New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party

Irrelevant. States own the school libraries in public schools. They have final say on what they want to include in that library or remove from that library.

Not in my or most states. The state does not own the school buildings, books, etc. because it did not pay for them. Local property taxes and bond issues pay for those.

It can usually regulate books purchased, but only in authoritarian states.
It clearly violates the equal protection clause to choose one party to prohibit their participation in the electoral system based on their political views.
The bill does not mention any party, dumbass. Go read the fuckin' bill.
It probably violates the 1st amendment also.
The 1st amendment does not apply to States. Banning any political party based on insurrection and violence (such as the Democrat party), does not violate the constitution of the State of Florida either.
Wanting to prohibit political competition and take away local control to select books is a prime example of authoritarian ideology.
Insurrection is not 'competition'. Redefinition fallacy.
Putting government control over individual liberties is something most Americans want to avoid.
It is not a liberty to burn or loot cities, kill 'blacks' or 'whites' because of their skin color, steal from the productive and give to the unproductive, conduct vandalism, encourage child abuse such as self mutilation, murder your own children, or try to return to slavery. It is a crime.
The bill does not mention any party, dumbass. Go read the fuckin' bill.

The 1st amendment does not apply to States. Banning any political party based on insurrection and violence (such as the Democrat party), does not violate the constitution of the State of Florida either.

Insurrection is not 'competition'. Redefinition fallacy.

It is not a liberty to burn or loot cities, kill 'blacks' or 'whites' because of their skin color, steal from the productive and give to the unproductive, conduct vandalism, encourage child abuse such as self mutilation, murder your own children, or try to return to slavery. It is a crime.

If it is based on insurrection it would also eliminate the Republican Party. The bill does not have to list any political party if it has the effect of eliminating a major party from the right of the voters to vote their choice.

The 1st amendment was made applicable to the states in 1925. You keep forgetting that simple constitutional history.

It is also not a liberty to attack and vandalize the Capitol, assault police officers, stop the constitutional counting of electors.

Looks like you have just eliminated both political parties although we both know that law would never stand.
If Douchey can't lie like the Nazi fuck you are, Douchey can't post.


A girl had that for her avatar for a while. :laugh:
Put on your Nazi uniform and break down my door after dark to find out, Fraulein Sybil.

Daylight works too, but in Texas, there's a lot less questions after sundown.

Why do that? That makes no sense to me. Catching you outside and beatin' that ass does.
Poor judgment on your part. I vote Libertarian.

So why is it that you support things like the legalization of fentanyl and 'tranq'? Have you see the zombies that result from the use these drugs? Don't you think the folks selling these poisons should be held accountable?
You also seem to support the crime associated with recreational drug use to pay for the habit (since they can't hold a job).

Do you consider it 'victimless' when homeless are living on the sidewalks with their filth, their drugs, and their crime and making it extremely difficult to conduct a business in such areas?

Just how 'victimless' is it when no one is monitoring the casinos to make sure their games are conforming to straight practices and that controls are put in place to monitor cash flow? What about the gambler that is ripped off by an unmonitored casino?

If a union is not sanctioned by the government, who is the authority sanctioning the union? God? If so, how does He sanction the union of two of the same sex? God is not chaos.
If no one sanctions the union, there is no union recognized by anybody.

Since the government is in so much debt, how would you resolve it? Print the money? Confiscate it from the people?

What about the patent and copyright system? If someone invents something as a startup, what protects him from getting ripped off by some larger company?

What about all those people that paid Social Security taxes and Medicare taxes their entire career? Do you just want to cut off their benefits (small as they are)? What about people now paying into those systems? Release them from those taxes and cover the gap by printing money?

What about the right of a government to defend itself, or the responsibility given to the federal government to protect the nation, or the responsibility of a state government to protect it's citizens? Do you want to just ignore those rights and let foreign nations and interests run roughshod over the people?

Libertarians say that the rights to secede does not require permission from others. What about the people in that State? Don't you need permission from them? Remember, they created the State constitution. Only the people have the right to destroy it.

Libertarians are against right to work laws, essentially giving a union the right to be compulsory about membership to hold a job. Yet, you declare the everyone should have the right to work. How do you resolve this paradox?

Libertarians are against the use of force in foreign affairs. What about the soldiers that fought and died to put down the horror of Nazism, and all Jews it slaughtered? Hitler had designs on taking over the world, including America. Remember that many suffered and died due to his incursions into South America.

Do you think communism from Russia and China should be allowed to expand unchecked? What about the Korean people that didn't want it? What about Thailand? They don't want China, but China has designs on it. Do you think the NATO treaty is meaningless and should be discarded? What about protecting Poland, Germany, the UK, France, etc. from Russian expansion? Do you think the Philippine Treaty is meaningless? Do you think the Japanese fleet should have arrived unchecked on US shores? Libertarians would have allowed all this.

Is this why you vote Libertarian?
Not in my or most states. The state does not own the school buildings, books, etc. because it did not pay for them.
Local property taxes and bond issues pay for those.
Those are STATE taxes. Those are STATE bonds.
It can usually regulate books purchased, but only in authoritarian states.
So you don't consider the State of Texas an authority????????!?
If it is based on insurrection it would also eliminate the Republican Party.
The Republican party is not out burning and looting cities, killing any 'blacks' or 'whites' because of the skin color, is not supportive of welfare, does not conduct widespread vandalism, or encourage child abuse such as self mutilation, etc. The DEMOCRATS do.
The bill does not have to list any political party if it has the effect of eliminating a major party from the right of the voters to vote their choice.
Voters have their choice. Nothing changes that. Read the fuckin' bill.
The 1st amendment was made applicable to the states in 1925. You keep forgetting that simple constitutional history.
SCOTUS does not have authority to change the Constitution of the United States, dumbass. The 1st amendment applies ONLY to the federal government.
It is also not a liberty to attack and vandalize the Capitol, assault police officers, stop the constitutional counting of electors.
Democrats did that.
Looks like you have just eliminated both political parties although we both know that law would never stand.
Nope. You are making shit up again.
Southern Democrats, who are now Republicans. Someone way smarter than you should make the case. You are a fucking moron.

So when did this "magical" change occur, dipfuck?

Yeah, you're an absolute idiot. That never happened, you're just full of shit, brah.

Glad you're not down here around civilized Floridians and up there by the Deliverance motherfuckers! Enjoy! :awesome:
Why would he want to dress up like you and break down your "door?"

Standard Disclaimer - does the cardboard box you live in technically have a door?
He doesn't love you, fuckwad.

No one does.

You know that.
The Nazis here - the filth wanting to engage in genocide, are you and your little butt buddy Guano. But your 1945 is coming.

Enjoy the pineapple up your ass for eternity...
Do you feel better, Dingoboy?
Why do that? That makes no sense to me. Catching you outside and beatin' that ass does.
That works too. Like goat, I'm happy to take a few lumps to send Trumpian Traitors and Nazis to prison. Since you know who I am, maybe a federal terrorism charge can be added to your crimes. LOL

I have no doubt you've been in prison before, Matt, so as a two or three-time loser, a Texas judge may decide to lock you up and throw away the key....especially when the judge is shown your threats to murder me.

Prison would be good for you, Matt. It'd dry you out, get you some counseling and see that you have 3 hots and a cot. You'd probably like the butt sex too. :thup:
Assault, including verbal threats of harm or degradation...

...However, a person who is convicted of committing assault against a person aged 65 or older will face Class A misdemeanor charges. These charges are punishable by:

Up to one year in county jail
A fine of up to $4000