New Drug Deletes Bad Memories

Actually I will never admit this because I don't cheat but I have been drinking vodka lately. Not as bad of a hangover and not as many calories as Jack & Coke. I work out 4 - 5 times a week but the Jack & Coke just kills me.
I have never cared for the tast of whiskey, or nGin, and when nI used to drink, it was always Vodka. But that is also long past, except an occasional mixed drink with a friend.
Actually I will never admit this because I don't cheat but I have been drinking vodka lately. Not as bad of a hangover and not as many calories as Jack & Coke. I work out 4 - 5 times a week but the Jack & Coke just kills me.
I have never cared for the taste of whiskey, or Gin, and when I used to drink, it was always Vodka. But that is also long past, except an occasional mixed drink with a friend.
If you view movies as art... then I agree, I think most will suck when held to that expectation. If you look at them as mindless entertainment, more will satisfy that requirement.

Yeah. I used to be like that. Then I got over it and started to appreciate mindless entertainment for, well, mindless entertainment.
That's what I figured. Tell your "friend" it could have been worse...he could have woke up and realized that "she" had an extra part. ;)
Now, now. I wouldn't say something like that the next time you deal with the S.F. Code Pink folk. They'll report you to the LGBT and then you'll be sorry. You ever been wrong side of an righteously angry T-Girl with a good head of steam going? Not a good place to be.

Still, anyone who still drinks Jack and Coke probably deserves whatever he gets. I don't hold with adulterating whiskey, especially not with kids' drinks. Jack almost counts on that score.
Now, now. I wouldn't say something like that the next time you deal with the S.F. Code Pink folk. They'll report you to the LGBT and then you'll be sorry. You ever been wrong side of an righteously angry T-Girl with a good head of steam going? Not a good place to be.

Still, anyone who still drinks Jack and Coke probably deserves whatever he gets. I don't hold with adulterating whiskey, especially not with kids' drinks. Jack almost counts on that score.

LOl. Yeah, I am definitely not pc enough for the SF girls. I met some SF codepink girls in DC. I loved them. They're very different though.

Jack and Coke makes my nose wrinkle just hearing about it.
LOl. Yeah, I am definitely not pc enough for the SF girls. I met some SF codepink girls in DC. I loved them. They're very different though.

Jack and Coke makes my nose wrinkle just hearing about it.
Me too. It's only one small step better than Rum and Coke, which is not only the Devil's Brew, it's what he uses on people with no taste at all. The original alcopop.

Now, if non-selective memory deletion is what you're after, I once ran across a drink that will do the job nicely. It was at Cal-Tech . . . and if you've never been to a party at Cal-Tech, you've probably never died and been revived with a homemade defrib.
Thank the lord. I would pay anything to forget the disastorous USC - UCLA game last December that kept USC out of the BCS Championship Game. Gallons of Jack Daniels were not able to do the trick.

Stock up on the Jack, dude. The spring they use to make jack daniels is running dry (probably due to global warming ;)). I saw it on TV. If the spring runs dry, they won't be able to make Jack. Evidently, the spring water is unique...or so they claim.
No more than 15 to 20 years, at most. Despite what the movies and bad novels would have you believe, older is not necessarily better where whiskey is concerned.
Tequila only lasts about 3 years and does not get better with age. It's only homogenized wine that does that one.
No more than 15 to 20 years, at most. Despite what the movies and bad novels would have you believe, older is not necessarily better where whiskey is concerned.

Ummmm....we're talking about Cawacko here. He's going to die of sclerosis of the liver in 20 years, from drinking.

If he stocked up on Jack now, he'd be fine.
LOL. Oh well. Maybe I'll stock up as the wells drying up and extort some alcholic on ebay.
Tequila only lasts about 3 years and does not get better with age. It's only homogenized wine that does that one.

I would think that the high alcohol content would keep hard liquor better?

I wouldn't see why anything would get better with age, though. It never really made sense to me. I've never drank any old wines, though.
Ummmm....we're talking about Cawacko here. He's going to die of sclerosis of the liver in 20 years, from drinking.

If he stocked up on Jack now, he'd be fine.

Jack Daniels tastes just about like any other whiskey. It's not really something anyone drinks for any other reason than that they've turned 21, read an ad about it in the Rolling Stone, and goes out to get way too drunk and feel like shit.

But Vodka? Vodka literally doesn't have a taste. The adulterants in it are literally tasteless, it's watered down alcohol plain and simple. You might as well go buy some Everclear and mix it with water.
I would think that the high alcohol content would keep hard liquor better?

I wouldn't see why anything would get better with age, though. It never really made sense to me. I've never drank any old wines, though.
It's a very complex chemical process that occures in the bottle . . . and only in the bottle. Aging in a cask works differently and yields different results.

In beer and wine, it has to do with the fact that not all of the yeast is dead when the beverage is decanted. So some slow fermentation continues even in the bottle. Distilled spirits are dead: there's no yeast left alive. Still, many of the more complex alcohols will degrade with time into other compounds, changing the flavor of the whole.

Most wines don't benefit much from aging, but some, particularly the most complex reds, can benefit enormously. It's less true with whiskeys but it can indeed make a difference. If you're feeling flush, go into a very, very good bar sometime and order a shot of the Laphroaig 10 year old, then follow it with a shot of the 30 year old. Your questions will be answered, my son.
Jack Daniels tastes just about like any other whiskey. It's not really something anyone drinks for any other reason than that they've turned 21, read an ad about it in the Rolling Stone, and goes out to get way too drunk and feel like shit.

But Vodka? Vodka literally doesn't have a taste. The adulterants in it are literally tasteless, it's watered down alcohol plain and simple. You might as well go buy some Everclear and mix it with water.

I like tequila, if I have to go with hard alcohol.