October 7th. Why Trump should be held responsible .


Jews entered the ascribed Jewish territory legally. From there they invaded Palestine. All Jews in Occupied Palestine are illegal invaders. International law is a bitch, ain't it. Suck up.
Wrong. The Palestinians refused to accept the 181 peace treaty, therefore there was no Palestinian State in 1948. 5 Muslim countries illegally invaded the British mandate and violated international law. Israel was the only legal authority inside the mandate.

But at least you finally admitted the Jewish immigrants are Jews.
Did he tell the arabs to go in and rape and slaughter innocent women and children? Don't try to make excuses for the animals you support. If anyone is to blame for this it is your fellow arabs who have used these other arabs as pawns for decades. You are to blame for pushing lies
You really need to get a grip on the realities. Trump ENCOURAGED the Zionist scum to commit further crimes against international and humanitarian law by giving them American support. As a result they murdered hundreds of Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem BEFORE the Palestinian reprisal attack on October 7th. This is not an arguable point.
Wrong. The Palestinians refused to accept the 181 peace treaty, therefore there was no Palestinian State in 1948. 5 Muslim countries illegally invaded the British mandate and violated international law. Israel was the only legal authority inside the mandate.
You simply repeat your same old brain-washed guff over and over . Maybe you're a sufferer. Check out the symptoms.;

No reasoning reader of this thread can reject the points made in the OP. They are factual- and the results are a matter of historic record.
No reasoning reader of this thread can reject the points made in the OP. They are factual- and the results are a matter of historic record.
The fact that without the Harris/Biden funding of Iran, the Oct 7 invasion would not have happened. Democrat Socialists have provided two new wars for the MIC.

Two faced, Jew hating White libs burst blood vessels every time Pres. Trump did something positive for the Jews.
You simply repeat your same old brain-washed guff over and over . Maybe you're a sufferer. Check out the symptoms.;

You don't have a coherent rebuttal because this is the truth ...

Wrong. The Palestinians refused to accept the 181 peace treaty, therefore there was no Palestinian State in 1948. 5 Muslim countries illegally invaded the British mandate and violated international law. Israel was the only legal authority inside the mandate.
The fact that without the Harris/Biden funding of Iran, the Oct 7 invasion would not have happened. Democrat Socialists have provided two new wars for the MIC.

Two faced, Jew hating White libs burst blood vessels every time Pres. Trump did something positive for the Jews.
Two lies.

Iran was not ' funded ' and Trump acted illegally under international law. We're not all philosemitic criminals- as you appear to wannabe.

Next time you lie I'll ignore you.
You really need to get a grip on the realities. Trump ENCOURAGED the Zionist scum to commit further crimes against international and humanitarian law by giving them American support. As a result they murdered hundreds of Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem BEFORE the Palestinian reprisal attack on October 7th. This is not an arguable point.
Of course it is arguable. Unfortunately the Jews aren’t doing enough. They are doing the lords work eliminating these Arab scum. And remember there is no such th8ng as “palesinians”. They ar arabs
Of course it is arguable. Unfortunately the Jews aren’t doing enough. They are doing the lords work eliminating these Arab scum. And remember there is no such th8ng as “palesinians”. They ar arabs
No, it is not arguable. Trump's contributions to the insane Zionist rhetoric and Israel's extremist government are obvious.
Also, Arabs are not ' scum ' and neither are Jews. Further, denial of the existence of Palestine is qualification for the rubber room.
Oh yes- and there is no ' lord ' , Attempting to hide genocide behind an imagined deity is transparent insanity.
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The gutter society Palestinians support Hamas, a terrorist group. Hamas is funded by Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism.

Hamas broke the ceasefire on Oct. 7 when they slaughtered 1200 Israelis and took hostages.

Don't start a war if you can't finish the war.

Don't use human shields and hide behind women and children and there will be minimum civilian casualties.
The gutter society Palestinians support Hamas, a terrorist group. Hamas is funded by Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism.

Hamas broke the ceasefire on Oct. 7 when they slaughtered 1200 Israelis and took hostages.

Don't start a war if you can't finish the war.

Don't use human shields and hide behind women and children and there will be minimum civilian casualties.
Your bumps are always appreciated , dumbass.
The gutter society Palestinians support Hamas, a terrorist group. Hamas is funded by Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism.

Hamas broke the ceasefire on Oct. 7 when they slaughtered 1200 Israelis and took hostages.

Don't start a war if you can't finish the war.

Don't use human shields and hide behind women and children and there will be minimum civilian casualties.
No, it is not arguable. Trump's contributions to the insane Zionist rhetoric and Israel's extremist government are obvious.
Also, Arabs are not ' scum ' and neither are Jews. Further, denial of the existence of Palestine is qualification for the rubber room.
Oh yes- and there is no ' lord ' , Attempting to hide genocide behind an imagined deity is transparent insanity.
Jews are winning. Your side is losing. Cry harder.
During the time that Trump was legally President he had very little to do with anything, the Swamp had his way with him most of the time and when he wanted to do something that they the Shadow Government did not approve of they generally shut him down.

Who moved the US embassy into Occupied Jerusalem, in contravention of international law ?


Who told the Israeli terrorists that he supported their illegal squats , in contravention of international law ?


Who gave US backing to the illegal occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights by the Israelis, in contravention of international law ?


Who gave the Jews the encouragement to continue to arrest and kill Arabs in the West Bank and Jerusalem which led to the Arab's October 7th reprisal action ?


Who did fuck-all to repair any of former once in office ?

Why not blame the birth of Jesus on Trump while you're at it?
That's not an ' admission '- it's a FACT that I've been supplying for years. The Palestinians have lived in the region since the neolithic era- and their tribes adopted different religions over time- Judaism being one of them.
And in all that time they could never create a stable nation? How fucked up do you have to be to fail to create a stable society and state given something like 10,000 years to do it?
And in all that time they could never create a stable nation? How fucked up do you have to be to fail to create a stable society and state given something like 10,000 years to do it?
The indigenous North Americans were doing OK- 'til European invaders- such yourself- fucked them up. Same in the Middle East.
You're the bad guy. Stfu.