October 7th. Why Trump should be held responsible .

Your ignorance of early American history is showing.
Haw, haw..............................................haw.

The Sioux invaded the Great Plains and slaughtered all the bison to starve the indigenous palefaces.

Haw, haw, haw, haw............................haw, haw..............................haw.

Go away, Gardner- you are a very foolish poser.
Haw, haw..............................................haw.

The Sioux invaded the Great Plains and slaughtered all the bison to starve the indigenous palefaces.

Haw, haw, haw, haw............................haw, haw..............................haw.

Go away, Gardner- you are a very foolish poser.
When will the Canadian white libs return their stolen land to the native Americans? ... or "aborigines" as you like to call them.

When will the Canadian white libs return their stolen land to the native Americans? ... or "aborigines" as you like to call them.

That must qualify for ' Pathetic deflection of the week '

Haw, haw.........................................haw.
The Palestinians have lived in the region since the neolithic era-
COmplete and total horseshit. Palestinians are Arab Muslims. Arab Muslims came from Arabia to colonize the Southern Levant. They haven't been there since the neolithic era, that's a load of horseshit. Palestinians got to the Southern Levant around 700 AD with the Muslim Caliphate that came out of the Arabian peninsula.

Palestinians are not indigenous. They don't speak any of the indigenous languages (Jews do, Hebrew), they don't observe any of the indigenous customs (Jews do, though), nor do they even worship any of the indigenous Gods (Jews do, though). Judaism is practiced in the region today just as it was during antiquity, before Islam and before the Arab conquest.
The Palestinians have lived in the region since the neolithic era- and their tribes adopted different religions over time-

Palestinians are Arab Muslims. They speak Arabic. They worship Allah. They have no connection to the indigenous tribes of the region because their ancestors were colonizers who didn't get there until 700 AD, about 3000 years after the Jews had already been living there. You're not indigenous to the place your ancestors colonized...that's not what indigenous means.
Did he tell the arabs to go in and rape and slaughter innocent women and children? Don't try to make excuses for the animals you support. If anyone is to blame for this it is your fellow arabs who have used these other arabs as pawns for decades. You are to blame for pushing lies
There was no border czar position.
Trump and his people colluded their asses off. Lewandowsky provided Russian hackers with ongoing polling data. Stone wed directly dealing with the hackers, particularly their targeting.
I would go on, but you are such a right-wing idiot who believes ll the right-wing lies.

Palestinians are Arab Muslims. They speak Arabic. They worship Allah. They have no connection to the indigenous tribes of the region because their ancestors were colonizers who didn't get there until 700 AD, about 3000 years after the Jews had already been living there. You're not indigenous to the place your ancestors colonized...that's not what indigenous means.
No- fact. It is the bullshit between your ears that prevents you from acknowledging that.

Go away. I'm moron intolerant.
No- fact.
Not at all. A complete and total lie.

Palestinians don't get to claim that they've been there this whole time when the religion they follow, the customs they uphold, and the language they speak got there around 700AD, with their ancestors in the Muslim Caliphate. Do you think Palestinians are also indigenous to Kurdistan or Turkey? Or were they places that their ancestors colonized. Don't make me tap the map:

Haw, haw..............................................haw.

The Sioux invaded the Great Plains and slaughtered all the bison to starve the indigenous palefaces.

Haw, haw, haw, haw............................haw, haw..............................haw.

Go away, Gardner- you are a very foolish poser.
Your example, by sarcasm, is idiotic. You know nothing about American history.
I know enough to know that you're an immigrant or from immigrant stock and you've learned fuck all about anything worth knowing. Begone.
My ancestors immigrated from Scotland and Wales to Mexico--the state of Tejas in Mexico at the time to be exact. That means I'm more Hispanic than Elizabeth Warren is Indian or Kamala Harris is black...
There was no border czar position.
Trump and his people colluded their asses off. Lewandowsky provided Russian hackers with ongoing polling data. Stone wed directly dealing with the hackers, particularly their targeting.
I would go on, but you are such a right-wing idiot who believes ll the right-wing lies.
Wow you bought into all of the left wing tropes. Yes Kumala was in charge of the border
Who moved the US embassy into Occupied Jerusalem, in contravention of international law ?
Not to be overly technical, but the Embassy is in Western Jerusalem. It was part of Israel since the beginning. It was never part of the West Bank. I guess you could argue that all of Israel is "occupied territory", but that would apply to Tel Aviv as much, so moving the Embassy makes little difference on this point.
Not to be overly technical, but the Embassy is in Western Jerusalem. It was part of Israel since the beginning. It was never part of the West Bank. I guess you could argue that all of Israel is "occupied territory", but that would apply to Tel Aviv as much, so moving the Embassy makes little difference on this point.
Western Jerusalem is also Occupied Territory- although not singularly Palestinian. The whole of Jerusalem is designated International Territory. All so-called ' Israeli law' in all of Jerusalem, east and west, has been declared void by the United Nations.
Of course, ' all of Israel ' is not Occupied Territory . Israel is legally entitled to all of the - previously Palestinian - territory ascribed to the Jewish Homeland by the UN in 1947.
Perhaps you should butt out, Walt.
Biden did not have the guts to comply with International Law once Trump trashed it. To my knowledge the genocidal asshole has not even reversed Trump's claim that parts of Syria and Lebanon are Israeli. Stick ' cowardice ' into his legacy.
Western Jerusalem is also Occupied Territory- although not singularly Palestinian.
There would not be many, if any Palestinians in Western Jerusalem. They fled, or were driven out during the war in 1948. There were not many even before the war. It was the newer part of the city that Jews had expanded out. Jerusalem was divided between Israel and the West Bank, with the newer suburbs of Western Jerusalem being part of Israel.

The whole of Jerusalem is designated International Territory.
It was proposed that the old city parts of Jerusalem be "international territory", but that never happened. This is the suburbs of Jerusalem, outside the city walls, so would not have been covered even if it had happened.