NASCAR is rascist.

Going by that, NASCAR is NOT a "redneck" sport. Thanks for proving my point!!!! :clink:

"Southern comedian Jeff Foxworthy defines "redneck" as "a glorious lack of sophistication," stating "that we are all guilty of [it] at one time or another.""

I found this definiton at

"So folks, we've been ta'king a lot 'bout them rednecks, but I ain't tell ye what a Redneck is and ain't...
So this's maybe a good mo'ment zo do so!

· This question I battle with every day. I have tried to answer it with dictionaries and with every resource book available. But none of them give the true meaning of what it means to be a redneck. I am now going to give you my definition of a redneck.

· Being a redneck is being proud of your roots and a true love for your father’s name. Where family and friends are first and strangers are just a vague, dismal blur in the distance. Rednecks are good ol' boys/gals who usually live in the south (usually in the country) and also tend to have a southern accent. Their necks are red and maybe their arms, too, cause they work hard and out in the heat all day.The group that is ridiculed by most, but deep down envied by all. Some types of rednecks may be cowboys/girls, mountain men/women, country boys/gals, and or hillbillys.

· Big truck tires, huntin’, fishin’, tractor pulls, country music, Charlie Daniels, and rebel flags are just a few words that might describe a redneck. They usually drive pickup trucks with loud sounds that can usually be heard before seen, and they also tend to blare country music from their radios. They usually add a CB radio to their truck and may have a gun rack in the back and an ol' rebel flag flyin from the antennae or posted on their front or back winshield. It is hard to figure these people out. Most people just can’t understand how you can have such a weird lifestyle of cowboy hats and buckles.

· Many Rednecks love the ol' T.V. show called "dukes of hazzard" and western shows. They are very laid back and tend to piss people off when they drive too slow or too fast down the road in their ol' pickup trucks.

· They love women/men (preferrably Cowgirls/boys), country music, wearin' jeans, wearin' boots (may be leather), wearin' a cowboy hat, yellin' yyyyyeeeehhhhhaaaaaawwwwww! out loud, shootin' the bull (talkin and telling some stories), fishin', huntin' watching wrestlin', watchin' or goin' to NASCAR races, watchin' baseball, or watchin' football.

· Rednecks may also like the rodeo. They love ridin’ horses or bulls, or ropin’ calves. Most Rednecks can usually be found at or off your local gravel road, in Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and maybe even in other southern states. They will be found on or near your local farm, at a bar (playin pool), local rodeo event and or stock show. The Redneck diet may include t-bone, tender loin, beef, beef stew, cajun food, Burger King, pizza, and maybe some good ol’ peach cobbler fer desert.

· Things that make a redneck mad: somebody stealin’ his healthy horse, making a promise which you can’t keep, cuttin’ down rodeo evernts, and much more.

· Things that really piss a redneck off is: stealin’ his cowgirl, a male hitting a female, a male cheating on a female, child abuse, abortions (child killers), beatin’ up his haas(word which means buddy), messin with his family, and much more. I tell ya, most rednecks like to fight for their woman and/or to defend their own honor. And i guarantee you if a true redneck sees you do one of the things in this list that redneck will whoop your @ $ $ right then and there

· Rednecks know how to treat women. Rednecks know how to respect, love, and care about females. True Rednecks love females for who they are and would never cheat on them. A True redneck would never hit or injur a female. White trash lies to females, cheat on them, beat them, get them pregnant and then leave them (A redneck believes a white trash person like this should be hung by their "YOU KNOW WHAT")

· How can your friends be more important than yourself? This might be a question from a typical non-redneck. Where the outdoors are loved and where blue-collar labor is not looked down on but a way of life. Where hard hats are worn instead of pocket protectors. Where steel toe boots are worn instead of nice loafers. Where blue jeans and a flannel are preferred to a nice coat and tie. Rednecks are the people that make the world go round!

· What a Redneck Isn't

· I have already explained What a redneck is, now I feel it necessary to explain what a redneck isn't. Most folk out there, sittin on their high and mighty social horse feel that they can group folks they see as uncultured or undesireable as rednecks. This shows their lack of knowledge and ignorance.

