New poll: 21% of atheists believe in God

I think the chances of that being true would be about the same as a significant portion of those who claim to be christian not actually believing in God.

Agreed, and that sort of solidifies my point. If Christians lie about believing in God, Atheists can certainly lie about not believing in God!
Evidence and conclusions are mutually exclusive in Dixieland. Conclusion first, evidence, unnecessary.

Is it any wonder why he's wrong all the time.
as has been explained to all outside observers with the intelligence of a monkey, agnostic atheist is a highly technical term, that is used for simpleton morons that get smug when atheists admit they cannot be 100% sure god doesn't exist. Yet said smug simpletons don't realize that we can't be sure any non-falsifiable claim does not exist. We can't be 100% sure teacups don't orbit the moon. It's such a ridiculous notion however, that you aren't going to call yourself an orbiting teacup agnostic.

It's not a leap of faith. The statistics are so far in your favor concerning the non-existence of orbiting invisible teacups to the extent of 99.99999 (to a billion places) that for all intents and purposes, it's essentially 100%.

In everyday usage I am a full blown atheist.

agnostic atheists are agnostic to the extent that one is agnostic about fairy's being at the bottom of the garden.

A "highly technical" term...

To explain how you are agnostic but really atheist, kinda like an atheistic Christian...


Thanks for the laughs, Grind.
these are real dictionary defined terms. I am sorry you are so ignorant to not be aware of them. I am an atheist. When I have to deal with inferior simpleton knuckledraggers, I am an agnostic atheist.
these are real dictionary defined terms. I am sorry you are so ignorant to not be aware of them. I am an atheist. When I have to deal with inferior simpleton knuckledraggers, I am an agnostic atheist.
So is "ain't" and many other terms of the ignorant and desperate... This one in particular was coined by people who wanted desperately to fit in with the cool "atheist" people but didn't want to go whole hog into that faith arena.

BTW - Something being in the dictionary doesn't change that it is a term coined to attempt to fit agnostics into something other than agnostic...

You are an atheistic agnostic.

So is "ain't" and many other terms of the ignorant and desperate... This one in particular was coined by people who wanted desperately to fit in with the cool "atheist" people but didn't want to go whole hog into that faith arena.

BTW - Something being in the dictionary doesn't change that it is a term coined to attempt to fit agnostics into something other than agnostic...

You are an atheistic agnostic.


faith to the extent that I have faith santa claus is not real. It is in no way comparable to the idiocy of the truly religious.

And yet, that is what you try to insinuate. It's not the same league, it's not even the same sport.
faith to the extent that I have faith santa claus is not real. It is in no way comparable to the idiocy of the truly religious.

And yet, that is what you try to insinuate. It's not the same league, it's not even the same sport.
I've never insinuated any of that. I spoke of probabilities. The leap to faith is infinite regardless of probabilities.

It doesn't matter where you are on the line of probability once you take that leap to certainty you are no longer on that line and it becomes an assertion backed by faith.

Using that logic I was able to show you both that you were not atheist. At that time Watermark looked up and found that phrase you seem to hang all of your assertion on now. That of "agnostic atheism"... which was made up by people who don't want to take that leap but want to fit in with the group they so want to associate with...

You are agnostic, it is from that starting point you should add your adjectives, one shouldn't attempt to associate to what they are not by adding adjectives to some other noun. You are an atheistic agnostic. That's like saying you are a "male lesbian" because they both like women...
being 99.99^100000000 is statistically equivalent to 100%. The chances are so minutely small that they don't deserve being considered. And that is why I am an atheist. I do not believe in god. I don't not believe in fairy tales and invisible men in the sky that know every detail of an entire universe. I don't believe in unicorns or invisible moon orbiting teacups. I don't believe in santa claus, or the easter bunny.

My conclusions are based on rationality. The conclusions of the religious are based on irrationality.
being 99.99^100000000 is statistically equivalent to 100%. The chances are so minutely small that they don't deserve being considered. And that is why I am an atheist. I do not believe in god. I don't not believe in fairy tales and invisible men in the sky that know every detail of an entire universe. I don't believe in unicorns or invisible moon orbiting teacups. I don't believe in santa claus, or the easter bunny.

My conclusions are based on rationality. The conclusions of the religious are based on irrationality.
LOL. Even you say you are agnostic, but try to ram that square peg into the round hole.

Seriously. This is entertaining.

<pokes the bruise again>

Your turn.
My conclusion is also based on rationality which is why I believe that God exists, has created the universe, and acts within it.
BTW - Grind. Most of the religious base their views on personal experience. While it may not be scientific it isn't irrational either.
yes it is irrational damocles, because what they consider "personal experience" is usuall trivial things like "I had a dream" or they saw the virgin mary on a cheese sandwich
LOL. Even you say you are agnostic, but try to ram that square peg into the round hole.

Seriously. This is entertaining.

<pokes the bruise again>

Your turn.

I am not an agnostic. I am an agnostic atheist, a term only used to describe myself to inferior knuckle draggers. For all intents and purposes, for all practical applications and practical meanings of words, for how I live my life and how I move about through the day, I am an atheist.