Now, what happened to the Durham Report?

That's what happens when the FBI is told to go away by Congress. It wasn't investigated to begin with...

Sorry, but your stupid conspiracy theories are just that. Yawn. Everyone is out to get you. Better check under your bed for evil Democrats. Congress doesn't tell the FBI anything.
In a nutshell, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, the blonde ditz that was head of the DNC and then elected to the House hired Imran Awan a dual national from Pakistan--with no formal computer training-- to be her IT expert and manager.

Ok, and?

He then was subsequently hired by 34 other Democrats for the same purpose. He hired his unqualified brother to help with things. These two Pakistani nationals had access to 35 House and Senate Democrat's computers and all their files including classified ones (even though neither had a security clearance) for years.

OK, so a lot of people have access to computers and files in any elected official's office. So are you saying that those guys shared that confidential and classified info with...Pakistan? If so, where's your proof that they shared anything with anyone?

The two with other family members started running other scams outside the government.

You haven't actually said what scam they were running INSIDE the government, other than being hired by people...which I'm not sure is a scam. And you certainly aren't going to say what scams they ran OUTSIDE of just allude to them, but don't articulate them.

They got on the FBI's radar for those.

Ah, so law enforcement was on the ball, what are you whining about?

Then they sold a house in Virginia to a senior US Army officer who found the garage full of government computers and hard drives.

WOW! Computer/IT tech people had computer equipment IN THEIR HOUSE YOU SAY????

So they were selling that computer equipment to our global adversaries? No? So...they were selling those things to HYDRA? No? They were going to give it to Baron Zemo so he and his merry band of assholes could find out where all the superheroes live and kill them in their homes? No?

So basically, in a nutshell, a few foreigners had some computer equipment in their house, and you think that's newsworthy, why?

The FBI took all that crap it's, well... somewhere now.

See what I mean? All innuendo. First, you tried to make it sound like these guys were stealing equipment from our government and selling it to our adversaries. THEN, you tried to imply, through innuendo, that the FBI hid those actions because...Biden is President? I'm not following you.

You lost me at the computer equipment in some person's house, that supposedly incriminates everyone here, but was recovered by the FBI and not sold anywhere.

So are you arguing that the FBI is covering something up?
No, I'm arguing that Democrats in Congress are covering something up and they have put pressure on the FBI and DoJ to not investigate their major malfeasance further.

You are arguing that because you are not very bright and you fall for every stupid conspiracy theory that comes down the pike.
I gave an example. The Awan brothers / family.

In a nutshell, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, the blonde ditz that was head of the DNC and then elected to the House hired Imran Awan a dual national from Pakistan--with no formal computer training-- to be her IT expert and manager. He then was subsequently hired by 34 other Democrats for the same purpose. He hired his unqualified brother to help with things. These two Pakistani nationals had access to 35 House and Senate Democrat's computers and all their files including classified ones (even though neither had a security clearance) for years.
The two with other family members started running other scams outside the government. They got on the FBI's radar for those. Then they sold a house in Virginia to a senior US Army officer who found the garage full of government computers and hard drives. He called the FBI. The FBI took all that crap it's, well... somewhere now. Imran's wife fled the country to Pakistan with about a quarter million in cash on her, and they had transferred untold quantities of money to accounts in Pakistan where the FBI has no access.
Then Wassermann-Schultz's personal lap top turned up in one of the Awan's possession. She used the Capitol police to force the FBI to give it back unexamined.
For a minute this looked like a huge, massive scandal was about to explode in the Democrat's face.

Imran and his brother were arrested trying to flee the country with piles of cash by the FBI. They disappeared into custody on charges related to their scams and money laundering but nothing was done about their activities on Capitol Hill. The MSM largely ignored the story then dropped it entirely.

Or, there's Eric Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy and hiring her Chinese spy friends as aides, etc. Where'd that little gem of a total fuck up get to? If Swalwell were a Republican he'd have been tossed out of office by now. But this moron who apparently thinks only with his dick is still running around making more of an idiot of himself while still in office...

We can start with those...

They’re so good at burying dirt I had forgotten about all that.

