90% of the time you can pretty much tell if a movie is going to suck just from the title.
I can already tell "Hannibal Rising" is a snoozer. What, is that like the fourth remake of a Hannibal Lecter movie? That's so played dude....
At least Darla's movie has an interesting title. I mean, a lot of times, that's a good sign. A good indicator of an interesting movie.
"Yeah, I understand. Do you walk out of movies? I knew someone who did that a lot."
For the most part, I just wait on most movies to hit DVD, then check them out from the library. If I like a movie, THEN I will support those who made the movie by buying the DVD.
But the shorter answer is yes, I would walk out of a movie that sucked. When the Thin Red Line came out, I thought it would be pretty cool given the cast that was in it. I walked out after 40 minutes.... pissed that I had spent 40 minutes waiting for it to get better.![]()
"Yeah, I understand. Do you walk out of movies? I knew someone who did that a lot."
For the most part, I just wait on most movies to hit DVD, then check them out from the library. If I like a movie, THEN I will support those who made the movie by buying the DVD.
But the shorter answer is yes, I would walk out of a movie that sucked. When the Thin Red Line came out, I thought it would be pretty cool given the cast that was in it. I walked out after 40 minutes.... pissed that I had spent 40 minutes waiting for it to get better.![]()
I usually only give a movie 10 minutes. Everyone calls me an art snob because I think pretty much all new movies aren't worth going to see. Same thing with music and books...
New Drug Deletes Bad Memories
By Bill Christensen
posted: 02 July 2007 09:24 am ET
Do you have a really bad memory, or past heartache, that you would prefer to forget?
Researchers at Harvard and McGill University (in Montreal) are working on an amnesia drug that blocks or deletes bad memories. The technique seems to allow psychiatrists to disrupt the biochemical pathways that allow a memory to be recalled.
This drug is now undergoing clinical trials at all republican gatherings.
"calls me an art snob because I think pretty much all new movies aren't worth going to see. Same thing with music and books..."
Don't plan on joining any Fraternities at Ole Miss. Dude, you're like a old soul, trapped in an 18 year old body. Every dude has to go through the male-bonding phase in their early adult life. Relax, have a few beers, lay off the chick flicks, and watch some action movies with gratuitous sex and violence with the dudes.
You've got plenty of time later on, to get into the "sensitive, ponytail-wearing" man phase.
LOL. I know someone like you. I don't go to the movies with him anymore. But, he's fun to hang out with as long as you avoid movie theaters.
Thank the lord. I would pay anything to forget the disastorous USC - UCLA game last December that kept USC out of the BCS Championship Game. Gallons of Jack Daniels were not able to do the trick.
New Drug Deletes Bad Memories
By Bill Christensen
posted: 02 July 2007 09:24 am ET
Do you have a really bad memory, or past heartache, that you would prefer to forget?
Researchers at Harvard and McGill University (in Montreal) are working on an amnesia drug that blocks or deletes bad memories. The technique seems to allow psychiatrists to disrupt the biochemical pathways that allow a memory to be recalled.
This drug is now undergoing clinical trials at all republican gatherings.
I liked American Beauty and didn't see it until it was on DVD. Also Fight Club..."American Beauty" didn't have a good title - but only because it made it sound like something about a beauty pageant. Once you understood what the movie was about, I guess, the name fit. But a lot of people I know didn't go watch it because they thought it was some romantic comedy or shit like that.
This would also be a godsend for those gentlemen who have awoken in the morning next to a "generously proportioned" women and vowed to never drink again.
Are you still drinking that poison? Don't they have vodka in California?
Are you still drinking that poison? Don't they have vodka in California?