That works too. Like goat, I'm happy to take a few lumps to send Trumpian Traitors and Nazis to prison. Since you know who I am, maybe a federal terrorism charge can be added to your crimes. LOL
I have no doubt you've been in prison before, Matt, so as a two or three-time loser, a Texas judge may decide to lock you up and throw away the key....especially when the judge is shown your threats to murder me.
Prison would be good for you, Matt. It'd dry you out, get you some counseling and see that you have 3 hots and a cot. You'd probably like the butt sex too.
Assault, including verbal threats of harm or degradation...
...However, a person who is convicted of committing assault against a person aged 65 or older will face Class A misdemeanor charges. These charges are punishable by:
Up to one year in county jail
A fine of up to $4000