Once you see the strings..........

I think the problem with Birdbrain, is he thinks his party needs to go further out onto the lunatic fringe.

But, Republicans at large do not want that.

Most Republicans just want their GRAND OLE' PARTY to be based on Moral AND FAMILY Values and common sense again, rather than Conspiracy Theories and chaos!
You are way off. Your error is your pretense.of understanding most Republicans, which you do not, and thus you totally misrepresent their positions.

As a result, everything you wrote is erroneous.
birdbrains get caught up in the cult of personality

it isn't ideology for morons like him, it is hero worship

It come from living a lie, and not realizing the result of the last 3 election cycles were not in Donald Trump's favor.

He is the perfect cultist, who will drink the purple Kool-Aid.
Less voters should be like yourself, continuing to vote for the status quo... condoning election fraud... remaining willfully ignorant...
More nonsense. If there is voter fraud, then your vote will be counted 10 times as well. Just keep voting third party. The nation thanks you
Every party has to start out with grass roots. I am all for ending the binary ethos of our election process.

There has to be a way to separate the extremists of Both Parties from their main-liners and centrists

But, the states won't have it- THE RED STATES- where you have to have a majority, and where the majority has to be >50%.- and the winner takes all!
No doubt that the system doesn't really work right now. The issue is the amount of money it takes to win an election. That too will never change, as corporations own the govt..

And foreign entities who own the POTUS in the case of trump.
As part of the pretense of a legitimate election being held.

Right. Election fraud faulted what was supposed to be an election... therefore no election occurred.

There you go again. Claiming you voted in an election that didn't occur. If the election didn't occur then your attempt to cast a ballot would have been fraudulent.
You are openly admitting that this is beyond your intellectual capacity to figure out?

Thanks for the heads-up.

If ballots are cast then an election occurs. Whether the election was properly conducted is a different question entirely. The election with vote casting and ballot counting occurred.

But thanks for playing "I'm with stupid." You BDaMann when it comes to winning that game.
Okay, so you are turned off by the bits and pieces of Trump's personality that you are shown on TV. Got it.


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: So now I should move out of the country because I'm telling the truth about the current state of it ??
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: TOO funny. What are these "political beliefs" of mine??? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Trump largely spent his own money, dude. He also spent money donated to him by small donors across the nation. He didn't accept any money from any elitist globalist interests.

Is DeSantis spending others' money? Does the name Ken Griffin ring a bell? If not, maybe you should look it up... learn about how globalist the dude is... think about whether or not DeSantis would have to "pay back" Mr Ken Griffin for his "hefty donation"... Would becoming President satisfy Ron "Top Gov" DeSantis's "inflated EGO"? ;) ;)

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Demonkkkrat talking points??? REALLY dude!?!?!? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

There was no valid election held. It faulted due to election fraud. Electors were not constitutionally chosen in at least 7 states, including my own state of Wisconsin. Our election system has ALREADY been circumvented by DEMONKKKRATS who performed their so far successful coup in November 2020.

Thanks for the laugh, it is always entertaining to see would be Trump dick suckers defend him. Keep going you will go down in history as one of the worlds suckers.
The Democrat Party and their RINO Party subsidiary can both kiss my ass. I will no longer begrudgingly vote for either club's 'holy' candidate, not that either of them need my vote anyway due to all the ballot (and voter roll) fraud/harvesting.

For 2024, the RNC Club (aligned with corrupt groups like Club For Growth and the Republican Governor's Association) can push for their 'holy candidate' Ron DeSantis all they want, while pathetically pretending that Ron "hasn't decided yet" even though it's clear that his 2024 run has already been decided since late 2021/early 2022 after Christina Pushaw's (on Ron's behalf) first organizing of "Big Con" conservative media influencers happened. To this very day, none of the people there (such as Dave Rubin) will honestly answer the simple straightforward question of who organized that meeting (Answer: Cristina Pushaw, who also dishonestly denies it to keep the pretenses propped up).

