New poll: 21% of atheists believe in God

This is true, however... does it prevent them from SAYING they are Atheist?

Is it possible for a so-called Atheist to lie??? Are they ALL 100% honest about what they believe? Can we assume if they identify with the label of Atheist, they can't possibly have any belief in a God?

As I said... and will say again... Atheists are sometimes the biggest believers in God of all! They CLAIM they don't believe in God, but that is a LIE! Do you not comprehend what I am saying here? Do you really think ALL Atheists are honest? Granted, a good many of them DON'T believe in God, and are really Atheists... about 79% of them, apparently!

You claim you bleieve in God, but that is a LIE! It's impossible to believe in GOd! Do you not comprehend what I'm saying here?
You claim you bleieve in God, but that is a LIE! It's impossible to believe in GOd! Do you not comprehend what I'm saying here?

I don't claim to believe in God. I state unequivocally, I KNOW there is a God! I'm not lying, I have no reason to lie. I'm just telling you what I KNOW for a fact, you can take it however you wish.

The fact is, a great many "Atheists" are not atheistic in their beliefs at all, they fully believe in a God, they know God as well as I do, they are just angry at God and forsaking Him is a convenient way to express that anger. Kind of like how pinheads here don't want to admit I school their asses routinely in debate, instead they lob petty insults at me all the time. It's not that they don't know I am smarter and wiser, and can trounce their ass in almost any subject, it's that it angers them to the point of hurling insults. Same with the so-called "Atheist!"
if you know there is a god, why do you deny being a christian even though you said you were a christian on more than 20 occasions? Did you know god when you claimed to be a christian or have you recently come to know god for real this time and thus you are not a christian?
if you know there is a god, why do you deny being a christian even though you said you were a christian on more than 20 occasions? Did you know god when you claimed to be a christian or have you recently come to know god for real this time and thus you are not a christian?

Christianity is only one of MANY forms of religion, in fact, it is only one of SEVERAL forms of religion which recognizes the God of Abraham. I don't profess to have knowledge of the God of Abraham, although He might be the same God. I have repeatedly said I am a spiritualist, I am aware of a spiritual force within our universe, which I aptly call "GOD." I don't have to have "faith" in this force, because I have witnessed its power firsthand. I don't call myself a "Christian" because I don't subscribe to the dogma of the Christian church, but I have a great deal of respect for those who do follow Christianity, and I think the teachings of Jesus Christ are beneficial to man if followed in course, as he laid it out.
Dixie once specifically said that the concept of God was ridiculous. Now he's apparently into some kind of vague woo about some vague unkowable god he ridiculously says he "knows" exists. Don't expect consistency from him.
I don't claim to believe in God. I state unequivocally, I KNOW there is a God! I'm not lying, I have no reason to lie. I'm just telling you what I KNOW for a fact, you can take it however you wish.

How do you know god exists? Can you show me the evidence?

The fact is, a great many "Atheists" are not atheistic in their beliefs at all, they fully believe in a God, they know God as well as I do, they are just angry at God and forsaking Him is a convenient way to express that anger. Kind of like how pinheads here don't want to admit I school their asses routinely in debate, instead they lob petty insults at me all the time. It's not that they don't know I am smarter and wiser, and can trounce their ass in almost any subject, it's that it angers them to the point of hurling insults. Same with the so-called "Atheist!"

I can't think of any atheist outside of a hollywood movie who's an atheist because they're "angry" at god. No one stops believing in something because they're mad at it.
Christianity is only one of MANY forms of religion, in fact, it is only one of SEVERAL forms of religion which recognizes the God of Abraham. I don't profess to have knowledge of the God of Abraham, although He might be the same God. I have repeatedly said I am a spiritualist, I am aware of a spiritual force within our universe, which I aptly call "GOD." I don't have to have "faith" in this force, because I have witnessed its power firsthand. I don't call myself a "Christian" because I don't subscribe to the dogma of the Christian church, but I have a great deal of respect for those who do follow Christianity, and I think the teachings of Jesus Christ are beneficial to man if followed in course, as he laid it out.

so I am asking you non-facetiously, why did you claim to be a christian numerous times (as recent as a year or two ago) and argued with maineman over who was the better christian, and how you had a specific christian duty? When did this change and why?

I can provide direct links to all your comments and I am not taking any of this out of context. I literally have 20 quotes of you talking about your christian duty, etc
Dixie once specifically said that the concept of God was ridiculous. Now he's apparently into some kind of vague woo about some vague unkowable god he ridiculously says he "knows" exists. Don't expect consistency from him.

I never said the concept of God was ridiculous. The concept YOU have of God, is indeed ridiculous, and it explains completely why you don't believe in God! If my concept of God were like yours, I don't think I would believe either! Fortunately for me, I have experienced the miracles of God's work, I have seen it firsthand, and I don't need "faith" to believe it.
Clearly 21% of "atheists" are retarded. Like those "atheists" who are really agnostics and call themselves "agnostic atheist"...
dixie is now the rational one because he has evidence of god. He doesn't need faith, because he KNOWS. This evidence of course, is 100% subjective and not empirical.

