Now, what happened to the Durham Report?

It is now close to two years ago that Barr assigned Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, even later making him a Special Council, yet today, nothing.

When the IG released his report on Crossfire Hurricane finding the FBI’s investigation was justified and in the process debunked a number of conspiracy theories perpetuated by the right wing media, Barr and Durham both immediately reacted by criticizing and contradicting Horowitz’s findings.

During all this time, the right, and their media were promising the Durham Report was going to be the bombshell. Comey, Brennan, Strzok, even Obama, we’re going to jail, the Durham Report was going to prove Trump was a victim of an conspiracy

Yet today, nothing. Where is the Durham Report? Is, or was there ever suppose to be, a Durham Report?

Change of ownership in Dirty City. The Democrats no doubt quietly buried it, whatever the findings, just as they have done with so many prior investigations into their gross malfeasance.
Apparently, Durham went the way of the Russian investigation lol.

Durham wasn’t as ‘imaginative’ as Mullet. Durham only bagged one small fish, whereas Mullet cast his net far and wide in his *fishing expedition*. Still came up empty.

Apparently, Durham’s little fish acted all on his own—must have had something personal against Carter Page.

And if you believe that, you just might be gullible.

what a lying piece of shit you are- Mueller's report bagged many dickheaded trump connected traitors and criminals, and many russian agents working with them, and even according to fox's own legal expert Judge Napolitano provided slam dunk evidence of at least 5 cases of corruption committed by trump.

Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's › Politics › story
Nov 15, 2019 — Special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have ... Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. ... failure to file reports of foreign bank accounts, and bank fraud.

of Robert Mueller's indictments and plea deals in the Russia › HMKP-116-JU00-20191211-SD942PDF
Dec 11, 2019 — Special counsel Robert Mueller's team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 ... Justice Department, you can add a plea deal from one more person to the list. ... to false income tax returns, one count of failing to report his foreign.

Mueller's Russia report: The 34 people indicted by the special › news › politics › 2019/03/25 › m...
Mar 25, 2019 — Mueller's work resulted in indictments for 34 individuals, although ... Trump's former national security adviser pleaded guilty in December ... He cooperated with Mueller under a plea agreement and still awaits sentencing.
Nope, Biden left it open. Nice try though.

So? The Awan family investigation was left open too and it's long disappeared from media radar and the public, as but one other recent example of Democrats scrambling to cover their fuck ups up and the MSM obediently complying.
The Democrats no doubt quietly buried it

How so? Do you understand Durham's role? Probably not because you don't really do research into just ham-fistedly do wuick Google searches, but you don't really vet your sources when you do.

You're just pissing mad because it didn't deliver on the lofty promises you had been tricked into believing of it.
So? The Awan family investigation was left open too and it's long disappeared from media radar and the public, as but one other recent example of Democrats scrambling to cover their fuck ups up and the MSM obediently complying.

you are just repeating stupid shit lies the right wing media has bent you over and filled you up with, little gullible stooge.

So Biden gave Durham and you suckers enough rope to hang yourselves.

The Awan family investigation was left open too and it's long disappeared from media radar and the public

So beyond innuendo, what do you think that obscure investigation would have done to change anything?

Just because people stopped indulging your conspiracy doesn't mean it just disappeared.

as but one other recent example of Democrats scrambling to cover their fuck ups up and the MSM obediently complying.

You spent the last 15 months lying on behalf of Donald Trump because you didn't want to own the fuckup of not taking COVID seriously from the beginning.
you are just repeating stupid shit lies the right wing media has bent you over and filled you up with, little gullible stooge.

He got tricked by Trump into lying on Trump's behalf of COVID, and he got tricked by Durham into thinking Durham would drop a bombshell that would suddenly validate all the crazy bullshit he's been repeating for the last 15 months.
you are just repeating stupid shit lies the right wing media has bent you over and filled you up with, little gullible stooge.

I mean...he is so fucking stupid that a reality TV show host tricked him into toiling his baggage on an anonymous message board.
Such as...?

I gave an example. The Awan brothers / family.

In a nutshell, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, the blonde ditz that was head of the DNC and then elected to the House hired Imran Awan a dual national from Pakistan--with no formal computer training-- to be her IT expert and manager. He then was subsequently hired by 34 other Democrats for the same purpose. He hired his unqualified brother to help with things. These two Pakistani nationals had access to 35 House and Senate Democrat's computers and all their files including classified ones (even though neither had a security clearance) for years.
The two with other family members started running other scams outside the government. They got on the FBI's radar for those. Then they sold a house in Virginia to a senior US Army officer who found the garage full of government computers and hard drives. He called the FBI. The FBI took all that crap it's, well... somewhere now. Imran's wife fled the country to Pakistan with about a quarter million in cash on her, and they had transferred untold quantities of money to accounts in Pakistan where the FBI has no access.
Then Wassermann-Schultz's personal lap top turned up in one of the Awan's possession. She used the Capitol police to force the FBI to give it back unexamined.
For a minute this looked like a huge, massive scandal was about to explode in the Democrat's face.