Since Ron DeSantis and his professional handlers currently need to keep up with the pretense that he's not been already having '2024 Presidental' aspirations since the end of 2021, a whole year before he won re-election as Governor, he will sit on the sideline for as long as possible. The RNC Club's plan is to have, like they did for the 2016 cycle, a long line of "Hollywood Squares" candidates line up and enter into the race to launch attacks against Trump, meanwhile their 'holy candidate' Ron DeSantis sits on the sidelines so that he can benefit from the pretense of "remaining above the fray, above the personal attacks, blah blah blah".

It appears that Nikki Haley is now the first one in line to "challenge Trump". Other RINOs, such as Tim Scott, Judas "Thirty" Pence, Chris Sununu, Larry Hogan, etc. etc. will file in afterward. After these puppets have done all the dirty work, "chosen boy" DeSantis will be the final candidate to enter the fray later this year, as close to the filing deadline as possible. Then (maybe even a bit before then), the "Hollywood Squares" candidates will all start systematically filing out and endorsing 'holy candidate' DeSantis. As long as Trump doesn't win, they all win.

I suspect that Trump will be wise and continue to point out the truth behind this strategy and continue to direct the crux of his attacks towards the DeSantis campaign (and its proxies) rather than the "Hollywood Squares" candidates being propped up as distractions so that DeSantis can keep up his pretense that he isn't running for President (yet).

Once you see the strings, you can't unsee them. Now that I see the strings, I can't even fathom begrudgingly casting my already disenfranchised vote for the RINO Party's "chosen candidate" DeSantis if he were to win the nomination over the MAGA candidate Trump. I would at this point purposely write in Trump's name if need be because he's the MAGA candidate in the race... He's the candidate who actually represents a "2nd option" in this corrupt Uniparty system.

The purpose of this thread is to help fellow conservatives identify "the strings" so that they don't get suckered into supporting DeSantis (globalist interests) over Trump (nationalist interests).

yes. large swaths of the republican machine are still secret globalists who never supported trump.

desantis is doomed to failure due to being an obvious spook.
No doubt that the system doesn't really work right now. The issue is the amount of money it takes to win an election. That too will never change, as corporations own the govt..

And foreign entities who own the POTUS in the case of trump.

I'm not sure when it will happen, but I believe it will happen eventually where the Republicans win the popular vote in a presidential race, but not the delegate vote- AND THEN they will scream HELLFIRE, and the WINNER TAKE-ALL rule may start to change. But that's not going to happen until states like Texas, Ohio, N. Carolina, and Florida turn purplish blue.

That will not happen until the Democrats do a better job of getting their vote out in those states. BUT THE DEMOCRATS ARE EVER GAINING BECAUSE OF THE REPUBLICANS MOVING FARTHER TO THE RIGHT, INSTEAD OF MOVING CLOSER TO THE MIDDLE. Republicans are starting to lose because they are taking their eye off of what families are really focused on- and it is not conspiracy theories, Hunter Biden's Dic Pics, LGBTQ bathroom issues, CRT, WOKE, MICKEY MOUSE, and Cancel Culture bullshit!
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Ahhhh, more insults. Keep 'em comin'!! The RINOs are being exposed. :)


You got this part right. It has been the RINO Party for quite some time now. It would be nice to have an opposition party for a change instead of a wholly owned subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party merely trying to keep up with pretenses that they are somehow a legitimate opposition party. [Enter Reagan, enter Tea Party movement, enter Trump & MAGA movement]

WTF is "Trumpism"?

Why would I be crying?? I'm happy that people such as yourself are now exposing yourselves.
It is not an insult to call dumb statements dumb. It is accurate.

Trumpism sees Reagan Republicans as Rino's.

Trumpism is not in agreement with 99% of the beliefs of the historical republican party.

It is fine if you think the history of republicanism was flawed and Trumpism is better but you cannot say that the entirety of the republicanism that came before Trump was not republicanism, as that makes no sense. Trump is the one CHANGING republicanism into something else. That means it is not the prior republicanism but since they still want to use the term Republican, they are using it in name only. They are the RINO's.

