New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party

1972. After voting solidly Democratic for a hundred years, the south turned against the Democratic Party, first with George Wallace in 1968, and then Republican ever since. Why do you suppose the South switched suddenly from Democratic to Republican immediately after the passage of Civil Rights? You probably have never heard of the Southern strategy. You are that fucking stupid.

I live in a gated community of million dollar homes. Wherever you live you are surrounded by cars on blocks.

In fucking Deliverance Land? Well, I guess those yankees will slap a subdivision in anywhere.

How much swampland is your property adjacent to? Is it the Okeefenokee? I can get to 5 different grocery stores in 10 minutes, can you?

Them yankee contractors are all about profit, and notsumuch about civic planning or safety of the people they sell their product to.
1972. After voting solidly Democratic for a hundred years, the south turned against the Democratic Party, first with George Wallace in 1968, and then Republican ever since. Why do you suppose the South switched suddenly from Democratic to Republican immediately after the passage of Civil Rights? You probably have never heard of the Southern strategy. You are that fucking stupid.

I live in a gated community of million dollar homes. Wherever you live you are surrounded by cars on blocks.

The South did not suddenly switch from Democrat to Republican. The changes began in the 1950's due largely to population changes. By 1964 Goldwater won five states from the Old South. The South voted Republican primarily for president and congressional and state/local offices had not become Republican until the 1990s (a "rolling realignment"). Democrats still controlled most county offices but the officials switched parties because straight-party Republican voting was sweeping them out of office.

[h=2]Southern Whites' Shift to the GOP Predates the '60s[/h]
Oh look, a fascist democrat is lying through his fucking teeth.

How droll.

Say scumbag, the South ended all the racist bullshit right about the time the majority became Republican? Outlawed Jim Crow, ended segregation - right when you racist pig democrats lost power.

Funny how that works.

And of course, you haven't changed one tiny bit - you STILL hate people based on the color of their skin. Sure, it's whites you hate now - but you're still the same racist scum you always were.

democrats, democrats never change.

The democrats had to send federal troops in to straighten the Jesusland states on Jim crow

LBJ sends federal troops to Alabama to protect a civil rights march
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The democrats had to send federal troops in to straighten the Jesusland states on Jim crow

Yes, you're a fucking liar. What is it you call it, Taqiyya, right?

Dwight Eisenhower had to send troops against socialist new deal scumbag Orval Faubus. Faubus was a good democrat - a strong socialist - would fit in perfectly with the current crop of filth that are the democrats. Sure, he'd have to hate whites instead of blacks - but you Nazi scum have shown that to be very easy. Hate is hate. Hate is what you Nazi filth are - it's what democrats have been since the Trail of Tears.

You are a crime against humanity.

Never again, motherfucker.
Yes, you're a fucking liar. What is it you call it, Taqiyya, right?

Dwight Eisenhower had to send troops against socialist new deal scumbag Orval Faubus. Faubus was a good democrat - a strong socialist - would fit in perfectly with the current crop of filth that are the democrats. Sure, he'd have to hate whites instead of blacks - but you Nazi scum have shown that to be very easy. Hate is hate. Hate is what you Nazi filth are - it's what democrats have been since the Trail of Tears.

You are a crime against humanity.

Never again, motherfucker.

‘We may have lost the south’: what LBJ really said about Democrats in 1964

Bill Moyers was there when Lyndon Johnson made his memorable assessment of the Civil Rights Act’s effects

Johnson foresaw the consequences of his civil rights legislation on the day he signed it into law. He is said to have remarked: “We’ve lost the south for a generation.”
‘We may have lost the south’: what LBJ really said about Democrats in 1964

Bill Moyers was there when Lyndon Johnson made his memorable assessment of the Civil Rights Act’s effects

Johnson foresaw the consequences of his civil rights legislation on the day he signed it into law. He is said to have remarked: “We’ve lost the south for a generation.”

And once you filth lost it - segregation ended, Jim Crow ended, separate but equal ended.

But hey, you're bringing all those back - PLUS you have a final solution to the white people problem in mind.
And once you filth lost it - segregation ended, Jim Crow ended, separate but equal ended.

But hey, you're bringing all those back - PLUS you have a final solution to the white people problem in mind.

Poor whitey

How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
Democratic defectors, known as the “Dixiecrats,” started a switch to the Republican party in a movement that was later fueled by a so-called "Southern strategy."

The night that Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, his special assistant Bill Moyers was surprised to find the president looking melancholy in his bedroom. Moyers later wrote that when he asked what was wrong, Johnson replied, “I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come.”
In fucking Deliverance Land? Well, I guess those yankees will slap a subdivision in anywhere.

How much swampland is your property adjacent to? Is it the Okeefenokee? I can get to 5 different grocery stores in 10 minutes, can you?

Them yankee contractors are all about profit, and notsumuch about civic planning or safety of the people they sell their product to.

ROTLFMFAO!!!! I am five minutes from the largest shopping center in Jacksonville. Million dollar homes. Guy at the gate to make sure no morons like you get through. Winn Dixie, five minutes, two Publix, five minutes. Ikea two minutes. You're such a fucking hick.
So yours is a thousand year Reich then?