· For example, these people interchange characteristics of white trash and rednecks. I will admit that it might be possible for a redenck to be also white trash, but this is not to be taken for granted. And some characteristics are no longer apply or might have never applied. I will attempt to rectify this.

· 1. White trash, or more correctly, trailer-trash live in trailers...not rednecks. We more commonly inhabit run-down, partially constructed homes or log cabins.

· 2. Rednecks are not lazy, incompitent, laggards. Those incorrectly grouped with us that do fit this descriptions are more commonly called "welfare-trash". It must be noted that being on welfare does not automatically make one trash, merely down and out and nothing to be ashamed of. Rednecks and white-trash are the ones that built this country(and that aint figurative).

· 3. The inbred stereo-type is old and over used and can no longer be considered humorous or accurate. Those that use this description have confused us with "European Blue-Bloods"(now there's some trees that never branched! They didn't call each other cousin for the hell of it!!!)

· 4. Rednecks are not stupid. In the bountiful ignorance of most cityfolk, they have confused ignorance with stupidity and proven my point themselves. There are old rednecks in these hills that never went past the second grade that have more knowledge in the head than most of those acedimic boobs that profess to be "educated". Once had some of these fellers poken fun at me for miss using an economic term, but when I asked them a question, damned if any one of 'em knew how much hardener to add to a golf ball sized helpin of body puddy!! Guess they must'a just been stupid??"
Found this at

"Sunday, February 18, 2007
Definition of a Redneck Yuppie
So, most people would look at that title and right away come to the conclusion that these are very conflicting terms. Sure, you could look at it that way and you'd probably be right 99.9999993% of the time. I just happen to be Mr. 0.0000007%. Right about describes my success at anything too.

How does one attain such a lofty position in life you ask? It really is a product of parental influence combined with geographical location. These two things have brought me to the latte sipping, SUV driving and suit wearing outdoors man I am today.

So, let's examine the facts and you can decide if my ramblings are worthy the label "Mumblings of a Redneck Yuppie". First the Yuppie:

I have no qualms about spending over $3.00 for a cup of coffee at Starbucks in spite of my parents' humble background and upbringing. My mother would probably just roll her eyes and give me one of those looks that lets you know that you are far exceeding any dreams you had of letting her down while my father would just shake his head and mumble under his breath.
I drive an SUV. Yes, I know. One of those gas guzzling hogs of the highway. I upgraded to this Yuppie-mobile from a 4WD Chevy S10 ZR2. This was one example where I traded in my redneck for my yuppified suburban life.
I wear a tie to work....everyday. One exception - casual Fridays. I have a cleaning bill to go along with my many of cost of living expenses. Of course that could probably be construed as excess in some way so, I'm throwing it out here as another example.
Now, on to electronics. I love them and I have them. If it plugs in or runs on batteries, chances are I have it or I want it. I live for my gadgets and I am subject to buying any I can get my hands on.
Now the Redneck:

I prefer t-shirts to any other shirt known to man. I have them in all shapes and sizes not to mention the hole factor. For those of you wondering what this is, it is the measure of the quality of a particular t-shirt by the number of holes in it. Chances are if it has a lot of holes, I love it and I refuse to part with it.
I have been know to murder small and large fuzzy critters of the wild. In other words, I know how to use firearms and enjoy hunting very much. Now, my father would probably say I'm full of the brown stuff if he heard this but that is mostly because I am not obsessed enough with this past time to suit his desires. However, I am good enough to pick off pigeons in the shadows of a barn with a pellet gun without having been to a firing range or a hunt in a few years. And for all of you PETA crazed lunatics, I have a license and I follow the game laws. Not to mention, Bambi is very yummy.
I spend at least one weekend every year tossing hay bales around on the back of a hay wagon and in the hay loft. It never ceases to amaze many of my co-workers that I have been known to enjoy this too. My parents live on a farm and I probably enjoy being there and pretending to have a clue about farming more than just about anything else I do with regularity, even though they could use a Starbucks nearby.
My bodily functions. Far and away these are the things my wife finds "most" endearing about me. If it makes a noise or a sound, I love practicing it. Everything from the "Farmer's Snort" to the "Silent but Deadly" are in my repertoire.
So, there are some initial facts which I am basing my points upon. Some may argue whether these qualify me but I'm not here to argue about that. I just want to share with the perspective of one such individual and encourage the responses that these may elicit. I look forward to what the future may bring with this blog and my pursuit of a "true" place in the cosmos.

