Once you see the strings..........

birdbrains get caught up in the cult of personality
Why don't you support Trump?

I'll bet it has to do with his "ego" or his "mean tweets" or his "narcissism" or his "brashness" or his "baggage" or some other personality trait, just as Eagle Eye has already admitted to be the case for himself. Of course now that I've brought it up, you will attempt to deny it. Oh well. It doesn't really matter to me anyway, as you've already been exposed as an unprincipled person who will just do whatever his RINO Party leaders tell him to do. You're choosing to remain in an abusive relationship rather than having the courage and self worth to walk away from it.

it isn't ideology for morons like him, it is hero worship
Not my issue. Tell that to the DeSantibots who worship him as "Top Gov" (you seen THAT advertisement yet?). ;)
Every party has to start out with grass roots.
The MAGA movement is the conservative grassroots atm. The "Feel the Bern" movement WAS the liberal grassroots, but it has since been squashed out by the Demonkkkrat Party, thus people like Tulsi Gabbard have found themselves more attracted to the MAGA movement as of lately. The RINO Party is currently trying to squash out the MAGA movement to retain the status quo.

I am all for ending the binary ethos of our election process.
... by continuing to vote for the Demonkkkrat Party's 'holy candidate' each and every (s)election?

That's the problem, and in this thread I am challenging specifically the voters who tend to vote Republican who do the very same thing as their Demonkkkrat friends do... who continue to vote for the RINO Party's 'holy candidate' each and every (s)election... zymurgy and Eagle Eye have already been exposed as such thus far... Others are probably too cowardly to enter into the fray now that they've seen just how much information I've strung together regarding the uncomfortable truths about the "Ron!" 2024 "book tour" (campaign for President) and the globalists and RINO Party insiders who are funding/supporting his campaign that "isn't a campaign". Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable.

There has to be a way to separate the extremists of Both Parties from their main-liners and centrists

But, the states won't have it- THE RED STATES- where you have to have a majority, and where the majority has to be >50%.- and the winner takes all!
Everything that you've said here is buzzword soup. Meaningless.
No doubt that the system doesn't really work right now.
Right. It is corrupt, and people such as yourself enable it to continue.

The issue is the amount of money it takes to win an election.
How did Trump beat "Jeb!"? "Jeb!" had A SHIT TON more money behind him than Trump did.

How did Trump beat Clinton? Clinton had A SHIT TON more money behind her...

That too will never change, as corporations own the govt..
... and as you continue to cast your vote for candidates who are backed by said corporations. That includes the DNC and the RNC.

And foreign entities who own the POTUS in the case of trump.
Fake news.
If ballots are cast then an election occurs. Whether the election was properly conducted is a different question entirely. The election with vote casting and ballot counting occurred.

But thanks for playing "I'm with stupid." You BDaMann when it comes to winning that game.
An "improperly conducted election" is not an election.
Thanks for the laugh,
Of course, you can't address any of my counterpoints because you have none. Your lack of principles have been exposed. You are thus no better than our liberal friends in that regard. I will remind the forum of one such "exposure" moment, of which you seem uninterested in facing head on:

Trump spent others money to become president thus satisfying his inflated EGO.
This claim of yours is an attack on Trump for the reasoning mentioned.

I then informed you that DeSantis has built up an over $200M war chest (as of before winning his re-election as "Top Gov") and that numerous rich globalist donors have contributed to it. I also gave you a name (Ken Griffin) to research regarding this matter. Are you telling me that you believe that DeSantis will represent nationalist interests while being massively funded by globalists like Ken Griffin?

These truths establish the fact that Ron "Top Gov" DeSantis falls into the very same category that you are (incorrectly) applying Trump to, yet you refuse to even acknowledge, let alone openly attack, "Top Gov" DeSantis for the very same thing that you are (incorrectly) attacking Trump for.

The truth is very uncomfortable sometimes, but it is still the truth nonetheless. You can either accept it for what it is, or continue to remain willfully ignorant and/or even outright dishonest. Ignorance and dishonesty help noone, hence why I have created this thread. You might even thank me one day.

it is always entertaining to see would be Trump dick suckers defend him.
.... and my uncomfortable truths about "Top Gov" DeSantis have now triggered you to turn into a flaming libtard in this regard, hurling lude insults towards me just as they would do.

Keep going you will go down in history as one of the worlds suckers.
Your issue, not mine. I am exposing the "strings", meanwhile you are continuing to be suckered by the status quo.
so you are not just a shit stain - you are a special shit stain that doesn't debate things, just jumps in post debate.

