In a nutshell, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, the blonde ditz that was head of the DNC and then elected to the House hired Imran Awan a dual national from Pakistan--with no formal computer training-- to be her IT expert and manager.
Ok, and?
He then was subsequently hired by 34 other Democrats for the same purpose. He hired his unqualified brother to help with things. These two Pakistani nationals had access to 35 House and Senate Democrat's computers and all their files including classified ones (even though neither had a security clearance) for years.
OK, so a lot of people have access to computers and files in any elected official's office. So are you saying that those guys shared that confidential and classified info with...Pakistan? If so, where's your proof that they shared anything with anyone?
The two with other family members started running other scams outside the government.
You haven't actually said what scam they were running INSIDE the government, other than being hired by people...which I'm not sure is a scam. And you certainly aren't going to say what scams they ran OUTSIDE of just allude to them, but don't articulate them.
They got on the FBI's radar for those.
Ah, so law enforcement was on the ball, what are you whining about?
Then they sold a house in Virginia to a senior US Army officer who found the garage full of government computers and hard drives.
WOW! Computer/IT tech people had computer equipment
So they were selling that computer equipment to our global adversaries? No? So...they were selling those things to HYDRA? No? They were going to give it to Baron Zemo so he and his merry band of assholes could find out where all the superheroes live and kill them in their homes? No?
So basically, in a nutshell, a few foreigners had some computer equipment in their house, and you think that's newsworthy, why?
The FBI took all that crap it's, well... somewhere now.
See what I mean? All innuendo. First, you tried to make it sound like these guys were stealing equipment from our government and selling it to our adversaries. THEN, you tried to imply, through innuendo, that the FBI hid those actions because...Biden is President? I'm not following you.
You lost me at the computer equipment in some person's house, that supposedly incriminates everyone here, but was recovered by the FBI and not sold anywhere.
So are you arguing that the FBI is covering something up?