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If you can post something that specific and claims it's me, you have no reason to ask for me to post an address. You already know based on your claims. That leaves one and ONLY one option. You're a pussy to afraid to show his cowardly ass at a location he's indicated he knows. You asking me to post something you claim to know proves that. It boils down to you're a fucking coward that does nothing than run his Obama dick sucker then hides when expected to be anything more than the nigger existence he lives.

The point you're missing here, is that you're so stupid, you think I give enough of a shit about you to waste my time and money travelling to the backwoods hillbilly shit hole you live in, just to give you the opportunity to prove what we both already know, which is that you are a loud mouth, shit-spewing, pussy coward who talks a lot but nothing more.
By your own admission, "If you don't post your name and address, you're a fucking pussy." Creating some lame excuse that someone daring you is of no consequence to a tough guy like you. You don't want to be a "fucking pussy", do you?

He's the one who wants me to come to visit him, not the other way around, fucking redneck moron.

Why would I post my name and address when I don't want his foul, stinking peckerwood ass showing up on my front door, begging for a handout?

I guess that's too complicated for you to figure out, eh?
CFM is destroying Nomad in this thread. Shredding him in fact.

Funny what a stupid hick considers a victory.

You dumbass rednecks always claim victory where none exists.

It's the only way you can face yourselves, I guess.
He's the one who wants me to come to visit him, not the other way around, fucking redneck moron.

Why would I post my name and address when I don't want his foul, stinking peckerwood ass showing up on my front door, begging for a handout?

I guess that's too complicated for you to figure out, eh?

Again, creating some lame excuse that someone daring you should be of no consequence to a tough guy like you.

I don't think "asking for a handout" is what he'd be doing. I think he'd grab you by the throat with one hand and pound you into the pavement with the other. That is, assuming your street is paved.
Again, creating some lame excuse that someone daring you should be of no consequence to a tough guy like you.

I don't think "asking for a handout" is what he'd be doing. I think he'd grab you by the throat with one hand and pound you into the pavement with the other. That is, assuming your street is paved.

Once again, dumbass redneck, try to get this through your thick, dumbass redneck skull.... HE is the one who challenged and threatened ME. Not the other way around. If anyone is acting like a fake-ass tough guy, it's your fellow peckerwood homo buddy, not me.

And besides, if he's such a badass tough guy, why does he need you jumping in and ganging up on me?

Why does it take two of you pansy asses to take me on?

And you're still not doing much.

I'm still swatting you both like a couple of pesky little bugs.
By your own admission, "If you don't post your name and address, you're a fucking pussy." Creating some lame excuse that someone daring you is of no consequence to a tough guy like you. You don't want to be a "fucking pussy", do you?

It's not like he ever had a choice.

Once again, dumbass redneck, try to get this through your thick, dumbass redneck skull.... HE is the one who challenged and threatened ME. Not the other way around. If anyone is acting like a fake-ass tough guy, it's your fellow peckerwood homo buddy, not me.

And besides, if he's such a badass tough guy, why does he need you jumping in and ganging up on me?

Why does it take two of you pansy asses to take me on?

And you're still not doing much.

I'm still swatting you both like a couple of pesky little bugs.

Poor widdle go-mad, now playing the victim, lol.

"If you don't post your name and address, you're a fucking pussy."
By your own admission, "If you don't post your name and address, you're a fucking pussy." Creating some lame excuse that someone daring you is of no consequence to a tough guy like you. You don't want to be a "fucking pussy", do you?

Yes, he does want to be one. He's repeatedly asked for an address despite having posted pictures of the street he claims I live on and of someone he claims is me. To do that, wouldn't he have to know? The only reason for him to ask is either he's a liar or a pussy. When he was offered those two and only two options, he repeated his claim about me. The only thing left is fucking pussy.
Once again, dumbass redneck, try to get this through your thick, dumbass redneck skull.... HE is the one who challenged and threatened ME. Not the other way around. If anyone is acting like a fake-ass tough guy, it's your fellow peckerwood homo buddy, not me.

And besides, if he's such a badass tough guy, why does he need you jumping in and ganging up on me?

Why does it take two of you pansy asses to take me on?

And you're still not doing much.

I'm still swatting you both like a couple of pesky little bugs.

YOU'RE the one that posted a picture you claimed was me and a street YOU claim I live on. You don't need me to provide something YOU'VE claimed to already know. Since you admit you made those claims, it only leave pussy as the option of what you are.

I don't need to swat you. Your cowardice means you're swatting yourself.
The point you're missing here, is that you're so stupid, you think I give enough of a shit about you to waste my time and money travelling to the backwoods hillbilly shit hole you live in, just to give you the opportunity to prove what we both already know, which is that you are a loud mouth, shit-spewing, pussy coward who talks a lot but nothing more.

Yet you post pictures and street signs claiming it's who I am and where I live but don't have the guts to show your face. It's not about time and money. It's about you realizing you're not a man but a coward. Funny how you talk about me yet you won't come to a place you have indicated you know. Why is that, BOY? It's OK if you're scared. You were born that way and there's nothing you can do to change it.
Yes, he does want to be one. He's repeatedly asked for an address despite having posted pictures of the street he claims I live on and of someone he claims is me. To do that, wouldn't he have to know? The only reason for him to ask is either he's a liar or a pussy. When he was offered those two and only two options, he repeated his claim about me. The only thing left is fucking pussy.

I can't argue with youyr logic.

Let the record state that Nomad, aks Go-Mad, is a "fucking pussy", by his own admission.
I can't argue with youyr logic.

Let the record state that Nomad, aks Go-Mad, is a "fucking pussy", by his own admission.

Let the record show he's a coward. He was offered two options, and by his own words, eliminated liar leaving only pussy as the remaining option.
Let the record show he's a coward. He was offered two options, and by his own words, eliminated liar leaving only pussy as the remaining option.

It's always the one's with the biggest mouth who are the biggest pussies.

In the town where I grew up there was a section which was loosely referred to as "little Armenia" because of the concentration of Armenian immigrants that lived there. My mother grew up with one of them in another town before they moved to this section. The woman had two sons about my age so she frequently took me with her to visit. Both good kids, but the others in the 'hood were clearly racist towards "whitey" me. Several of these kids apparently kept a years-long hatred of me, and in junior high they ended up on the same bus route.

After weeks of taunting I finally had enough and found the opportunity to confront one who had the sorry experience of misplacing his fellow gang members. He was a few inches shorter but outweighed me by about 30 pounds, and had a mouth that ran on forever like Go-mad's. It was before school, in front of the building, after the busses arrived and they kept the doors locked while students milled around outside. I found fatso by himself and confronted him, asked him to repeat his last insult. He did, threw a punch, I averted it, then we squared off. Fatso lunged at me to try to knock me over and I again averted him and he fell face first on the ground. He picked himself up, fuming now as the crowd encircled us. I came at him and landed a solid right square on his nose and he fell flat on his back. I remember seeing his eyes go cross-eyed as he slowly tipped over. The crowd alerted that teachers were running towards the fight so I ducked out and never got caught. His gang never taunted me after that.