"That guy"
You're describing yourself, dude. Care to address any of my points about DeSantis yet?? Or are you just going to continue remaining willfully ignorant of his globalist donors, his press secretary's organization of a meeting with conservative media influencers back in Dec '21 to promote him over Trump, the Babylon Bee receiving money from DeSantis to write (a) pro-DeSantis anti-Trump article(s), the fact that his Ted-Cruz-copy-cat picture of him reading a book to his children means that his campaign is being organized by the same people as Cruz's was, the fact that his cringy "Top Gov" ad means that his campaign is being organized by the same RINO establishment that is organizing the campaigns of the likes of Nikki Haley, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, and others... etc etc etc :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Remain ignorant of the strings if you wish, if the truth is too hard for you to swallow, but it's the truth nonetheless, and it's obvious that you can't counter any of it because it exposes your lack of principles. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: This is TOO funny!!!!
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It is not an insult to call dumb statements dumb. It is accurate.

Trumpism sees Reagan Republicans as Rino's.

Trumpism is not in agreement with 99% of the beliefs of the historical republican party.

It is fine if you think the history of republicanism was flawed and Trumpism is better but you cannot say that the entirety of the republicanism that came before Trump was not republicanism, as that makes no sense. Trump is the one CHANGING republicanism into something else. That means it is not the prior republicanism but since they still want to use the term Republican, they are using it in name only. They are the RINO's.
Buzzwords mean nothing, dude. You need to speak English.

If you want to know what Republicans look like, look to Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who are as Republican and true Republican as any in the modern era can be.
This is like someone who discovers a new religion that tells them they are special and only the special folks get to go to Nirvana (heaven, Next life, whatever)...

No argument will upset their belief now, because it feeds the infantile need to feel like they are the elite, the special, the "believers". It doesn't matter that nobody they vote for will ever get elected, just that they have pierced the "veil" and are the ones with the "opened eyes" they have "understood" something your simple brain will never catch until you too see that you can be special just by believing it too...
My OP is about truth seeking, and accepting even the most hard-to-swallow truths (namely, that Ron DeSantis at his core isn't who many people think he is). It is not about faith of any sort.

People then immediately and erroneously jump to the conclusion that I hate DeSantis or think that he's been a bad governor. I think that he's made a rather good governor, maybe even the best in the country (or at least right up there)... but this thread's content is being said with regard to the position of President, not Governor. That's where people get off track, and because people generally like DeSantis, they find it uncomfortable when I bring up truths about the globalists who are funding him, the RINO Party insiders who are now tightly managing him, and the various pretenses that he and his managers are trying to keep up.
you tell us what families are REALLY focused on, please.

No! It's best not to argue with self-important KNOW-IT-ALLS who view everything through a political scope- that only limits your view!

You would just ignore anything I have further to say about anything, because you are a BUTT HURT politically jaded antagonist and argue just for arguments sake.

If you are not already aware of what the real Dinner Table issues are for most American families, THAT'S ON YOU!

Perhaps you watch too much FOX FAKE NEWS!
Buzzwords mean nothing, dude. You need to speak English.


You seem to be blaming me for your lack of comprehension skills.

just get smarter.

Point of order. Name for me the positions Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger have voted for that would not be considered core GOP positions? As certainly what one votes for is the most important measure, right? Meaning we should not care about Politicians say, if they turn around and vote the opposite.


(and i already know you will not try to answer that, as you cannot)
You seem to be blaming me for your lack of comprehension skills.

just get smarter.

Point of order. Name for me the positions Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger have voted for that would not be considered core GOP positions? As certainly what one votes for is the most important measure, right? Meaning we should not care about Politicians say, if they turn around and vote the opposite.


(and i already know you will not try to answer that, as you cannot)
I can, but this thread isn't the place for it. Make your own thread about it and I'd be glad to discuss it there, IF and only IF you are willing to discuss this thread topic with me, which is about the RINO Party strings being held over "Top Gov" DeSantis's campaign for President in 2024... wait, I mean "book tour"... nah, I was right the first time.

You won't, because it exposes your lack of principles.

I'm not sure when it will happen, but I believe it will happen eventually where the Republicans win the popular vote in a presidential race, but not the delegate vote- AND THEN they will scream HELLFIRE, and the WINNER TAKE-ALL rule may start to change. But that's not going to happen until states like Texas, Ohio, N. Carolina, and Florida turn purplish blue.

That will not happen until the Democrats do a better job of getting their vote out in those states. BUT THE DEMOCRATS ARE EVER GAINING BECAUSE OF THE REPUBLICANS MOVING FARTHER TO THE RIGHT, INSTEAD OF MOVING CLOSER TO THE MIDDLE. Republicans are starting to lose because they are taking their eye off of what families are really focused on- and it is not conspiracy theories, Hunter Biden's Dic Pics, LGBTQ bathroom issues, CRT, WOKE, MICKEY MOUSE, and Cancel Culture bullshit!
LOL. Very true about change coming when the tables turn on Republicans in the popular vote.

Democrats are winning because the Republicans are in the overwhelming minority in the nation, and it gets worse for them every year. Which is why voter suppression is the number one platform issue in the party.