Actually, even though I knew you were a partisan hack before you posted this thread, I actually did think that you would be willing to show some data concerning how many other officers were sacked by former presidents or to show a long list of officers "purged" by Obama for reasons having to do with things other than poor performance of a lack of professionalism. I guess I was unaware of just what a total parrot you really were. This thread purported to be a list of officers "purged", which is a word that clearly has an ideological connotation. The list contains officers who were relieved of their duties because THEY exhibited poor performance or a profound lack of professionalism. I am GLAD that individuals who exhibit such poor performance are no longer leading our country's military forces. It is a testament to your petty partisanship that you would NOT be similarly glad about that. This thread suggests that the number of officers so released by Obama far exceeds that of other presidents, yet no such data has ever been presented. I thought that you would at least own up to the glaring errors of your OP, or the ridiculous nature of your list.... but I was mistaken. AH well.... live and learn.
Live and learn.
Live and learn.