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Wooooooooo!!!!!! Everybody look at the big, bad redneck idiot internet macho man!!!! :eek: :blah:

So let's get this straight..... in your fucked up little peckerwood excuse for a mind, just because I, a stranger to you who lives in another state, won't put all my other responsibilities in life on hold, go out and purchase a plane ticket OR... pay hundreds of dollars to have my car serviced, then spend untold hours and hundreds of more dollars in gas driving across multiple states.... just to prove something in a stupid, childish, moronic internet forum pissing match, that makes the reason I won't accept your idiotic challenge, that I'm supposedly "scared of you"????

:palm: Sure thing, Jethro. If that makes you feel like you're as big of a man as I am, then you just run with that, little fella.

Thanks not only for proving to everybody that you're every bit the dumbass redneck hillbilly retard I've portrayed you as, but also for letting me know how directly and on-target I struck a nerve with you!!!

That's great to know!!!! :good4u:

I can see that I really hit a sore spot with that picture of you sitting on the front porch toilet of your trailer down off of Peckerwood Lane!!! :awesome:

Now that I know how insane with rage it makes you, :wall: (<-- you) I'll be sure to post it on a regular basis!!!! :rofl2:

Peckerwood idiot goofball!!!!

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALMN you're triggered early today.
