Now, what happened to the Durham Report?

Well, you got nothing in all that but opinion...

Actually, "all that" showed how you lean on intuition in an absence of facts.


Do you read the articles you post? Because this one doesn't help you. In fact, it pretty much destroys your case because it says that everything you've been alleging is a load of horseshit. So much so, that the victims of that innuendo got reparations.

TA says:
Well, you got nothing in all that but opinion...

TA also says:

This link is an Op-Ed. The reddit one is Op-Ed too.

So far, TA, 2/3 of your sources have been opinions.

It's everything I claimed.

Of course it's all innuendo that you're trying to shape into a narrative that equates the overt actions of Trump/Russia with Democrats and whoever you can gin up in the moment.
Ah, still stuck on ad hominem hum? Now you're trying the genetic fallacy angle of attacking the sources rather than what's in them. Won't fly either.
Them Dems they will do anything to beat trump. I wonder, has anyone informed him that NH only has 4 electoral votes and that is not enough for him to win, probably have tp use pictures to explain, so long as they can do in one page, after that he loses attention.

Hahahaha -- with a Sharpie even. And then this time, risking criminal charges for trying to get GA -- again with not enough votes to matter -- to change their results.

You can't fix stupid.
They were indicted on money laundering and bank fraud charges. Their IT activities, theft of government property, illegal purchases using government funds, and a plethora of other things related to their employment by Democrats in Congress went uninvestigated.

Not according to your sources before!

According to you, the FBI took them into custody for this shit.

That's what you said about 5 posts ago.

What you haven't done is provide proof that Congress told the FBI to back off. You just implied it through innuendo.

an you say "Conspiracy theory?"

You're the king of them...everything is a conspiracy theory with you...including COVID.

It's not a conspiracy theory, you're just a sucker.

Interesting use of one as an ad hominem to try and change the subject. Won't work. We're discussing the Awan brother scandal here--and the Swalwell scandal too some...

Beyond the actual charges, for which these guys face, you have yet to explain or prove the larger scandal here.

As far as Swalwell goes, didn't he fire that person when he found out who she was?

Ah he, why didn't Trump fire Manafort when he found out that Manafort was talking to Russians?

Why didn't Trump fire Flynn right away when he found out Flynn was talking to Russians?

And why didn't about a dozen elected Republicans fire Maria Butiina?
Yes he does.

This is completely true.

It's easier for him to repeat those conspiracy theories because they don't require any thought.

That's correct. He is a parrot. They are all parrots. Read it at Breitbart, link to it here. It is what it is. You don't get to make shit up and expect to be taken seriously.,
I did source it. There's even a annotated book out on it.

No, you sourced an Op-Ed from the NYPost, a rant from Reddit, and a NYT article that shows the innuendo you are pushing here resulted in a settlement to two victims of it.

All of that came after bitching that my response was just an "opinion".

So you responded to my response with two opinions, and a single article that doesn't help your case, after posturing outrage over the fact that my opinion of you is low.
Hahahaha -- with a Sharpie even. And then this time, risking criminal charges for trying to get GA -- again with not enough votes to matter -- to change their results.

You can't fix stupid.

Oh you can Count on Georgia coming for him, they might have to ship him there on ConAir from NY to stand trial, but no problem, the flight is taxpayer funded just like Air Force One.
Ah, still stuck on ad hominem hum? Now you're trying the genetic fallacy angle of attacking the sources rather than what's in them. Won't fly either.

Whining about ad hominems is a nice distraction from the fact that you fucked your own argument over.
That's correct. He is a parrot. They are all parrots. Read it at Breitbart, link to it here. It is what it is. You don't get to make shit up and expect to be taken seriously.,

He laughably accused me of having opinions in my responses to his arguments, which are supported by....opinion editorials.

I think it would be interesting to spam TA's thread with reddit links before he screams that it's just Reddit and doesn't count.
If this hasn't been posted yet, it is now.

In summary, Durham just resigned as a U.S. prosecutor while staying on as leader of the so called Durham investigation, but that investigation has been narrowed
to methods employed by certain members of the FBI. In other words, the report will shed no real light on whether Trump's campaign did or did not improperly cozy up to Russia, only on whether the FBI overstepped itself in trying to find out. A big fizzle.
Hello archives,

It is now close to two years ago that Barr assigned Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, even later making him a Special Council, yet today, nothing.

When the IG released his report on Crossfire Hurricane finding the FBI’s investigation was justified and in the process debunked a number of conspiracy theories perpetuated by the right wing media, Barr and Durham both immediately reacted by criticizing and contradicting Horowitz’s findings.

During all this time, the right, and their media were promising the Durham Report was going to be the bombshell. Comey, Brennan, Strzok, even Obama, we’re going to jail, the Durham Report was going to prove Trump was a victim of an conspiracy

Yet today, nothing. Where is the Durham Report? Is, or was there ever suppose to be, a Durham Report?

Boning up on the details made me chuckle:

"One British official with knowledge of Barr's requests observed, "it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services."" wiki
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Ah, still stuck on ad hominem hum? Now you're trying the genetic fallacy angle of attacking the sources rather than what's in them. Won't fly either.

There or is again, “generic fallacy,” seems to be the adopted catch all the wingers use attempting to bail out when one discredits their source, it is being used inappropriately. Based on that logic, the Onion should be accepted as a legitimate source

Credibility is based upon truthfulness and common sense, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like duck, you can safely assume it ain’t an elephant
There or is again, “generic fallacy,” seems to be the adopted catch all the wingers use attempting to bail out when one discredits their source, it is being used inappropriately. Based on that logic, the Onion should be accepted as a legitimate source

Credibility is based upon truthfulness and common sense, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like duck, you can safely assume it ain’t an elephant

But there’s a problem with your logic.

Goes something like this: how do we know the approved sources can be trusted?

Because they are the only ones that can be trusted. There’s no escape from that circle. Well, there’s one way to do it: have the approved sources propped up by ‘fact checkers’.
There or is again, “generic fallacy,” seems to be the adopted catch all the wingers use attempting to bail out when one discredits their source, it is being used inappropriately. Based on that logic, the Onion should be accepted as a legitimate source

Credibility is based upon truthfulness and common sense, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like duck, you can safely assume it ain’t an elephant

I used it correctly.


LV426 dismissed my links without any rebuttal simply on the basis of those link's origin. That is a genetic fallacy.
It is now close to two years ago that Barr assigned Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, even later making him a Special Council, yet today, nothing.

When the IG released his report on Crossfire Hurricane finding the FBI’s investigation was justified and in the process debunked a number of conspiracy theories perpetuated by the right wing media, Barr and Durham both immediately reacted by criticizing and contradicting Horowitz’s findings.

During all this time, the right, and their media were promising the Durham Report was going to be the bombshell. Comey, Brennan, Strzok, even Obama, we’re going to jail, the Durham Report was going to prove Trump was a victim of an conspiracy

Yet today, nothing. Where is the Durham Report? Is, or was there ever suppose to be, a Durham Report?
Durham is a prosecutor, not an IG writing a "report"
I’d agree with that except for the extent that both Barr and Durham went attempting to reframe Horowitz’s report. It was more than just conducting an investigation, Barr’s intent from the offset was to control the media agenda, keep the Comey/Brennan/Stzok plots in the limelight, perpetuate the Trump as victim conspiracy
Durham made absolutely no comments on Horowitz -there was/is no "reframing"
It was just a set up so Trump** could claim it was about to come out until the election.
no "report" nothing to "com out". there has only been 1 indictment.
I personally think justice delayed is justice denied - but Durham is still very much in business