Posted by Lionitt at 3:56 PM "
Here is another definition I like:

"Redneck? The term came back in the late 60's when long hair became the trend. Those folk were called Hippies! The short haired, all American, Country lovin', God fearin' workin' man got his neck sunburnt workin' outside. He was not poor, lazy, fat or dirty. That's what we call trailer trash: ain't got nuthin' and don't want nuthin'! Rednecks are respectable. They're upstanding.They can shoot and hit the target (gun control), ain't afraid to fight (especially for family and Country), go to Church on Sunday (except opening weekend of deer season), And are just good ol' boys! Rednecks!!"
And just for Dixie:

"Yesterday, at a political rally in nearby Greene, Ohio, Gretchen Wilson sang her hit song, “Redneck Woman,” after which she introduced VP candidate Sarah Palin as someone with that “same maverick attitude.”

I applaud the “maverick” label for the McCain campaign, as it helps to separate the ticket from W’s administration. And McCain has earned the badge. But “maverick” and “redneck” just ain’t the same thing, dadgumit.

To the gathering of her faithful here in Ohio, Palin opened by saying: “Someone called me a redneck once and I said, ‘Why, thank you.’”"

Yep, Sarah Palin (your fav fantasy gal, Dixie) thanked someone for calling her a redneck.

And if Sarah Palin is a redneck, then .......well......

Go into your album. There are two links below the picture in your album.

One of them is to post the picture on the board, the other is just a link.
you watch people drive cars in a circle.... thats a redneck sport
Some people watch a sport where people barely run 14 feet and follow a yellow ball.

Others watch one where they walk a lot after hitting an even smaller ball towards a hole in the ground.

Those people are "elite" and make fun of others for watching people drive cars at breakneck speeds putting their actual lives on the line.

Personally I don't watch any of that. I prefer Pro Bowling.. ;)
Some people watch a sport where people barely run 14 feet and follow a yellow ball.

Others watch one where they walk a lot after hitting an even smaller ball towards a hole in the ground.

Those people are "elite" and make fun of others for watching people drive cars at breakneck speeds putting their actual lives on the line.

Personally I don't watch any of that. I prefer Pro Bowling.. ;)

I almost forgot... the idiot drivers put their lives on the line for nothing... definitely a redneck sport.
Some people watch a sport where people barely run 14 feet and follow a yellow ball.

Others watch one where they walk a lot after hitting an even smaller ball towards a hole in the ground.

Those people are "elite" and make fun of others for watching people drive cars at breakneck speeds putting their actual lives on the line.

Personally I don't watch any of that. I prefer Pro Bowling.. ;)

Crewcuts and rear cleavage huh?
I almost forgot... the idiot drivers put their lives on the line for nothing... definitely a redneck sport.

Very few sports remain where you literally risk your life to compete. As I said (back 3 pages ago, I think), it is a matter of personal opinion, and opinion is subjective. I personally don't think any of you have made the case for NASCAR being a "redneck sport" because everything you can find to define a redneck is pretty much in contradiction of the typical NASCAR fan. It's a stereotype, and a lot of people have your opinion of NASCAR, but that doesn't make it so.

Possum hunting! There's a purely redneck sport! Cock fighting... pretty much a redneck sport... Riding lawnmower races... a classic redneck sport! But NASCAR has grown into the most popular spectator sport in America, it draws hundred's of thousands of fans from coast to coast, they hold their annual award's ceremony in New York, the majority of team owners are millionaires who have never even lived in the South, most of the drivers are millionaires.

Now, we've gotten away from the thread title, NASCAR is clearly not a "racist" sport, and I don't think a case has been made for it being a "redneck" sport either. But, it's a matter of personal opinion, I suppose.