Where have I heard that before?

So it's everyone else's fault that your kind is shooting blanks?

White women in western societies are producing on average fewer, sometimes much fewer, than 2.1 children per woman - the number of children required for the maintenance of a population. As things stand, therefore, the white race in the West is a dying breed.
So it's everyone else's fault that your kind is shooting blanks?

White women in western societies are producing on average fewer, sometimes much fewer, than 2.1 children per woman - the number of children required for the maintenance of a population. As things stand, therefore, the white race in the West is a dying breed.

Racism. Argument from randU fallacy.
So it's everyone else's fault that your kind is shooting blanks?

My kind?

You know 90% of Jews are white, right?

Ah, but you're an Arab, so you don't grasp that.

The real issue in America is the importation of millions from the third world by your Nazis - a stealth genocide.

White women in western societies are producing on average fewer, sometimes much fewer, than 2.1 children per woman - the number of children required for the maintenance of a population. As things stand, therefore, the white race in the West is a dying breed.

All of the propaganda your side put out about "over population" had an impact.

Have you ever heard of Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, Easter Europe in general? Plenty of white children. Also, the Hispanics you are trying use to crush Der Juden, the whites, are a lot whiter than racists like you are willing to admit.

Look, you seek to end the United States under a global dictatorship and wage war against American culture as your means of doing so, but in many ways you Nazis have pushed too hard and now find strong resistance to your evil.

The resistance to your Reich is much heavier than you imagine.
And once you filth lost it - segregation ended, Jim Crow ended, separate but equal ended.

But hey, you're bringing all those back - PLUS you have a final solution to the white people problem in mind.

State mandated segregation ended because of Brown v. Board. Segregation by private businesses ended with the 1964 Civil Rights Law.
State mandated segregation ended because of Brown v. Board. Segregation by private businesses ended with the 1964 Civil Rights Law.

Changes nothing I said.

The racism of the south ended when democrat control ended - because racism was, is, and always will be a democrat attribute.

You used to hate blacks, now you hate whites - nothing has changed with you democrats - nothing.
ROTLFMFAO!!!! I am five minutes from the largest shopping center in Jacksonville. Million dollar homes. Guy at the gate to make sure no morons like you get through. Winn Dixie, five minutes, two Publix, five minutes. Ikea two minutes. You're such a fucking hick.

Oh! Jacksonville. Such a Metropolitan cultural center that is 60% or more black.

Jacksonville has been majority black since I was 15, Dumbass.

You wanna get robbed? Go to that mall, fucktard.

Yeah, IKEA has teh ossum furniture, huh? :laugh:

Seriously, I knew about Jacksonville when I was 15 from some dudes from some people that were from there, but it was in..damn! Not Venice..

Where was that? You kno..No.. it was Leesberg.

You're a moron that bought into an "upscale subdivision" in darkeyland, you fucktard. :laugh:

In b4 they steal your bicycles and cars and all that. :laugh:

However, Jackonville blacks are generally not bad. Most are probably the offspring of runaway slaves that made to FL to be free. It is what it is. :D

You're probably pretty lucky with your yankee fucktarded ass.

I strung a clothesline for my neighbor, bitch. Twice.

You couldn't do that.

I'm at the last stop before cow country and farms. :tongout:

No fucks are given around here.

I don't be calling no law, I'm gonna handle my own business. Put 'em underneath the firepit or take 'em out to the bay for the bullsharks to have a snack; Why bother with the law when somebody's trying to victimize ya?

It'll just complicate things and the motherfuckers deserved to die. I got friends with 900 lb sows, brah.

They'll eat a body in 2 minutes.


Seriously, I could just drag a body into the "not my property" area and the turkey vultures would dispose of it.

Why involve "Law Enforcement"? They ain't gonna do a damn thing for me. Or 90% of the population.

The bottom line is that you're responsible for your own self defense.

When you only have seconds, the police are just minutes away.
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Poor whitey

How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
Democratic defectors, known as the “Dixiecrats,” started a switch to the Republican party in a movement that was later fueled by a so-called "Southern strategy."

The night that Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, his special assistant Bill Moyers was surprised to find the president looking melancholy in his bedroom. Moyers later wrote that when he asked what was wrong, Johnson replied, “I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come.”

Poor you when the SHTF, dumbass. LBJ is the worst thing that ever happened to black Americans.
He was a racist shitbag, too.
Hello evince,


That is a lie

You can’t prove it so you won’t even attempt to prove it

Yeah, those old worn out debate techniques are not going to work here. As fellow Democrats we are wise to know the truth.

We have to ask why Securities and Investment Firms donated $389,250.00 to Tammy Duckworth.

And that's just a name picked out of a hat. All the dirt can be found online.

It is possible to see the funding for all the members of Congress right here on

It would be pretty naive to assume those Securities and Investment Firms don't expect some kind of favor in return for their investments. A little ROI, anyone?

A little poking around that website will show anyone that Congress is bought on both sides. That's fairly common knowledge.