October 7th. Why Trump should be held responsible .

There would not be many, if any Palestinians in Western Jerusalem. They fled, or were driven out during the war in 1948. There were not many even before the war. It was the newer part of the city that Jews had expanded out. Jerusalem was divided between Israel and the West Bank, with the newer suburbs of Western Jerusalem being part of Israel.

It was proposed that the old city parts of Jerusalem be "international territory", but that never happened. This is the suburbs of Jerusalem, outside the city walls, so would not have been covered even if it had happened.
As territory can never be gained by means of war the Zionist occupation during 1948 has no validity.

Resolution 181, the UN Partition Plan was passed in 1947 and remains the legal definition of the partition of Palestine. It includes the recognition of Jerusalem as International Territory. The Zionists' illegal occupation of Jerusalem did not alter the city's legal status although it did serve to prevent the practical implementation of Resolution 181- as the invaders intended. Nevertheless, the legal status did not change.

You are attempting to promote the fallacy of ' might makes right ', Walt- and that won't do. It wasn't acceptable then and it isn't acceptable now.
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If you can't defend your land, it won't be your land very long.
Territory can never be gained by means of war. Zionist pricks might disagree- but they're going to jail. .

Earl is a known supporter of genocide and of the sodomy/rape of Palestinian prisoners.

As territory can never be gained by means of war the Zionist occupation during 1948 has no validity.
If anything, Western Jerusalem was more Jewish than Tel Aviv. So moving the embassy actually made it stand on less occupied territory.
If anything, Western Jerusalem was more Jewish than Tel Aviv. So moving the embassy actually made it stand on less occupied territory.
So you appear to support illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing. What's your position on Jewish sodomy/rape of Palestinian prisoners ?

So you appear to support illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing.

The occupation should absolutely end, but not without Palestinian commitments to Israel's security. That means no more jihad, no more nakba, no more pogroms.

What's your position on Jewish sodomy/rape of Palestinian prisoners ?
That those responsible should be held accountable while we also hold Hamas and their supporters accountable for the pogrom they committed on 10/7.
The occupation should absolutely end, but not without Palestinian commitments to Israel's security. That means no more jihad, no more nakba, no more pogroms.
All that required then is for Israel to withdraw, to recognize the Palestinian state on the pre-1967 borders and for both the Jews and the Arabs to comply with international law.
All that required then is for Israel to withdraw, to recognize the Palestinian state on the pre-1967 borders and for both the Jews and the Arabs to comply with international law.
So long as Hamas' threats of pogroms still exist, there will never be a Palestinian state in the WB and Gaza.

Hamas must surrender and be destroyed.

For the Palestinian people to survive, Hamas must die.
So long as Hamas' threats of pogroms still exist, there will never be a Palestinian state in the WB and Gaza.

Hamas must surrender and be destroyed.

For the Palestinian people to survive, Hamas must die.
Israel is de-legitimizing itself daily. It doesn't exist morally anymore - and it won't exist legally in times to come.
Israel is de-legitimizing itself daily. It doesn't exist morally anymore - and it won't exist legally in times to come.
Israel already exists, Palestine does not.

So like MAGA, you need to come to terms with reality; Israel will not be destroyed by outside forces, and it won't destroy itself, and the sooner you people come to terms with that, the sooner a Palestine can co-exist next to Israel.
Israel already exists, Palestine does not.

So like MAGA, you need to come to terms with reality; Israel will not be destroyed by outside forces, and it won't destroy itself, and the sooner you people come to terms with that, the sooner a Palestine can co-exist next to Israel.
Israel exists WITHIN Palestine, dumbass. It needs to be removed.
The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law
https://guide-humanitarian-law.org › content › article › ho...
IHL is clear: taking and executing hostages is prohibited. Such acts are war crimes in both international and non-international armed conflict.

If the cowards in Hamas did not hide behind women and children, civilian deaths would be at a minimum.

More than a thousand Israels were slaughtered by Hamas on Oct. 7, many of whom were civilians. Many of those children (civilians) were burned alive and be-headed.

Hamas does not give a tinker's damn about women and children, even their own women and children. They are fanatics who put Islam above the lives of their own women and children.
Israel exists WITHIN Palestine, dumbass. It needs to be removed.
Palestine existed before God just as Christ existed before God except human reproduction medical pseudoscience doesn't follow the laws of nature & nature's God therefore remove them for needs ?
Stfu. Amen.
Still preying for Islam Mohammed Valhalla Palestinian pedophilia martyrdom which with Amen existed before God in that "man is God" suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming not so master race not so master plan........