to you. It was incorrectly asserted that "rednecks" like "cheap" beer, and if that is supposed to be the criteria, NASCAR is anything BUT cheap!

So fucking what? Does THAT make it a "redneck sport?" As I clearly pointed out, the people who are associated with the sport are not all rednecks, the fans who go to the races are not all rednecks, the people who watch on TV are not all rednecks, the sponsors and drivers are not all rednecks! Are there SOME rednecks? SURE! There are SOME rednecks into just about every fucking thing you can name, except maybe the Winter Olympics! You have applied a STEREOTYPE!! Go look up the word Sol! It's what you are doing here! You are applying a prejudiced view based on ignorance and bigoted viewpoints.

Jeez, I think I hit a soft spot here.

I never said ALL the fans are rednecks. But I did say most.

And Dix, when people talk about cheap beer, Bud and Miller are part of what they probably meant. Pabst certainly would be inculded.
Jeez, I think I hit a soft spot here.

I never said ALL the fans are rednecks. But I did say most.

And Dix, when people talk about cheap beer, Bud and Miller are part of what they probably meant. Pabst certainly would be inculded.

No, you decided as usual, to bash and trash southern people and southern culture in general by making an absurd stereotypical statement. NASCAR is the largest spectator sport in the country, it did get its humble beginnings in the South, it has been associated with 'working class' Southerners for many years, but the sport has gone nationwide, and is widely accepted outside the South. It is not a "redneck sport" any more than Baseball or Football!

MOST fans are NOT "rednecks" by any definition of the word I know of, which incidentally, you have not qualified as of yet. I really don't know what you mean when you say "redneck!" Is that slang for "working class southern whites" or does it include black people? Is it applied to people who work in agriculture or those who are poor? Does it mean "uneducated" or "unsophisticated?" You see Sol, it is a generalization, a stereotype, not really much different than pejorative stereotypical labels applied to other groups of people. If anything, it shows how willing you are to apply a generalization and prejudice toward people who are different.

As for beer... my point again was... "Rednecks drink Beer!" does that mean that Beer is a redneck drink? You want to twist away from the question by saying "rednecks drink cheap beer!" But I don't think rednecks are picky, they will drink any kind of beer! Maybe if we could come up with some universal definition of what constitutes a "redneck" we could do a liberal focus group study on them, and determine if they prefer cheap beer or expensive beer, but so far, we can't even define what makes someone a "redneck!"
No, no Three... it really does. Think about it...

Most pool tables are or used to be covered in green felt, the color of the Earth. Then, you have all these multi-colored balls, these represent the different races. Then, you use a white ball to knock all the other colored balls off the Earth. Finally, the last ball to go is what? The BLACK one!

can you explain 'nine ball' then?