He ought to fire 1,000 of them!
For starters
Again, no one denies that a FEW top military men and a few lesser ranked officers in KEY positions got zapped.....the fact remained no President in our History sacked that many.
The central point about the sacking of the Military is that the Commander-in-Chief, Obumsky BY COMPARISON is light years worse than any of the sacked officers......and the fact that the most hysterical of the Lieberrhoidals attacking the Military are the most ardent arselickers of the MONUMENTAL FRAUD and the ENEMY of AMERICA.
These OBVIOUS FACTS notwithstanding, guess what.....these ardent arselickers of the most DISASTROUS President in U.S.History .....as you shall see ....will come out trotting the same ole crappola in their pathetic attempt to protect their not only idiotic but also evil leader.
And so......the same crap goes on......