Once you see the strings..........

I was only trying to help!
Don't fret... He isn't accepting my help either.

But instead of listening, you want to fight and insult!
... as if you don't do those things yourself... :palm:

Oh Well! Some people have to learn by making mistakes!
Very true! He still hasn't learned that the RINO Party hates and manipulates people like him.

I'm fine- MY GUY WON! Your guy lost!
There was no election held in 2020. Election fraud is not an election.
why not accept the investigators view that it was her fault? nope - had to try to score some pity points in an election, so truth is out.

Who did I blame? I missed that. It was in 1972, why are you fixated on it? Biden was probably very emotionally involved and did not react evenly. However, he has stated that there is no evidence the trucker was drinking. That should be the end of that. Evidence showed she did stop for the sign. Perhaps she pulled ahead incautiously.
you seem like an even bigger shithead

and you bore me.
Ahhhhhhh, and here come the insults because I have been shining direct sunlight on the truth that you are purposefully ignorant of the current geopolitical climate, don't have any reasoned counterarguments to offer, are easily manipulated, are a "battered conservative", etc etc etc...

Synopsis of our exchanges: I've been exposing the lack of authenticity and the umpteen different pretenses of the DeSantis 2024 ("Ron!") campaign for President and you hate it because it exposes your lack of principles along with your tribalism. In that regard, you're no better than leftists. Having direct sunlight shone upon that truth angers you, hence the hurling of insults towards me. Maybe one day you'll thank me for helping you.
I love your arguments.
You love to pretend that your strawmans are "my arguments".

Essentially you are saying no vote fraud existed in 2020 or 2022 because submitting a ballot isn't fraud.
Your strawman is not "what I'm saying", dude. The presumption underlying my statement is that the action of "submitting a ballot" is being done legally. Illegal ballot submissions are obviously fraud. Legal ballot submissions are obviously not fraud. Also, once again, voter fraud, while it can be a part of election fraud, is not the same thing as election fraud.

Are you arguing that Trump's arguments of vote fraud are false? Are you arguing that Kari Lake's arguments of vote fraud in 2022 are false?
No. Pay attention.
Please explain to me what one accomplishes voting for someone or something, that has no chance of passing or being elected?
Please explain to me what one accomplishes voting for someone or something, that is no different from what one is trying to rid oneself of?

Not happy with a party the find like minded members and change it from within.
That's what the MAGA movement has been attempting to do... to revert the RINO Party back into the Republican Party.

For President in 2024, if there happens to be a MAGA candidate on the Republican ticket (Trump), then I will vote for the Republican candidate (Trump). If there happens to be a globalist-funded candidate on the Republican ticket (DeSantis), then I will not be voting for the Republican candidate and will instead be voting for a "2nd party" MAGA write-in candidate (Trump).
by submitting to the status quo of the game perpetrated by the establishment parties, all you're doing is perpetuating the same corruption forward. apathetic acceptance of 'nobody else will win', we lose. play their game if you want, but they will not change within. believing that they will reduces your IQ about 75 points.
BINGO, once again.
There simply and clearly was a fair and honest election in 2020. That according to Repub secretaries of state, over 60 court cases and most sane Trumpys. When you repeat that stupidity, you lose any whiff of respect that might be possible. You are waved away as you are, a terrible conspiracy nut.
Obviously the wholly owned subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party (the RINO Party) is going to ultimately claim that the Demonkkkrat Party "won a fair and honest election", after putting up a pretense that they are "fighting for conservatives" by "investigating any potential fraud" and "finding no evidence" of fraud. It is this very pretense, among many other pretenses, that keeps conservatives "battered".

Clearly you don't "get it" either...
Putting you right up there with the 3rd party hopefuls.
There are more than three parties in existence. You DO have a choice outside of the following "major parties":

[1] Demonkkkrat Party
[1a] RINO Party -- a wholly owned subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party

I, for instance, choose the MAGA movement (they aren't an official party, but are attempting to take over control of the RINO Party and convert it back into the Republican Party, back into a true opposition party to the Demonkkkrat Party).
Who did I blame? I missed that. It was in 1972, why are you fixated on it? Biden was probably very emotionally involved and did not react evenly. However, he has stated that there is no evidence the trucker was drinking. That should be the end of that. Evidence showed she did stop for the sign. Perhaps she pulled ahead incautiously.

what are you rambling on about now? Nody is discussing your blame.

Biden spent his life lying about things to get ahead - that is his character. After 9/11, he was at it again

lying sack of shit said:
To the loved ones of the victims, there is nothing really we can say to erase this tragedy. And, those of you who think it's presumptuous of me to say that ... in a different circumstance, I got one of those phone calls ... I got a phone call saying, "Your wife's dead; your daughter's dead." And I've only said that three times in public before. But, I say it here because it's so important for you to understand. I got one of those phone calls. It was an errant driver who stopped to drink instead of drive and hit a tractor-trailer, hit my children and my wife and killed them.
Ahhhhhhh, and here come the insults because I have been shining direct sunlight on the truth that you are purposefully ignorant of the current geopolitical climate, don't have any reasoned counterarguments to offer, are easily manipulated, are a "battered conservative", etc etc etc...

