New Drug Deletes Bad Memories

It's a very complex chemical process that occures in the bottle . . . and only in the bottle. Aging in a cask works differently and yields different results.

In beer and wine, it has to do with the fact that not all of the yeast is dead when the beverage is decanted. So some slow fermentation continues even in the bottle. Distilled spirits are dead: there's no yeast left alive. Still, many of the more complex alcohols will degrade with time into other compounds, changing the flavor of the whole.

Most wines don't benefit much from aging, but some, particularly the most complex reds, can benefit enormously. It's less true with whiskeys but it can indeed make a difference. If you're feeling flush, go into a very, very good bar sometime and order a shot of the Laphroaig 10 year old, then follow it with a shot of the 30 year old. Your questions will be answered, my son.

Hey Ornot, in 20 years how prevelent will new, clean livers be on the open market???
Go to China, Caw, and get a steal on livers. They may be from people executed on minor charges (like parking tickets) by an indifferent beaurocracy that only wants the money from people like you who can't stop drinking, but oh well.
It depends though doesn't it? If the people Cawacko votes for between now and then actually win, yeah.

Are you saying I need to vote for alcoholics who will work to make new livers readily avialable and cheap?
Are you saying I need to vote for alcoholics who will work to make new livers readily avialable and cheap?

No. For people who will fully fund stem cell research and vote for universal health care.

You might live by the sword and thus die by it. Or, you might get run over by a car next week, and I might get run over by one tonight and neither one of us will need health care. Who is to say? :)
Go to China, Caw, and get a steal on livers. They may be from people executed on minor charges (like parking tickets) by an indifferent beaurocracy that only wants the money from people like you who can't stop drinking, but oh well.

I can stop drinking, I just choose not to. Hey, I rarely drink during the week and I'm up at 5:15am every morning working out and exercising. On the weekends I happen to drink to excess. Weekend warrior.
No. For people who will fully fund stem cell research and vote for universal health care.

You might live by the sword and thus die by it. Or, you might get run over by a car next week, and I might get run over by one tonight and neither one of us will need health care. Who is to say? :)

Universal health care won't get me a new liver. Stem cell research can get me a new liver? Hmmm....
Universal health care won't get me a new liver. Stem cell research can get me a new liver? Hmmm....

Yeah, it would get you one Cawacko. What kind of Universal health care do you think the richest, greatest country in the world is going to have? The kind where if you have a bad liver, they give you iron pills and some codeine?

If we keep getting what we have now, and your regressive guys all win, then I'd start thinking preemptive medicine and I'd quit drinking. Also, you'll want to start keeping it in your pants. You never know what you might catch.
Yeah, it would get you one Cawacko. What kind of Universal health care do you think the richest, greatest country in the world is going to have? The kind where if you have a bad liver, they give you iron pills and some codeine?

If we keep getting what we have now, and your regressive guys all win, then I'd start thinking preemptive medicine and I'd quit drinking. Also, you'll want to start keeping it in your pants. You never know what you might catch.

Quit drinking??? Are you high?????? :)

Don't worry, I have no game anyway.
There's nothing quite like a good single-malt scotch. Nothing. You can keep your elegant brandies and your raspy firewater.

Absolutely! Was it you who mentioned the Laphroaig? A bit smokey but smoooth! I wouldn't adulterate it with even water or ice. This is definitely a special occasion drink!