If you want to know what Republicans look like, look to Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who are as Republican and true Republican as any in the modern era can be.
More nonsense. If there is voter fraud,
Stop right there.

Why do you keep changing my words from 'election fraud' to "voter fraud"? Why can't you just stick with the words that I am actually making use of? Is that an indication that you wish to be dishonest? These are all rhetorical questions btw...

then your vote will be counted 10 times as well.
How do you come to the wacky conclusion that someone else's voter fraud (voter fraud) leads to my vote being counted 10 times (election fraud)? You're giving many users of this forum a run for their money for "stupidest poster on the forum". Maybe ITN should bring back his 'awards' that he used to give out...

Just keep voting third party.
I've voted straight Republican in every single election and (s)election ever since I started voting over a decade ago. In the upcoming Spring elections / (s)elections here in Wisconsin, I will be voting for the conservative candidate for our State Supreme Court. I don't want the highest court in the State to be taken over by lawless social justice warriors. There's enough of them on our court already.

However, when it comes to the 2024 Presidential (s)election, I will not be voting for any other candidate other than Donald J. Trump... I see no reason to vote for one globalist over another globalist... When it comes to a President, I care about national economic policy first and foremost, not any cultural stuff.

The nation thanks you
... and you conclude by pretending that you are sooooo important that you can somehow speak for entire nation. hahahahahaha TOO funny! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
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This is like someone who discovers a new religion that tells them they are special and only the special folks get to go to Nirvana (heaven, Next life, whatever)...

No argument will upset their belief now, because it feeds the infantile need to feel like they are the elite, the special, the "believers". It doesn't matter that nobody they vote for will ever get elected, just that they have pierced the "veil" and are the ones with the "opened eyes" they have "understood" something your simple brain will never catch until you too see that you can be special just by believing it too...
This is like someone who discovers a new religion that tells them they are special and only the special folks get to go to Nirvana (heaven, Next life, whatever)...

No argument will upset their belief now, because it feeds the infantile need to feel like they are the elite, the special, the "believers". It doesn't matter that nobody they vote for will ever get elected, just that they have pierced the "veil" and are the ones with the "opened eyes" they have "understood" something your simple brain will never catch until you too see that you can be special just by believing it too...

Best description of Trumpism I've seen so far. :hand:
I'm not sure when it will happen, but I believe it will happen eventually where the Republicans win the popular vote in a presidential race, but not the delegate vote- AND THEN they will scream HELLFIRE, and the WINNER TAKE-ALL rule may start to change. But that's not going to happen until states like Texas, Ohio, N. Carolina, and Florida turn purplish blue.

That will not happen until the Democrats do a better job of getting their vote out in those states. BUT THE DEMOCRATS ARE EVER GAINING BECAUSE OF THE REPUBLICANS MOVING FARTHER TO THE RIGHT, INSTEAD OF MOVING CLOSER TO THE MIDDLE. Republicans are starting to lose because they are taking their eye off of what families are really focused on- and it is not conspiracy theories, Hunter Biden's Dic Pics, LGBTQ bathroom issues, CRT, WOKE, MICKEY MOUSE, and Cancel Culture bullshit!

you're so delusional.

dems are all in on ballot harvesting and mail in voting fraud because they KNOW they are alienating the people with their pedo-normalization, genital mutilation, and poison shots from fascists.

what are families focused on?
I think the problem with Birdbrain, is he thinks his party needs to go further out onto the lunatic fringe.
You have said nothing of any meaning whatsoever. What is "lunatic fringe"?

But, Republicans at large do not want that.
See above.

Most Republicans just want their GRAND OLE' PARTY to be based on Moral AND FAMILY Values and common sense again,
Here you are, as a Demonkkkrat, speaking for "most Republicans"...

rather than Conspiracy Theories and chaos!
Again, nothing of any meaning whatsoever.
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