Furthermore, atheists actually lead more faith based lives than the people that believe in an invisible man in the sky that knows everything about you and made you out of clay.
so I am asking you non-facetiously, why did you claim to be a christian numerous times (as recent as a year or two ago) and argued with maineman over who was the better christian, and how you had a specific christian duty? When did this change and why?

I can provide direct links to all your comments and I am not taking any of this out of context. I literally have 20 quotes of you talking about your christian duty, etc

I'm sure you can provide direct links, I know fully well what I said. I lied about being a Christian to Maineman. I did this so that I could debate Christianity with him, because he wanted to debate Christianity from a flawed perspective and didn't want to entertain any counter-arguments from people who weren't Christians. In order to engage him in his silly ridiculous debate, I lied about my "Christian" faith, and schooled his ass on the subject. Not a tactic I use often, in fact, it's the only time I've ever done that, but it was the principle in play at the time. Mainey likes to set up an argument he can't lose, because he disqualifies everyone's opinion except his own, on virtually ANY subject.

But now, you are free to believe that I am lying now, and that I really AM a Christian, if that's what you want to believe. The only problem is this... If I am truly a Christian, and I am sitting here denouncing Christianity, I have committed an unforgivable sin and will burn for eternity in hell. So... Either I am a Christian destined to burn for eternity in hell, or I am, as I say, not a Christian, but a Spiritualist.
Clearly 21% of "atheists" are retarded. Like those "atheists" who are really agnostics and call themselves "agnostic atheist"...

as has been explained to all outside observers with the intelligence of a monkey, agnostic atheist is a highly technical term, that is used for simpleton morons that get smug when atheists admit they cannot be 100% sure god doesn't exist. Yet said smug simpletons don't realize that we can't be sure any non-falsifiable claim does not exist. We can't be 100% sure teacups don't orbit the moon. It's such a ridiculous notion however, that you aren't going to call yourself an orbiting teacup agnostic.

It's not a leap of faith. The statistics are so far in your favor concerning the non-existence of orbiting invisible teacups to the extent of 99.99999 (to a billion places) that for all intents and purposes, it's essentially 100%.

In everyday usage I am a full blown atheist.

agnostic atheists are agnostic to the extent that one is agnostic about fairy's being at the bottom of the garden.
dixie is now the rational one because he has evidence of god. He doesn't need faith, because he KNOWS. This evidence of course, is 100% subjective and not empirical.

Furthermore, atheists actually lead more faith based lives than the people that believe in an invisible man in the sky that knows everything about you and made you out of clay.

I've always been the rational one here... I don't need evidence to prove something I already know. It's not the least bit 'subjective' from my perspective, and it is 100% empirical.

I agree, most Atheists are indeed "faith" based!
I'm sure you can provide direct links, I know fully well what I said. I lied about being a Christian to Maineman. I did this so that I could debate Christianity with him, because he wanted to debate Christianity from a flawed perspective and didn't want to entertain any counter-arguments from people who weren't Christians. In order to engage him in his silly ridiculous debate, I lied about my "Christian" faith, and schooled his ass on the subject. Not a tactic I use often, in fact, it's the only time I've ever done that, but it was the principle in play at the time. Mainey likes to set up an argument he can't lose, because he disqualifies everyone's opinion except his own, on virtually ANY subject.

But now, you are free to believe that I am lying now, and that I really AM a Christian, if that's what you want to believe. The only problem is this... If I am truly a Christian, and I am sitting here denouncing Christianity, I have committed an unforgivable sin and will burn for eternity in hell. So... Either I am a Christian destined to burn for eternity in hell, or I am, as I say, not a Christian, but a Spiritualist.

some of these quotes were from separate threads and arguments against different people. Care to explain those?
This is true, however... does it prevent them from SAYING they are Atheist?

Is it possible for a so-called Atheist to lie??? Are they ALL 100% honest about what they believe? Can we assume if they identify with the label of Atheist, they can't possibly have any belief in a God?

As I said... and will say again... Atheists are sometimes the biggest believers in God of all! They CLAIM they don't believe in God, but that is a LIE! Do you not comprehend what I am saying here? Do you really think ALL Atheists are honest? Granted, a good many of them DON'T believe in God, and are really Atheists... about 79% of them, apparently!

I think the chances of that being true would be about the same as a significant portion of those who claim to be christian not actually believing in God. There is ample reason to claim to be a christian, since so much of our social history and social interaction is based on christianity. There is pressure to be christian.

If someone says they are an atheist and that they believe in God, there are 3 possible explanations:

#1 - They answered the poll that they are atheists, and were then asked if they believed in God. Since the second question borders on moronic, they gave a sarcastic answer.

#2 - They are lying about being an atheist, and believe in God.

#3 - They are lying about beleiving in God, and they are atheists.

Is there a link to the questions asked? That often provides answers to questions about the results.