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Best music for political humor

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y'all were not even a sperm back then...get a grip 'child of the corn'...I lived the era ya are referring too!

Now moving along with the up is: 'Linda'...Jan & Dean this song can be found on their album 'Taking Linda Surfin' yes they did indeed! The girl on the album was my ex-GF from HS...She dropped outta HS to move in with Jan and Dean...I was crushed...she always told me I had 'Bedroom eyes'...I suppose theirs were mo and learn VN here I come...for real... boys and girls of the audience!

anyone have a 'Drifters' song request...let's get mo' false outrage BS!...we are saturated already...get a clue...waiting with baited breath!;)

preparing for tomorrows show...test run...enjoy!

'I want Candy'...The strangeloves

Just so y'allget the full emotion of my close out song...rock out Scott...:eek:

Just because I am getting a headache arguing with idiots today..let's lighten the mood and watch the little Jewish guy dance(asshat will have a fit with this conspiracy...)...he is a funny my old dj bud Scott...have a nice night y'all pervs and whatever else ya are!:rolleyes:
Your generation doesn't suck..............

Your generation sucks, mine does not. End of story (and yes, according to reliable sources, that ageist crap originiated with yours).

Pretty Fly for a White White Guy - The Offspring

Just you and yours in here...My GD is your generation...and she makes more money on her own while going to school than you and yours will ever see under socialism...let me count the ways...she lives in a $700,000 house with friends(sharing rent)...she is still in HS...has a job with the local $19.00 per hour...will increase when she grads from college...and how is the min wage at Mickey 'D's or whatever doing for you...or is Liberal Mommie and Daddy paying your bills? I raised my kids right...betta ask Mommie and Daddy to increase your sorry ass allowance...cupcake!:D
She's "renting" a $700,000 house?

Sounds like a dumb bitch.

Or maybe you're the dumb bitch, and she's paying a mortgage.

Who knows, all I can see is that idiocy clearly runs in the family.

She's "renting" a $700,000 house?

Sounds like a dumb bitch.

Or maybe you're the dumb bitch, and she's paying a mortgage.

Who knows, all I can see is that idiocy clearly runs in the family.

One thing people know about, don't cross the line...ya called my GD a dumb bitch...sleep well...or not!
Don't dish it out if you can't take it, old fart.

I don't give a shit where your "line" is.

If you disrespect me, I'm more than happy to repay the favor, particularly when it's someone as pathetic as you.
Whatever numbnuts.............

Don't dish it out if you can't take it, old fart.

I don't give a shit where your "line" is.

If you disrespect me, I'm more than happy to repay the favor, particularly when it's someone as pathetic as you.

10-9-8-7-...the count is on hide your stash...the black helos are on the way...ask RP to help you!;)
Well you're not laughing because you're owned.

That's totally understandable.

But anyway, my work is done here. I have humiliated you sufficiently for tonight.

Enjoy your pwnage.
Whatever dipshit...........

Well you're not laughing because you're owned.

That's totally understandable.

But anyway, my work is done here. I have humiliated you sufficiently for tonight.

Enjoy your pwnage.

did you flush your stash yet?...Betta hurry!;)
Don't have a stash, and I wouldn't be remotely scared of someone as powerless as you even if I did.

Just take the ownage old man. Don't try to fight it.

It just makes you look stupider when you fight the ownage.
Whatever numbnuts..........

Don't have a stash, and I wouldn't be remotely scared of someone as powerless as you even if I did.

Just take the ownage old man. Don't try to fight it.

It just makes you look stupider when you fight the ownage.

check for the residuals(residue) real close...they can bite ya on the butt everytime...;)
Just you and yours in here...My GD is your generation...and she makes more money on her own while going to school than you and yours will ever see under socialism...let me count the ways...she lives in a $700,000 house with friends(sharing rent)...she is still in HS...has a job with the local $19.00 per hour...will increase when she grads from college...and how is the min wage at Mickey 'D's or whatever doing for you...or is Liberal Mommie and Daddy paying your bills? I raised my kids right...betta ask Mommie and Daddy to increase your sorry ass allowance...cupcake!:D

Cool, your GD is living proof of the superiority of my generation. I work in the Air National Guard btw, not fast food. As far as child rearing goes, that is the one thing that the Greatest Generation was a dismal failure at, but its good to know that you are a good parent (so are mine - also Kaboomers).