what does all that babbling have to do with the fact that this thread is about your list of 130 officers supposedly sacked for ideological reasons who were, instead, all sacked for poor performance that would have gotten them sacked under ANY president?
Lieberrhoidal Moron: The
CENTRAL POINT IS: whilst it is correct for
any President, as a Commander-in-Chief, to sack a few, a 1/2 a dozen , or so Top Military Generals or Admirals, and probably some lesser commanders in KEY POSITIONS.......
NO PRESIDENT IN U.S. HISTORY sacked that many which OBVIOUSLY indicates that this Obummerrhoidal JERK is emasculating our Military because of his IDIOTIC AGENDA that is DESTROYING our country.
But even more to the point: Since the Lieberrhoidal fools are the ones that are making idiots outa themselves in their hysteria to protect the MONUMENTAL FRAUD & ENEMY of AMERICA by going overboard......it is only correct to point out that
FIRST they view the transgressions of the few TOP MILITARY Generals, Admirals, and lesser commanders in KEY POSITIONS
COMPARATIVELY with their Leader & Idol,
It is obvious that NOT A SINGLE one of you Lieberrhoids can successfully refute The MONUMENTAL FRAUD & ENEMY of AMERICA'S icebergish (my neologism) biography that's common knowledge regurgitated numerous times in the National Media. Even by the Obummerrhoid's very own lap dog national media.
I suppose that you Lieberrhoidal idiots consider it par for the course to have a leader & idol of yours to have such a horrendous resume !!!
Let me point out just THREE aspects of this POS (obviously there are many more):
(1)The Obummerrhoid is a PROVEN Black Racist Swine having a TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright's Cathedral of Hate. And, in Obumsky's own words the PSYCHO Wright is his:"Pastor, Friend, and Mentor."
Would any of the TOP MILITARY you may have listed survive in his office when being PROVEN to be a Black Racist Swine like Obummer ?
(2) The Obummerrhoid has as his BOSOM BUDDY Bill Ayers, THE UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL, COMMIE/TERRORIST who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon. And from whose home, Obumsky kicked off his Senatorial Career.BTW, Avery's wife is Bernadine Dorne, a convicted Commie Terrorist and now, understandedly, a Prof at a Prestigious Lieberrhoidal College.
Would any of the TOP MILITARY persons in a KEY POSITION you may have listed survive in his office when being PROVEN to be a a bosom buddy of an UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL, COMMIE/TERRORIST who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon, and launched his Military career under the auspices of such a turd ???
(3) The Obummerrhoid has as his COUSIN, whom he adores, Raila Odinga, known throughout Africa as the "AFRICAN STALIN". Odinga is the leader of the Muslim/Commie Organization: "The Orange Democratic Party", who at that time, our State Dept stated that Odinga "Ethnically Cleansed" thousands of his fellow Kenyans. The slaughter included women & children. Yet Obumsky was photo-oped at Odinga's rally, arm-in-arm, smiling. With basically the same photo-op later at Odinga and Obummer's ALL FAMILY MUSLIM/COMMIE Gathering whence came the world-wide photo-op of the Obummerrhoid decked out in African Garb, sporting a turban 5 sizes too large, and wearing a silly grin on his putrescent physiognamy. This photo-op also made headline news in America by Obumsky's very own Lap-Dog National Media.
Would any of the TOP MILITARY persons in a KEY POSITION, you may have listed, survive in his office when being PROVEN to have as his relative AND being ADORED whilst being a MUSLIM/COMMIE PSYCHO MURDERER slaughtering thousands of fellow countrymen, including women & children.......attending the MONSTER'S rallies and an All Muslim/Commie Family Gathering ?
BUT......HERE WE ARE.....THE HYPOCRITICALLY INSANE LIEBERRHOIDALS ATTACKING SOME OF THE TOP MILITARY (albeit with only a few acknowledged examples....though claiming many, and lesser commanders in KEY Positions, when their POS LEADER & IDOL .....COMPARATIVELY is a PROVEN Wannabe Black Racist Swine, Bosom buddy of an UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon. And, to top it off, have as his ADORING COUSIN a MASS MURDERING MANIAC ?!?!?
Can't you HYPOCRITICALLY INSANE Lieberrhoidal Idiots see that by trotting out a Distinguished Patriot and a BRILLIANT Military Leader like Petraeus, and some others (?).....who it must be acknowledged had some COMPARATIVELY minor reasons that deserved their sacking.......HOWEVER....... COMPARATIVELY SPEAKING ......... Can't you see that it is not your Lieberrhoidal place to get HYSTERICAL about the shortcomings of the FEW Top Military who deserved to be sacked when you arselick this Obummerrhoid, this HORRENDOUS FRAUD and AMERICA's ENEMY whose deeds are HISTORICALLY EVIL & DISASTROUS in COMPARISON?!?!? ?!?!?!?