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YOU'RE the one that posted a picture you claimed was me and a street YOU claim I live on. You don't need me to provide something YOU'VE claimed to already know. Since you admit you made those claims, it only leave pussy as the option of what you are.

I don't need to swat you. Your cowardice means you're swatting yourself.

Yet you post pictures and street signs claiming it's who I am and where I live but don't have the guts to show your face. It's not about time and money. It's about you realizing you're not a man but a coward. Funny how you talk about me yet you won't come to a place you have indicated you know. Why is that, BOY? It's OK if you're scared. You were born that way and there's nothing you can do to change it.

You poor, stupid, clueless peckerwood.

The idea that I'd waste my time and money travelling to your filthy trailer park just to laugh at you, is beyond stupid.

Besides, there's no telling what kind of parasites and diseases I'd come away with.
This coming from a lifelong beneficiary of the Russian health care system.

When was the last time you saw a doctor over there, Ivan?

Or a sober one, anyway.

Everyone knows you Ruskies have the shittiest health care in the world.

Fuck you, Ivan.

Is this your new schtick?
What you do to your mom is too perverted and disgusting to even talk about.

But I guess in Moscow, sex with your own mother is the best a poor troll like you can do, eh Ruskie boy?

No, what I do to your mom is too perverted and disgusting to even talk about.

It's a yiddish word meaning a gimmick, comic routine, style of performance, etc., associated with a particular person. It doesn't have anything to do with your homerotic desires.

Wow!!! You are just soooooooooooooooooo smart..... :clap2:

Who other than you would've ever heard or known the meaning of the word "shtick"??? :palm:

If you're such an expert on Yiddish words, why didn't you correct your little Trumptard buddy's misspelling of it?

You poor, stupid, clueless peckerwood.

The idea that I'd waste my time and money travelling to your filthy trailer park just to laugh at you, is beyond stupid.

Besides, there's no telling what kind of parasites and diseases I'd come away with.

Money and time have nothing to do with why you won't show to a location you've indicated you know yet still ask where it is? We both know why you won't. The difference is I've stated why and you've made excuses. If you're a coward, just say so and make it easy on yourself.
Wow!!! You are just soooooooooooooooooo smart..... :clap2:

Who other than you would've ever heard or known the meaning of the word "shtick"??? :palm:

If you're such an expert on Yiddish words, why didn't you correct your little Trumptard buddy's misspelling of it?


Growing up with several Jewish friends in metro Boston and marrying a girl from NY City area, you bet I know lots of Yiddish words.

You think I have spell-check on the POTUS?

Money and time have nothing to do with why you won't show to a location you've indicated you know yet still ask where it is? We both know why you won't. The difference is I've stated why and you've made excuses. If you're a coward, just say so and make it easy on yourself.

Wooooooooo!!!!!! Everybody look at the big, bad redneck idiot internet macho man!!!! :eek: :blah:

So let's get this straight..... in your fucked up little peckerwood excuse for a mind, just because I, a stranger to you who lives in another state, won't put all my other responsibilities in life on hold, go out and purchase a plane ticket OR... pay hundreds of dollars to have my car serviced, then spend untold hours and hundreds of more dollars in gas driving across multiple states.... just to prove something in a stupid, childish, moronic internet forum pissing match, that makes the reason I won't accept your idiotic challenge, that I'm supposedly "scared of you"????

:palm: Sure thing, Jethro. If that makes you feel like you're as big of a man as I am, then you just run with that, little fella.

Thanks not only for proving to everybody that you're every bit the dumbass redneck hillbilly retard I've portrayed you as, but also for letting me know how directly and on-target I struck a nerve with you!!!

That's great to know!!!! :good4u:

I can see that I really hit a sore spot with that picture of you sitting on the front porch toilet of your trailer down off of Peckerwood Lane!!! :awesome:

Now that I know how insane with rage it makes you, :wall: (<-- you) I'll be sure to post it on a regular basis!!!! :rofl2:

Peckerwood idiot goofball!!!!
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Growing up with several Jewish friends in metro Boston and marrying a girl from NY City area, you bet I know lots of Yiddish words.

You think I have spell-check on the POTUS?

You sound like a real schlemiel.

And a meshuggenah, too.
Another "sour grapes" thread.....magine dat. I predict it will populated over 90% by demonrat:) Jackasses.
Wooooooooo!!!!!! Everybody look at the big, bad redneck idiot internet macho man!!!! :eek: :blah:

So let's get this straight..... in your fucked up little peckerwood excuse for a mind, just because I, a stranger to you who lives in another state, won't put all my other responsibilities in life on hold, go out and purchase a plane ticket OR... pay hundreds of dollars to have my car serviced, then spend untold hours and hundreds of more dollars in gas driving across multiple states.... just to prove something in a stupid, childish, moronic internet forum pissing match, that makes the reason I won't accept your idiotic challenge, that I'm supposedly "scared of you"????

:palm: Sure thing, Jethro. If that makes you feel like you're as big of a man as I am, then you just run with that, little fella.

Thanks not only for proving to everybody that you're every bit the dumbass redneck hillbilly retard I've portrayed you as, but also for letting me know how directly and on-target I struck a nerve with you!!!

That's great to know!!!! :good4u:

I can see that I really hit a sore spot with that picture of you sitting on the front porch toilet of your trailer down off of Peckerwood Lane!!! :awesome:

Now that I know how insane with rage it makes you, :wall: (<-- you) I'll be sure to post it on a regular basis!!!! :rofl2:

Peckerwood idiot goofball!!!!

Thanks for proving you're not only a coward for not showing to a location where you have claimed you know but a liar by claiming the reasons has anything to do but with being scared.

Nigger is all that has to be said about you to sum it up.
Thanks for proving you're not only a coward for not showing to a location where you have claimed you know but a liar by claiming the reasons has anything to do but with being scared.

Nigger is all that has to be said about you to sum it up.

That's it, peckerwood.

Double down on the stupid.

Remove any shred of doubt that may have still existed that....


You make this guy look like a brain surgeon.
That's it, peckerwood.

Double down on the stupid.

Remove any shred of doubt that may have still existed that....


You make this guy look like a brain surgeon.

It still boils down to you asking for a location you've claimed you know then cowardly refusing to show up. To top it off, you make excuses why you won't trying to hide the true reason why you refuse.

You are the daughter your mother always wanted.
It still boils down to you asking for a location you've claimed you know then cowardly refusing to show up. To top it off, you make excuses why you won't trying to hide the true reason why you refuse.

Learn how to communicate in English, dumb hillbilly fuck.

You are a prime example of what happens to those who drop out of Jr High School.

You are the daughter your mother always wanted.

And I'm still more of a man than you are, peckerwood pussy.

A bigger one and a better one.
Learn how to communicate in English, dumb hillbilly fuck.

You are a prime example of what happens to those who drop out of Jr High School.

And I'm still more of a man than you are, peckerwood pussy.

A bigger one and a better one.

A real man would show to a location he claims to know rather than making excuses that both of us know aren't the real reason.