New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party

You'll eventually try to implement your final solution to the white people problem. Then you'll finally figure out where those 350 million guns you want to confiscate are.

Hey, but that's okay, you've got your pronouns to use against us.
Thanks for proving you're a white supremacist, dingo boy.

"Us". :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
So when did this "magical" change occur, dipfuck?

Yeah, you're an absolute idiot. That never happened, you're just full of shit, brah.

Glad you're not down here around civilized Floridians and up there by the Deliverance motherfuckers! Enjoy! :awesome:

1972. After voting solidly Democratic for a hundred years, the south turned against the Democratic Party, first with George Wallace in 1968, and then Republican ever since. Why do you suppose the South switched suddenly from Democratic to Republican immediately after the passage of Civil Rights? You probably have never heard of the Southern strategy. You are that fucking stupid.

I live in a gated community of million dollar homes. Wherever you live you are surrounded by cars on blocks.
LIF = Likes Indigent Fellatio

Is that why you became a gutter drunk? Because your attracted to bums? (in more than one way..)

It's okay that you're gay. It's even okay that you are attracted to men who don't bathe and sleep in the gutter.

It's not okay that you have no honor and are a pathological liar.
Thanks for proving you're a white supremacist, dingo boy.

"Us". :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Because everyone who has white skin is a nigger - using the updated term you racist cunts like, "white supremacist." But the term has the same meaning - all you filth have done is changed the skin tone of your scapegoat.

You dream of genocide of the white people you so bitterly hate, don't you?

You have so much in common with your mentor, Adolf Hitler.
1972. After voting solidly Democratic for a hundred years, the south turned against the Democratic Party, first with George Wallace in 1968, and then Republican ever since. Why do you suppose the South switched suddenly from Democratic to Republican immediately after the passage of Civil Rights? You probably have never heard of the Southern strategy. You are that fucking stupid.

I live in a gated community of million dollar homes. Wherever you live you are surrounded by cars on blocks.

Oh look, a fascist democrat is lying through his fucking teeth.

How droll.

Say scumbag, the South ended all the racist bullshit right about the time the majority became Republican? Outlawed Jim Crow, ended segregation - right when you racist pig democrats lost power.

Funny how that works.

And of course, you haven't changed one tiny bit - you STILL hate people based on the color of their skin. Sure, it's whites you hate now - but you're still the same racist scum you always were.

democrats, democrats never change.
Because everyone who has white skin is a nigger - using the updated term you racist cunts like, "white supremacist." But the term has the same meaning - all you filth have done is changed the skin tone of your scapegoat.

You dream of genocide of the white people you so bitterly hate, don't you?

You have so much in common with your mentor, Adolf Hitler.
Dingo boy proves he's a white supremacist in addition to being a dingo-fucking down under dumbass. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
Is that why you became a gutter drunk?
I'm not Australian, mate. That's your area of expertise.

How long have you been fucking 'Roos? Do the little ones kick as much as the big ones?

That works too. Like goat, I'm happy to take a few lumps to send Trumpian Traitors and Nazis to prison. Since you know who I am, maybe a federal terrorism charge can be added to your crimes. LOL

I have no doubt you've been in prison before, Matt, so as a two or three-time loser, a Texas judge may decide to lock you up and throw away the key....especially when the judge is shown your threats to murder me.

Prison would be good for you, Matt. It'd dry you out, get you some counseling and see that you have 3 hots and a cot. You'd probably like the butt sex too. :thup:
Assault, including verbal threats of harm or degradation...

...However, a person who is convicted of committing assault against a person aged 65 or older will face Class A misdemeanor charges. These charges are punishable by:

Up to one year in county jail
A fine of up to $4000

You misspelled 'Biden' again.
Hello evince,

Democrats can be bought. Many are. Our system nearly requires it to hold high office.

I may be a Democrat but I would like to see the Democratic party split into factions after the Republican party goes away.

It's hard to imagine how Joe Manchin and AOC have much in common. Because they don't.

Many democrats are bought?



Quit trying to blame the people saving us

Of course once the Republican Party is dead a new party will form

Manchin is bought

That is not most Democrats
In many states (TX) teachers unions have little power. The books are selected by librarians (often with parental committees) and most are not liberal or conservative.

Given that no Democrat has won a state-wide office since 1992 and the state legislature and congressional delegation are both heavily Republican gives no evidence that schools are indoctrinating students to the left.

No true conservative wants to take the power to choose library books away from local control by school boards and parents.

Depends on what bnooks they are choosing. !st graders do not need books on gays or transgenders
Hello evince,

Many democrats are bought?



Quit trying to blame the people saving us

Of course once the Republican Party is dead a new party will form

Manchin is bought

That is not most Democrats

I don't have to prove anything. You already know it.

That is the reality. Manchin is bought. He is not alone. The rich and powerful throw money at both parties. That way it doesn't matter to them who wins. Whomever wins owes them, and they do come collect on their investments, demand favors. Those demands come with a reminder that if they are not met big money will stop supporting them and be thrown at their opponents, thrown at negative propaganda meant to hurt them.

Corruption is legal. That is why our government is so subservient to the super rich.

We have to make corruption illegal.
Hello evince,

I don't have to prove anything. You already know it.

That is the reality. Manchin is bought. He is not alone. The rich and powerful throw money at both parties. That way it doesn't matter to them who wins. Whomever wins owes them, and they do come collect on their investments, demand favors. Those demands come with a reminder that if they are not met big money will stop supporting them and be thrown at their opponents, thrown at negative propaganda meant to hurt them.

Corruption is legal. That is why our government is so subservient to the super rich.

We have to make corruption illegal.

Most of the Democratic Party is not bought

That is a lie
Hello evince,

Democrats can be bought. Many are. Our system nearly requires it to hold high office.

I may be a Democrat but I would like to see the Democratic party split into factions after the Republican party goes away.

It's hard to imagine how Joe Manchin and AOC have much in common. Because they don't.


That is a lie

You can’t prove it so you won’t even attempt to prove it