Now it's getting pitiful, can you say "Temper Tantrum", now it's the Ocean?

If you think about, it that is all Obama can do? Shut the parks?

83% of the gobblement is still running. Some shut down

Obama did not shut down the parks! Congress did, he has not been presented with a bill that would open the government.

Now, if the House would allow an up or down vote on a clean CR, the government would be open. Let Democracy take its course!
The Republicans remind me of Chicken Little, but instead of yelling, "the sky is falling", they are yelling, "Obama closed the Ocean"!
W. H. Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

I might rework this Alden Poen and call it, "Republicans Lament"
So you've given up on your "markets are doing fine" schtick now that the markets AREN'T doing fine?

Real safety issue having people in federal waters when the coast guard isn't able to rescue them. You know they WILL sue if they get into trouble.

It's pretty fucking obvious. Pass a clean CR bill. How hard is that?

Are you actually trying to imply that this shut down has affected the Dept. of Homeland Security? I find the notion somewhat amusing.
Also amusing is the concept that Obama can do no wrong.
Ive been there plenty, its not like SF Bay, but its very shallow and in fact you have to be careful not to run aground even if you are out of sight of land. It is a bay because it is between the Florida Keys, and the Florida Coast. The Keys are not just a chain of islands, but also a very shallow bank that separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Atlantic Ocean. The Florida Bay, is a Bay that is part of the Gulf of Mexico.

So not only is it not an Ocean, it is a bay that is part of the Gulf, two times separated from the Ocean.

It is managed and policed by the Federal Government. If they allow people inside while enforcement of the regulations that keep it a healthy ecosystem is not available, the area would be plundered by fisherman, boats that would harm delicate reefs, and the waterways that are maintained by the federal government will become more dangerous. As to if policing to keep it "closed" is more expensive than allowing it to remain open, I seriously doubt that claim. Id like to see the numbers. The fact is however that it does not matter, the Fed's are currently allowed to spend money on essential personnel, like to keep people out of a closed area, but not allowed to maintain a federal recreation area. That's the law like it or not.

Additionally, suggesting that these are decisions the White House is making is just pure disingenuous crap!

If Obama had an (R) next to his name, you would not be hearing about this, from the likes of Glenn Beck and such.

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Silly. You have some evidence to support your claim over the possibility that they are simply following longstanding rules regarding action to be taken in a shutdown?

LMAO... when have they ever attempted to close Florida Bay before Garud? Was it done in 1996?
Looks like they closed it in 96'.

Great that you found something, share the link. All I found was that during Clinton shut down, signs were erected but parks and memorials kept open. The Arizona Memorial was manned by WWII vet volunteer docents and Clinton applauded their initiatives. Same with many of the memorials in DC. No bike paths, much less bodies of water were in Clinton's bag of tricks.
Great that you found something, share the link. All I found was that during Clinton shut down, signs were erected but parks and memorials kept open. The Arizona Memorial was manned by WWII vet volunteer docents and Clinton applauded their initiatives. Same with many of the memorials in DC. No bike paths, much less bodies of water were in Clinton's bag of tricks.

I'll wait for Jarod's, but yes, I do have several in fact. Been looking for references to FL Bay in Clinton shutdown, couldn't find any, but came across others. ;)

I see. I'm particularly interested in a link to an article about the WWII veterans manning the USS Arizona Memorial and Clinton applauding their efforts.

Oh, and why are you waiting for Jarod, again?
this coming from someone who said 'yes' without a link to back it up?

I don't have a link and I think it's clear from my post that I'm just surmising there. My thought process was something like this: (1) National parks are closed. (2) The area is within the boundaries of a national park. (3) The area is probably closed.

Now, Annie, on the other hand, gave us some very specific information about what happened and clearly has links to them that she elects not to share with us for one reason or another. *Cough* Bullshit *Cough*.
LMAO... when have they ever attempted to close Florida Bay before Garud? Was it done in 1996?

I thought you might want to get another look at my new avatar. You know the saying, take a picture it'll last longer? Girls say that to pervs a lot...or I used to anyway. Well, you don't have to. It's going to be my avatar for a long time.

Have a nice day Superfreak!
I don't have a link and I think it's clear from my post that I'm just surmising there. My thought process was something like this: (1) National parks are closed. (2) The area is within the boundaries of a national park. (3) The area is probably closed.

Now, Annie, on the other hand, gave us some very specific information about what happened and clearly has links to them that she elects not to share with us for one reason or another. *Cough* Bullshit *Cough*.

So in other words, you have nothing. That is all you needed to say.

My guess is they didn't try to patrol it to prevent people from entering the bay back in 96.

Somehow national parks has the money to patrol the park to keep people out of it... which likely costs more than normal operations. Yeah, they probably came up with that on their own.