In September 2012, no body was held responsible for, forced into retirement, reprimanded, slapped on the wrist, or scolded for failing to secure, adequately protect, attempt
to rescue, or send assistance to Americans at the Consulate in Benghazi during or after a terrorist attack in which 4 US citizens were killed including the Ambassador and in which
the entire Consulate and other buildings were destroyed...Sec. of State said, "what difference does it make" and Obama just don't give a shit....all those killed were white.
What you stated is another reason I want the moronic Lieberrhoids to FIRST ACKNOWLEDGE the IRREFUTABLE FACTS about the Obummerrhoid thus proving they are SANE, RATIONAL, POLITICALLY EDUCATED INDIVIDUALS capable of LUCIDLY discussing this MONUMENTAL FRAUD and POS of a NATIONAL DISASTER before further wasting time discussing anything else which would be predictable, nonsensical crappola.
Here's my position:
Before I discuss Obummerrhoid's attempt to emasculate our Military a la Stain's paranoid error i.e., "The TUCHACHEVSKY PURGE" where USSR's military was emasculated leaving the USSR at the mercy of Nazis, the main substance of this thread ....... I want the Lieberrhoidal idiots to acknowledge the irrefutable facts laid out in my expose of the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, The WANNABE Black Racist Whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright, The Bosom buddy of Bill Ayers, the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST who bombed a Police HQ and the PENTAGON, and who visited his cousin in Kenya, RAILA ODINGA, known throughout AFRICA as the "AFRICAN STALIN" who is/was the leader of the MUSLIM/COMMIE "Orange Democratic Party of Kenya" which, according to our State Dept, at that time, "ehtnically cleansed", i.e., slaughtered thousands of fellow Kenyans, including women & children. There were worldwide photo-ops of Commie Obammie sitting arm-in-arm with that MONSTROUS PSYCHO ODINGA, smiling. Later, Commie Obammie attended the ALL Muslim/Commie Family Gathering where a further photo-op had an additional WORLD-WIDE photo (including ones by Obumsky's Lap-dog National Media) where Commie Obammie was decked out in African Garb, sporting a turban 5 times too large, wearing a silly grin on his putrescent physiognomy.
The reason I will not respond to the main substance of this thread is that the Lieberrhoidal idiots must FIRST acknowledge the irrefutable facts, or try to SUCCESSFULLY refute these irrefutable facts regarding this icebergish (my neologism) MONUMENTAL POS's short biography. IF I AM NOT DEALING WITH SANE, RATIONAL, POLITICALLY EDUCATED PEOPLE there is absolutely no reason that one can expect any meaningful dialogue about Obummerrhoid's latest scam.