October 7th. Why Trump should be held responsible .

They are descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel ... what you call Palestine.
No they're not. They are scurrilous Europeans looking for some free real estate at indigenous Palestinians expense, Poles, Russians, you name it, the prospect of something for nothing appealed to them all.
I suppose you're descended from King Uncle ?

Haw, haw.............................................haw.
Understand the OP. If El Trumpo gets anywhere near the White House there will be total war in the Middle East- and beyond. Zionism is TOXIC to the rest of the planet.
Trump's stupidity was responsible for October 7th.

British stupidity was responsible for 1948
And the stupidity of mohamed is the root cause of ALL of this. The moronic pedo bastard invented a religion with a deity so weak and paranoid that he has to whip his puny human creations into a frenzy to kill his enemies, the puny human Jews.

This is religion, pure and simple, and it will never be over until you islamic saps have a Christian style epiphany and decide to live in peace.
No they're not. They are scurrilous Europeans looking for some free real estate at indigenous Palestinians expense, Poles, Russians, you name it, the prospect of something for nothing appealed to them all.
I suppose you're descended from King Uncle ?

Haw, haw.............................................haw.
So you claim the Jews are not Jews.
And the Jews want death to Israel.
And the Jews fled Israel because of Christians.
And the stupidity of mohamed is the root cause of ALL of this. The moronic pedo bastard invented a religion with a deity so weak and paranoid that he has to whip his puny human creations into a frenzy to kill his enemies, the puny human Jews.

This is religion, pure and simple, and it will never be over until you islamic saps have a Christian style epiphany and decide to live in peace.

Moon refuses to believe it is about religion. :palm:
Understand the OP. If El Trumpo gets anywhere near the White House there will be total war in the Middle East- and beyond. Zionism is TOXIC to the rest of the planet.
Under Pres. Trump, peace was blooming in the middle east because of the Abraham Accords and sanctions on Iran.

If the U.S. abandons Israel like you want, ... the ME will explode.
Under Pres. Trump, peace was blooming in the middle east because of the Abraham Accords and sanctions on Iran.

If the U.S. abandons Israel like you want, ... the ME will explode.
Israel has lost the right to exist.

It should be all Palestine now.
And the stupidity of mohamed is the root cause of ALL of this. The moronic pedo bastard invented a religion with a deity so weak and paranoid that he has to whip his puny human creations into a frenzy to kill his enemies, the puny human Jews.

This is religion, pure and simple, and it will never be over until you islamic saps have a Christian style epiphany and decide to live in peace.
How does this align with the fact that it was Jews and Christians that invaded Muslims in Palestine ?
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People immigrated to the British mandate. You sound like a religious bigot. :palm:
You can't 'immigrate ' into Palestine without invitation. When I say ' invaded ' that's exactly what history records.
The Germans did not ' immigrate ' into Occupied France.

You're a charlatan. Zionists are all charlatans.
You bogarted all of it.

So you claim the Jews are not Jews.
And the Jews want death to Israel.
That's Your argument. :palm:

So you think that the Germans ' immigrated ' into Occupied France .
You think that the Zionist scum ' immigrated ' into Occupied Palestine.
You also think that are no Jews who want an end to Zionism.
Wakey, wakey Big Doggie

So you think that the Germans ' immigrated ' into Occupied France .
You think that the Zionist scum ' immigrated ' into Occupied Palestine.
You also think that are no Jews who want an end to Zionism.
Wakey, wakey Big Doggie

So you show the same 3 guys, again :palm: ... out of 16 million Jews.

People immigrated to the British Mandate.
So you show the same 3 guys, again :palm: ... out of 16 million Jews.

People immigrated to the British Mandate.

Jews entered the ascribed Jewish territory legally. From there they invaded Palestine. All Jews in Occupied Palestine are illegal invaders. International law is a bitch, ain't it. Suck up.
Who moved the US embassy into Occupied Jerusalem, in contravention of international law ?


Who told the Israeli terrorists that he supported their illegal squats , in contravention of international law ?


Who gave US backing to the illegal occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights by the Israelis, in contravention of international law ?


Who gave the Jews the encouragement to continue to arrest and kill Arabs in the West Bank and Jerusalem which led to the Arab's October 7th reprisal action ?


Who did fuck-all to repair any of former once in office ?

Did he tell the arabs to go in and rape and slaughter innocent women and children? Don't try to make excuses for the animals you support. If anyone is to blame for this it is your fellow arabs who have used these other arabs as pawns for decades. You are to blame for pushing lies