Imran and his brother were arrested trying to flee the country with piles of cash by the FBI. They disappeared into custody on charges related to their scams and money laundering but nothing was done about their activities on Capitol Hill. The MSM largely ignored the story then dropped it entirely.

Or, there's Eric Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy and hiring her Chinese spy friends as aides, etc. Where'd that little gem of a total fuck up get to? If Swalwell were a Republican he'd have been tossed out of office by now. But this moron who apparently thinks only with his dick is still running around making more of an idiot of himself while still in office...

We can start with those...
you are just repeating stupid shit lies the right wing media has bent you over and filled you up with, little gullible stooge.

Refute my rebuttal below you syphilitic tit head. You never have anything to add to a thread but insults. You couldn't reason your way out of an imaginary mime box. So, stay out of the conversation while the adults are talking.
I gave an example. The Awan brothers / family.

So this all sounds like a bunch of nothing that has nothing to do with Trump, Russia, COVID, or any of your lies about those topics.

In a nutshell, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, the blonde ditz that was head of the DNC and then elected to the House hired Imran Awan a dual national from Pakistan--with no formal computer training-- to be her IT expert and manager. He then was subsequently hired by 34 other Democrats for the same purpose. He hired his unqualified brother to help with things. These two Pakistani nationals had access to 35 House and Senate Democrat's computers and all their files including classified ones (even though neither had a security clearance) for years.
The two with other family members started running other scams outside the government. They got on the FBI's radar for those. Then they sold a house in Virginia to a senior US Army officer who found the garage full of government computers and hard drives. He called the FBI. The FBI took all that crap it's, well... somewhere now. Imran's wife fled the country to Pakistan with about a quarter million in cash on her, and they had transferred untold quantities of money to accounts in Pakistan where the FBI has no access.
Then Wassermann-Schultz's personal lap top turned up in one of the Awan's possession. She used the Capitol police to force the FBI to give it back unexamined.
For a minute this looked like a huge, massive scandal was about to explode in the Democrat's face.

So innuendo, then, that means absolutely nothing to anyone, and has nothing to do with Durham, the FBI, Russia, COVID, or any of the things you claim are all hoaxes.

Or, there's Eric Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy and hiring her Chinese spy friends as aides, etc.

Didn't he fire her and those aides when he discovered what they were? Why yes, he did.

Trump kept Paul Manafort around, even after he got caught talking with Russia.

So what do you think this little bullshit thing amounts to? Because so far, it's just innuendo that you're stretching to compensate for the very direct and very clear contacts Trump had with Russia throughout 2016.
Refute my rebuttal below you syphilitic tit head. You never have anything to add to a thread but insults. You couldn't reason your way out of an imaginary mime box. So, stay out of the conversation while the adults are talking.

Your "rebuttal" was just innuendo.

The reason nothing came of it was because it was just innuendo.

No one buried just never went anywhere because it couldn't!

So now do all the contacts Trump and his people had with Russia, that the Senate Intelligence Committee (Republican-led) said:
what a lying piece of shit you are- Mueller's report bagged many dickheaded trump connected traitors and criminals, and many russian agents working with them, and even according to fox's own legal expert Judge Napolitano provided slam dunk evidence of at least 5 cases of corruption committed by trump.

Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's › Politics › story
Nov 15, 2019 — Special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have ... Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. ... failure to file reports of foreign bank accounts, and bank fraud.

of Robert Mueller's indictments and plea deals in the Russia › HMKP-116-JU00-20191211-SD942PDF
Dec 11, 2019 — Special counsel Robert Mueller's team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 ... Justice Department, you can add a plea deal from one more person to the list. ... to false income tax returns, one count of failing to report his foreign.

Mueller's Russia report: The 34 people indicted by the special › news › politics › 2019/03/25 › m...
Mar 25, 2019 — Mueller's work resulted in indictments for 34 individuals, although ... Trump's former national security adviser pleaded guilty in December ... He cooperated with Mueller under a plea agreement and still awaits sentencing.

Yet, Mullet and his band of angry democrat lawyers failed to bag Trump.
So? The Awan family investigation was left open too and it's long disappeared from media radar and the public, as but one other recent example of Democrats scrambling to cover their fuck ups up and the MSM obediently complying.

That's what happens to investigations that don't find anything.