New poll: 21% of atheists believe in God

Anyone that said they were atheists and that they believe in a god have no idea what the term atheist means

I was hoping someone would point out this obvious little detail.

By definition, someone who believes in God is not an atheist.
I was hoping someone would point out this obvious little detail.

By definition, someone who believes in God is not an atheist.

This is true, however... does it prevent them from SAYING they are Atheist?

Is it possible for a so-called Atheist to lie??? Are they ALL 100% honest about what they believe? Can we assume if they identify with the label of Atheist, they can't possibly have any belief in a God?

As I said... and will say again... Atheists are sometimes the biggest believers in God of all! They CLAIM they don't believe in God, but that is a LIE! Do you not comprehend what I am saying here? Do you really think ALL Atheists are honest? Granted, a good many of them DON'T believe in God, and are really Atheists... about 79% of them, apparently!
watermark and i smashed and skewered you idiots and all your ridiculous arguments. hell you guys didn't even know about agnostic atheism, or countless other terms.

not true

it is really embarrassing that you would defend WM's blatent ignorance regarding the holy spirit and the son of god in the OT....
This is true, however... does it prevent them from SAYING they are Atheist?

Is it possible for a so-called Atheist to lie??? Are they ALL 100% honest about what they believe? Can we assume if they identify with the label of Atheist, they can't possibly have any belief in a God?

As I said... and will say again... Atheists are sometimes the biggest believers in God of all! They CLAIM they don't believe in God, but that is a LIE! Do you not comprehend what I am saying here? Do you really think ALL Atheists are honest? Granted, a good many of them DON'T believe in God, and are really Atheists... about 79% of them, apparently!

no dixie, you are retarded. As usual. And even if there was no mistake in this poll, there is still no evidence that they are "the biggest believers in god of all" Once again, you are a knuckle dragging inferior. You are a very stupid person, and can't comprehend such obvious details.
not true

it is really embarrassing that you would defend WM's blatent ignorance regarding the holy spirit and the son of god in the OT....

you got smashed and I will gladly address all your idiotic assertions piece by piece again and have you continue to ignore them if you wish
lol so DELUSIONAL! the person that believes in a invisible all knowing man believes his fairy tale is more likely than that of someone that waits to see evidence.


ah, but no one can submit evidence that God does not exist....I can point to evidence that WM is not rational on a daily basis.....
no dixie, you are retarded. As usual. And even if there was no mistake in this poll, there is still no evidence that they are "the biggest believers in god of all" Once again, you are a knuckle dragging inferior. You are a very stupid person, and can't comprehend such obvious details.

No Grind, you are retarded, not me. I never said there was evidence they were "the biggest believers in god of all", that is MY opinion based on MY personal experience. The poll does seem to support what I said, and if you are too retarded to comprehend that, I understand. Now, go play with your retard toys!
sorry pmp but that's not how logic works. Burden of proof is not on us, no matter how much you would like to believe otherwise
you got smashed and I will gladly address all your idiotic assertions piece by piece again and have you continue to ignore them if you wish


he admitted he hasn't read the OT and had no idea the OT even contained the words son of god and holy spirit...

you, like him, have no clue what you're talking about, but you don't care, as long as you get to ignorantly defend your BFF
No Grind, you are retarded, not me. I never said there was evidence

you did not SAY it, but that's what you implied. Furthermore, because you are a knuckle dragging inferior, I will point out that in the quote that you have cited, I never asserted you said there was evidence.


he admitted he hasn't read the OT and had no idea the OT even contained the words son of god and holy spirit...

you, like him, have no clue what you're talking about, but you don't care, as long as you get to ignorantly defend your BFF


once again showing your claim i got smashed in some debate and my most recent debate was the OT and your BFF hadn't smashed me in any debate

only insecure morons have to run around claiming over and over how they and their BFF smashed others in some obviously lost the debate and this embarrassing cheerleading of you and your BFF is cracking me up...

carry on :)
I did not refer to any debate concerning the OT and therefore you are a moron for assuming so. Retard.
you did not SAY it, but that's what you implied. Furthermore, because you are a knuckle dragging inferior, I will point out that in the quote that you have cited, I never asserted you said there was evidence.


No, you're the idiot, and a lying one at that. I didn't "imply" any goddamn thing! I made a statement, and I stand behind it. The poll proves my statement has validity, but I already knew my statement had validity.

You just want to take any opportunity to act like a fucktard, as if we don't recognize fucktard behavior here! Believe me, we get it!
Dixie is a huge moron, but funny as shit.
Now he can read athiest minds.

southern racist rants
sorry pmp but that's not how logic works. Burden of proof is not on us, no matter how much you would like to believe otherwise

Grind...I expect some day you will graduate and enter the real world....wait, let me amend that since I have no confidence in your graduation....someday you will be out in the real world.....and you will have to come up with arguments of your own making instead of something you pasted from somewhere....then you will learn that "I don't have to do that" doesn't carry a lot of weight......

as I say, I can provide evidence that WM is irrational.....that makes my claims stronger than his......