Synopsis of our exchanges: I've been exposing the lack of authenticity and the umpteen different pretenses of the DeSantis 2024 ("Ron!") campaign for President and you hate it because it exposes your lack of principles along with your tribalism. In that regard, you're no better than leftists. Having direct sunlight shone upon that truth angers you, hence the hurling of insults towards me. Maybe one day you'll thank me for helping you.


you are a moron. go put your tin foil hat on and shine your brilliance elsewhere.
The Democrat Party and their RINO Party subsidiary can both kiss my ass. I will no longer begrudgingly vote for either club's 'holy' candidate, not that either of them need my vote anyway due to all the ballot (and voter roll) fraud/harvesting.

For 2024, the RNC Club (aligned with corrupt groups like Club For Growth and the Republican Governor's Association) can push for their 'holy candidate' Ron DeSantis all they want, while pathetically pretending that Ron "hasn't decided yet" even though it's clear that his 2024 run has already been decided since late 2021/early 2022 after Christina Pushaw's (on Ron's behalf) first organizing of "Big Con" conservative media influencers happened. To this very day, none of the people there (such as Dave Rubin) will honestly answer the simple straightforward question of who organized that meeting (Answer: Cristina Pushaw, who also dishonestly denies it to keep the pretenses propped up).

Since Ron DeSantis and his professional handlers currently need to keep up with the pretense that he's not been already having '2024 Presidental' aspirations since the end of 2021, a whole year before he won re-election as Governor, he will sit on the sideline for as long as possible. The RNC Club's plan is to have, like they did for the 2016 cycle, a long line of "Hollywood Squares" candidates line up and enter into the race to launch attacks against Trump, meanwhile their 'holy candidate' Ron DeSantis sits on the sidelines so that he can benefit from the pretense of "remaining above the fray, above the personal attacks, blah blah blah".

It appears that Nikki Haley is now the first one in line to "challenge Trump". Other RINOs, such as Tim Scott, Judas "Thirty" Pence, Chris Sununu, Larry Hogan, etc. etc. will file in afterward. After these puppets have done all the dirty work, "chosen boy" DeSantis will be the final candidate to enter the fray later this year, as close to the filing deadline as possible. Then (maybe even a bit before then), the "Hollywood Squares" candidates will all start systematically filing out and endorsing 'holy candidate' DeSantis. As long as Trump doesn't win, they all win.

I suspect that Trump will be wise and continue to point out the truth behind this strategy and continue to direct the crux of his attacks towards the DeSantis campaign (and its proxies) rather than the "Hollywood Squares" candidates being propped up as distractions so that DeSantis can keep up his pretense that he isn't running for President (yet).

Once you see the strings, you can't unsee them. Now that I see the strings, I can't even fathom begrudgingly casting my already disenfranchised vote for the RINO Party's "chosen candidate" DeSantis if he were to win the nomination over the MAGA candidate Trump. I would at this point purposely write in Trump's name if need be because he's the MAGA candidate in the race... He's the candidate who actually represents a "2nd option" in this corrupt Uniparty system.

The purpose of this thread is to help fellow conservatives identify "the strings" so that they don't get suckered into supporting DeSantis (globalist interests) over Trump (nationalist interests).

Dumb post is dumb.

Trump is the very definition of a RINO. The party is no longer the Republican party and is the Trumpism Party, but maintains the Republican moniker literally as a 'name only'.

oh, and 'cry more'.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Let's break this puppy down:

Any conservative Republican who runs against Trump will get my vote.
So you hate Trump for "reasons". Got it.

Trump doesn't care about the party
So you value party over principle. Got it.

or the US.
In case you missed it, there is no US anymore. The Uniparty rejects the federal constitution, thus there is no more "united". What used to be the USA now consists of:

SODC -- socialist oligarchy of DC
SDTC -- socialist dictatorship of the territory of California
SOTNY -- socialist oligarchy of the territory of New York
48 individual republics, deciding whether to resist or to join the other socialist oligarchies/dictatorships.

Trump is for Trump and nothing else.
Is that why he gave up a sizeable chunk of his wealth to become President?
Is that why he ran as a Republican instead of a Democrat, and had many former friends turn their backs on him because of that?
Is that why he took a stand against the Washington swamp and is now targeted and in their crosshairs at every turn?

He truly wants to save this country from its socialist globalist corruption and see it live up to its capitalist nationalist potential. The "other conservative republicans", as you call them, are all globalists themselves and/or are bought and paid for by other globalists to advance their globalist agendas.
You love to pretend that your strawmans are "my arguments".

Your strawman is not "what I'm saying", dude. The presumption underlying my statement is that the action of "submitting a ballot" is being done legally. Illegal ballot submissions are obviously fraud. Legal ballot submissions are obviously not fraud. Also, once again, voter fraud, while it can be a part of election fraud, is not the same thing as election fraud.

No. Pay attention.

How can one legally submit a ballot for an election that doesn't occur?
It seems you are the one not paying attention. You claimed the election didn't occur.
Dumb post is dumb.
Ahhhh, more insults. Keep 'em comin'!! The RINOs are being exposed. :)

Trump is the very definition of a RINO.

The party is no longer the Republican party
You got this part right. It has been the RINO Party for quite some time now. It would be nice to have an opposition party for a change instead of a wholly owned subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party merely trying to keep up with pretenses that they are somehow a legitimate opposition party. [Enter Reagan, enter Tea Party movement, enter Trump & MAGA movement]

and is the Trumpism Party, but maintains the Republican moniker literally as a 'name only'.
WTF is "Trumpism"?

oh, and 'cry more'.
Why would I be crying?? I'm happy that people such as yourself are now exposing yourselves.