Once you see the strings..........

No! It's best not to argue with self-important KNOW-IT-ALLS who view everything through a political scope- that only limits your view!

You would just ignore anything I have further to say about anything, because you are a BUTT HURT politically jaded antagonist and argue just for arguments sake.

If you are not already aware of what the real Dinner Table issues are for most American families, THAT'S ON YOU!

Perhaps you watch too much FOX FAKE NEWS!

Is inflation a dinner table issue?
Stop right there.

Why do you keep changing my words from 'election fraud' to "voter fraud"? Why can't you just stick with the words that I am actually making use of? Is that an indication that you wish to be dishonest? These are all rhetorical questions btw...

How do you come to the wacky conclusion that someone else's voter fraud (voter fraud) leads to my vote being counted 10 times (election fraud)? You're giving many users of this forum a run for their money for "stupidest poster on the forum". Maybe ITN should bring back his 'awards' that he used to give out...

I've voted straight Republican in every single election and (s)election ever since I started voting over a decade ago. In the upcoming Spring elections / (s)elections here in Wisconsin, I will be voting for the conservative candidate for our State Supreme Court. I don't want the highest court in the State to be taken over by lawless social justice warriors. There's enough of them on our court already.

However, when it comes to the 2024 Presidential (s)election, I will not be voting for any other candidate other than Donald J. Trump... I see no reason to vote for one globalist over another globalist... When it comes to a President, I care about national economic policy first and foremost, not any cultural stuff.

... and you conclude by pretending that you are sooooo important that you can somehow speak for entire nation. hahahahahaha TOO funny! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Dismissed as a loon.

What a waste of keystrokes.
LOL. Very true about change coming when the tables turn on Republicans in the popular vote.

Democrats are winning because the Republicans are in the overwhelming minority in the nation, and it gets worse for them every year. Which is why voter suppression is the number one platform issue in the party.

So delusional...
Right. It is corrupt, and people such as yourself enable it to continue.

How did Trump beat "Jeb!"? "Jeb!" had A SHIT TON more money behind him than Trump did.

How did Trump beat Clinton? Clinton had A SHIT TON more money behind her...

... and as you continue to cast your vote for candidates who are backed by said corporations. That includes the DNC and the RNC.

Fake news.
You still here?
Is inflation a dinner table issue?

Yes, it has been a Table issue around the world ever since the pandemic left the entire world with having to deal with it!

Thank GOODNESS that the USA is able to handle it better than in any country around the world. That comes from GREAT leadership!

Yes, it has been a Table issue around the world ever since the pandemic left the entire world with having to deal with it!

Thank GOODNESS that the USA is able to handle it better than in any country around the world. That comes from GREAT leadership!


This is why you're losing, and have to rely more and more on fraud.
So there are STILL zero "Never Trumpers" who wish to directly refute any of the points that I have made within this thread??? :)
The Democrat Party and their RINO Party subsidiary can both kiss my ass. I will no longer begrudgingly vote for either club's 'holy' candidate, not that either of them need my vote anyway due to all the ballot (and voter roll) fraud/harvesting.

For 2024, the RNC Club (aligned with corrupt groups like Club For Growth and the Republican Governor's Association) can push for their 'holy candidate' Ron DeSantis all they want, while pathetically pretending that Ron "hasn't decided yet" even though it's clear that his 2024 run has already been decided since late 2021/early 2022 after Christina Pushaw's (on Ron's behalf) first organizing of "Big Con" conservative media influencers happened. To this very day, none of the people there (such as Dave Rubin) will honestly answer the simple straightforward question of who organized that meeting (Answer: Cristina Pushaw, who also dishonestly denies it to keep the pretenses propped up).

Since Ron DeSantis and his professional handlers currently need to keep up with the pretense that he's not been already having '2024 Presidental' aspirations since the end of 2021, a whole year before he won re-election as Governor, he will sit on the sideline for as long as possible. The RNC Club's plan is to have, like they did for the 2016 cycle, a long line of "Hollywood Squares" candidates line up and enter into the race to launch attacks against Trump, meanwhile their 'holy candidate' Ron DeSantis sits on the sidelines so that he can benefit from the pretense of "remaining above the fray, above the personal attacks, blah blah blah".

It appears that Nikki Haley is now the first one in line to "challenge Trump". Other RINOs, such as Tim Scott, Judas "Thirty" Pence, Chris Sununu, Larry Hogan, etc. etc. will file in afterward. After these puppets have done all the dirty work, "chosen boy" DeSantis will be the final candidate to enter the fray later this year, as close to the filing deadline as possible. Then (maybe even a bit before then), the "Hollywood Squares" candidates will all start systematically filing out and endorsing 'holy candidate' DeSantis. As long as Trump doesn't win, they all win.

I suspect that Trump will be wise and continue to point out the truth behind this strategy and continue to direct the crux of his attacks towards the DeSantis campaign (and its proxies) rather than the "Hollywood Squares" candidates being propped up as distractions so that DeSantis can keep up his pretense that he isn't running for President (yet).

Once you see the strings, you can't unsee them. Now that I see the strings, I can't even fathom begrudgingly casting my already disenfranchised vote for the RINO Party's "chosen candidate" DeSantis if he were to win the nomination over the MAGA candidate Trump. I would at this point purposely write in Trump's name if need be because he's the MAGA candidate in the race... He's the candidate who actually represents a "2nd option" in this corrupt Uniparty system.

The purpose of this thread is to help fellow conservatives identify "the strings" so that they don't get suckered into supporting DeSantis (globalist interests) over Trump (nationalist interests).

Thank you for not voting.
So there are STILL zero "Never Trumpers" who wish to directly refute any of the points that I have made within this thread??? :)

The "Never Trumper" R's I think are to a person Uniparty R's......they demand to go back to the R party that cucked for the Left and constantly lied to the people......the careerists with no morals.
So there are STILL zero "Never Trumpers" who wish to directly refute any of the points that I have made within this thread??? :)

Yes, there sure as fuck was an election. A fair and honest o\ne. More proof, as if any was required, came today when Georgia released the grand jury report with 23 members, who were unanimously stating we had a fair and honest election. They sat for months listening to testimony. They even suggest that 8 Trumpies perjured themselves in the testimony. They suggest indicting them.
Trump should be indicted too.
I can, but this thread isn't the place for it. Make your own thread about it and I'd be glad to discuss it there, IF and only IF you are willing to discuss this thread topic with me, which is about the RINO Party strings being held over "Top Gov" DeSantis's campaign for President in 2024... wait, I mean "book tour"... nah, I was right the first time.

You won't, because it exposes your lack of principles.


And we have you ducking as expected and as i predicted.

I cannot answer your question as you are just labeling what you do not agree with or like as Rino's when that makes zero sense. If you want me to address first you need to prove you know what a Rino is, nd explain how Adam or Liz would qualify as Rino's??

You cannot ask me to explain a term you are using wrongly and corrupted.