Which foods are best to eat while drunk (choose up to 3)

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yeah the only difference is the texture of duck beaks and feathers and little feet bones. ok mott. jesus fucking christ
Meh...I doubt that. Balut is like hot dogs or chicken soup in South east's as common in Vietnam as in the Philippines. Admitdedly for westerners there's a bit of a gross out factor but the only difference, taste wise, between balut and a hard boiled egg is textural. There are some cruchy cartilagenous bits....but other than that it's a hard boiled egg and if you ever had a hard boild duck egg...and a hard boild duck egg is way better than a hard boiled chicken egg. It's really pretty good. Though I have to admit that the first time I age balut I had to do it in a dark room. LOL


Andrew Zimmern, the guy on TV who eats a lot of bizarre foods, says it was one of the most disgusting things he has ever tasted!
WTF is that?

And please don't say "Balut".

What IS Balut?
Yes. That's Balut. It's a fertilized duck egg that's allowed to develop for 18 days then hard boiled. In southeast asia they sell them like hot dogs...literally. In the villages and small towns there's ussually a balut vendor outside the local pub selling these little goodies in what is pretty much a hot dog cart.
It is a fertilised duck's embryo, I've never had one and it's not on my bucket list. I have tried a lot of things usually when drunk including fried locusts, snake and sea cucumber but drawn the line at that.

Ladies and gentlemen, we've found the perfect food to go with the world's most disgusting coffee, made from beans that have traveled through he digestive tract of the civet cat and PICKED FROM IT'S FECES.

Fertilized duck embryo with cat poop coffee....

yum yum!
Yes. That's Balut. It's a fertilized duck egg that's allowed to develop for 18 days then hard boiled. In southeast asia they sell them like hot dogs...literally. In the villages and small towns there's ussually a balut vendor outside the local pub selling these little goodies in what is pretty much a hot dog cart.
I thought they were also fermented?
the filipino stewards onboard ship would ALWAYS be eating baluts.... I have had one at the urging of the chief steward, but only one, and it was not something I'd ever willingly eat again...thank you very much.
If you ever come across lutefisk run like hell, it is seriously horrible crap loved by Rune's countrymen. Probably tells you a lot about why he is such a cantankerous old git.
I had it in Minnesotta and it's is unguestionably the most appaling and repulsive thing I have ever ate. I couldn't even swallow it. I took one bite, chewed it twice, spit it out and drank about a gallong of beer trying to get that taste out of my mouth. It taste like ammonia.
I thought they were also fermented?
No, just hard boiled. I kid you tast like a hard boiled duck egg with crunchy bits and hard boild duck eggs have a richer flavor than chicken eggs. Looks repulsive as hell but it taste pretty good....if you like hard boiled eggs.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've found the perfect food to go with the world's most disgusting coffee, made from beans that have traveled through he digestive tract of the civet cat and PICKED FROM IT'S FECES.

Fertilized duck embryo with cat poop coffee....

yum yum!

Reminds me of the Monty Python bit about the disturbing candy items one company produced including "crunchy frog" and "ram's bladder cup".
Ladies and gentlemen, we've found the perfect food to go with the world's most disgusting coffee, made from beans that have traveled through he digestive tract of the civet cat and PICKED FROM IT'S FECES.

Fertilized duck embryo with cat poop coffee....

yum yum!

I have actually tried some of that coffee in a swanky coffee house in Bangkok, it is expensive and very nice. Not as good as Blue Mountain though, that is the champagne of coffees.
I'll give you two reasons.

1) Eat as an attempted preventative hangover technique. Gotta coat the stomach.

2) If you are single, the bars are closed and you still aren't ready to give up for the evening going to a late night diner for food is your last shot.

I bet you charmed the panties off more than one of those 55 yo night shift diner waitresses Cawacko!
in that same taste profile is the delightful Scandinavian dish called "Surströmming". It's some sort of fish that has been canned and allowed to rot (ferment) inside the can. The can is bulging from the gases given off during the decomposition and, when the can is opened, the entire room is immediately engulfed in a horrid odor. The Swedish officers serving with me in the UN would always open up a can of it in the evenings for a little post-prandial snack with their akvavit. good times. ;)