Now it's getting pitiful, can you say "Temper Tantrum", now it's the Ocean?

Typical con hyperbole. Now a bay is "the ocean."

Geography. Learn it.


curious... but what exactly are they shutting down? Why?

Do you really not see the stupidity of this?
So you've given up on your "markets are doing fine" schtick now that the markets AREN'T doing fine?

Real safety issue having people in federal waters when the coast guard isn't able to rescue them. You know they WILL sue if they get into trouble.

It's pretty fucking obvious. Pass a clean CR bill. How hard is that?

Is the coast guard shut down?
curious... but what exactly are they shutting down? Why?

Do you really not see the stupidity of this?

No they really don't. When the Feds coned off part of the highway in SD because you can see Mount Rushmore from those spots and take pictures, they really thought it was because the Federal Government needs to shut down state run roads because the Federal Government can't have you even seeing a national monument at this time and they fell for the "it was to direct people to the pull off points for safety" excuse when they were caught.
just to let you know, that is open ocean, not a bay like San Franciso, or the Maryland's Chesapeake - those are like a big harbor, or at least an enclosure by a penninsula. a true bay.

The reason it's called "Florida Bay" is because it's the area between the Florida Keys and the Mangrove Coast - (southern tip of Florida.)

I assure you, that is not sheltered in any way and is open ocean - same as the Straits of Florida - the area where the Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico meet.

Ive been there plenty, its not like SF Bay, but its very shallow and in fact you have to be careful not to run aground even if you are out of sight of land. It is a bay because it is between the Florida Keys, and the Florida Coast. The Keys are not just a chain of islands, but also a very shallow bank that separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Atlantic Ocean. The Florida Bay, is a Bay that is part of the Gulf of Mexico.

So not only is it not an Ocean, it is a bay that is part of the Gulf, two times separated from the Ocean.

It is managed and policed by the Federal Government. If they allow people inside while enforcement of the regulations that keep it a healthy ecosystem is not available, the area would be plundered by fisherman, boats that would harm delicate reefs, and the waterways that are maintained by the federal government will become more dangerous. As to if policing to keep it "closed" is more expensive than allowing it to remain open, I seriously doubt that claim. Id like to see the numbers. The fact is however that it does not matter, the Fed's are currently allowed to spend money on essential personnel, like to keep people out of a closed area, but not allowed to maintain a federal recreation area. That's the law like it or not.

Additionally, suggesting that these are decisions the White House is making is just pure disingenuous crap!

If Obama had an (R) next to his name, you would not be hearing about this, from the likes of Glenn Beck and such.
No they really don't. When the Feds coned off part of the highway in SD because you can see Mount Rushmore from those spots and take pictures, they really thought it was because the Federal Government needs to shut down state run roads because the Federal Government can't have you even seeing a national monument at this time and they fell for the "it was to direct people to the pull off points for safety" excuse when they were caught.

Where did you get that, "The Blaze" come on, wake up.
Link me up to my supposed "markets are doing fine" schtick. I'll give you a hint. It didn't happen. Will you apologize for your lie about me?

Although I will say that the changes in the markets are more due to the Debt Limit than it is due to the Continuing Resolutions.

You know what is obvious? A petulant child is doing all he can to try to make it more "painful", thankfully he's doing it in obvious ways. He keeps doing silly things like this and everybody will understand that it's his "fault".

Who is the "he" you are accusing here? Are you so silly as to be suggesting that President Obama is pouring over a map and saying.... "LOOK here, lets close this "ocean", that will shoe em."
If you don't like that national parks are closed, allow a vote on a clean CR!
Who is the "he" you are accusing here? Are you so silly as to be suggesting that President Obama is pouring over a map and saying.... "LOOK here, lets close this "ocean", that will shoe em."

I think that President Obama has said, "Make it more painful" and they acceded to his wishes in ways that make it obvious.

Now here is the story. No it isn't The Blaze, although I'd trust them more than MSDNC right now.
Ive been there plenty, its not like SF Bay, but its very shallow and in fact you have to be careful not to run aground even if you are out of sight of land. It is a bay because it is between the Florida Keys, and the Florida Coast. The Keys are not just a chain of islands, but also a very shallow bank that separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Atlantic Ocean. The Florida Bay, is a Bay that is part of the Gulf of Mexico.

So not only is it not an Ocean, it is a bay that is part of the Gulf, two times separated from the Ocean.

It is managed and policed by the Federal Government. If they allow people inside while enforcement of the regulations that keep it a healthy ecosystem is not available, the area would be plundered by fisherman, boats that would harm delicate reefs, and the waterways that are maintained by the federal government will become more dangerous. As to if policing to keep it "closed" is more expensive than allowing it to remain open, I seriously doubt that claim. Id like to see the numbers. The fact is however that it does not matter, the Fed's are currently allowed to spend money on essential personnel, like to keep people out of a closed area, but not allowed to maintain a federal recreation area. That's the law like it or not.

Additionally, suggesting that these are decisions the White House is making is just pure disingenuous crap!

If Obama had an (R) next to his name, you would not be hearing about this, from the likes of Glenn Beck and such.

well written!
So, even your cite quotes the National Park Service indicating that they were not "closing" the area.

"The state was told (by the National Park Service) the cones were a safety precaution to help channel cars into viewing areas rather than to bar their entrance."

Some people will believe anything, if its negative about the guy wearing a different color jersey.


Rangers will be on duty to enforce the ban. In fact, the personnel and resources required to shut down the ocean will probably cost more than keeping it open. Brilliant.


Americans from both sides have criticized the unnecessary theatrics that the shutdown has brought. It’s called Washington Monument Syndrome, and it’s basically when officials close down the most popular government services with hopes of upsetting the public enough to pressure lawmakers to act a particular way.

But forget Washington Monument Syndrome. The bottom line is that Washington is taking advantage of the situation just to make a point, and it seems they have no limits. First the forests, then the monuments, and now the ocean? When will it stop?

More at link...

Bawhahahaha, if this doesn't work, his next plan is to block the sun!
Who is the "he" you are accusing here? Are you so silly as to be suggesting that President Obama is pouring over a map and saying.... "LOOK here, lets close this "ocean", that will shoe em."

While it isn't the ocean... Yes, that is precisely what the Obama admin is doing. The stupidity of trying to 'shut down' the bay to make a political statement is nothing short of absurd.
While it isn't the ocean... Yes, that is precisely what the Obama admin is doing. The stupidity of trying to 'shut down' the bay to make a political statement is nothing short of absurd.

Silly. You have some evidence to support your claim over the possibility that they are simply following longstanding rules regarding action to be taken in a shutdown?
Wahhh, the National Parks Service is closing the National Parks in a government shutdown!
Who is the "he" you are accusing here? Are you so silly as to be suggesting that President Obama is pouring over a map and saying.... "LOOK here, lets close this "ocean", that will shoe em."

I am sure that you won't find a directive from Obama saying "shut this ocean" anymore than you will find a directive from Obama to Lois Lerner saying target the Tea Party. But, do they really need one? He appoints people who he knows will do his bidding without direction. These people are all about government.

Why would they want to see their golden teat run dry? They know what is at stake for them. They don't want the veil pulled back on the Grand and Wonderful Oz. Better to keep rubes like you convinced that your life has ZERO meaning without the gobblement there to keep you cozy.

BTW, which Obama plan did you sign up for? I know you were breathlessly waiting to sign up