The corruption is so deep I doubt it ever gets cleaned out. Trump threatened to, and we see what they did to him.
Imran's wife fled the country to Pakistan with about a quarter million in cash on her, and they had transferred untold quantities of money to accounts in Pakistan where the FBI has no access.


Then Wassermann-Schultz's personal lap top turned up in one of the Awan's possession. She used the Capitol police to force the FBI to give it back unexamined.

This sounds exaggerated or'll need to back this shit up with reputable sources.

Imran and his brother were arrested trying to flee the country with piles of cash by the FBI.

So they were caught. And your problem is...that they were caught? I'm trying to see where the connection is.

They disappeared into custody on charges related to their scams and money laundering but nothing was done about their activities on Capitol Hill.

So what are you alleging these guys did?

The MSM largely ignored the story then dropped it entirely.

They didn't largely ignore it, apparently, since you found out about it. So maybe the reason it got dropped was because it wasn't a conspiracy, you just got tricked (again) into believing there was one.

And you got tricked because you have shitty instincts and poor intuition.

After all, you were conned by Trump into toiling his baggage for the rest of your life, not his.
No, I'm arguing that Democrats in Congress are covering something up

How can they do that when your own link said those guys were indicted in federal court?

You're just mad because Trump's Russia connections are so apparent, so you're trying to gin up something similar on Democrats to make your poor choices and shitty intuition look less poor and shitty.
You are arguing that because you are not very bright and you fall for every stupid conspiracy theory that comes down the pike.

Yes he does.

This is completely true.

It's easier for him to repeat those conspiracy theories because they don't require any thought.

This sounds exaggerated or'll need to back this shit up with reputable sources.

So they were caught. And your problem is...that they were caught? I'm trying to see where the connection is.

So what are you alleging these guys did?

They didn't largely ignore it, apparently, since you found out about it. So maybe the reason it got dropped was because it wasn't a conspiracy, you just got tricked (again) into believing there was one.

And you got tricked because you have shitty instincts and poor intuition.

After all, you were conned by Trump into toiling his baggage for the rest of your life, not his.

Well, you got nothing in all that but opinion...

Buy the book

It's everything I claimed.
So, now that I've thrown facts into the discussion your response is ad hominem. I await your move to open vulgar insults.

Nothing you posted was a fact, TA.

If you wanted it to be a fact, you would have sourced it...but you didn't.

Instead, you sloppily and hurriedly rushed through a response, probably leaving out key details, and making hay out of innuendo.

All of that is done to distract from the very obvious and overt connections and contacts between Trump and Russia that Mueller and the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee concluded.

await your move to open vulgar insults.

Post a fact and we can have a debate.

Post innuendo, and you get what you get.
How can they do that when your own link said those guys were indicted in federal court?

They were indicted on money laundering and bank fraud charges. Their IT activities, theft of government property, illegal purchases using government funds, and a plethora of other things related to their employment by Democrats in Congress went uninvestigated.

You're just mad because Trump's Russia connections are so apparent, so you're trying to gin up something similar on Democrats to make your poor choices and shitty intuition look less poor and shitty.

Can you say "Conspiracy theory?" Interesting use of one as an ad hominem to try and change the subject. Won't work. We're discussing the Awan brother scandal here--and the Swalwell scandal too some...
Nothing you posted was a fact, TA.

If you wanted it to be a fact, you would have sourced it...but you didn't.

Instead, you sloppily and hurriedly rushed through a response, probably leaving out key details, and making hay out of innuendo.

All of that is done to distract from the very obvious and overt connections and contacts between Trump and Russia that Mueller and the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee concluded.

Post a fact and we can have a debate.

Post innuendo, and you get what you get.

I did source it. There's even a annotated book out on it.
Ah, as with LV426, off to the ad hominem races we go! What? You got nothing for an actual response?

But you do fall for conspiracies.

You fell for the COVID is a hoax conspiracy (but will undoubtedly get the vaccine_

You fell for the voter fraud conspiracy

I mean, dude, your personal record is pretty fucking terrible.
But you do fall for conspiracies.

You fell for the COVID is a hoax conspiracy (but will undoubtedly get the vaccine_

You fell for the voter fraud conspiracy

I mean, dude, your personal record is pretty fucking terrible.

Back to the ad hominem... Try again.