Once you see the strings..........

Biden was asked about it and the said he accepts the truck driver's view that he was not drinking. She also did not run the stop sign. Police did not see signs of drinking.

why not accept the investigators view that it was her fault? nope - had to try to score some pity points in an election, so truth is out.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Vote fraud is not election fraud.... submitting a ballot in what is supposed to be an election is not fraud :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I love your arguments. Essentially you are saying no vote fraud existed in 2020 or 2022 because submitting a ballot isn't fraud.

Are you arguing that Trump's arguments of vote fraud are false? Are you arguing that Kari Lake's arguments of vote fraud in 2022 are false?
why not accept the investigators view that it was her fault? nope - had to try to score some pity points in an election, so truth is out.

Too bad the filthy prick Brandon never apologized for falsely accusing an innocent man. But then again we known how much leftists love accusing innocent people of things they didn't do.
be prepared to have many tell you that you're an ignorant and stupid fuck for wasting your vote. they absolutely hate having their lack of principles exposed.

Please explain to me what one accomplishes voting for someone or something, that has no chance of passing or being elected? Not happy with a party the find like minded members and change it from within.
this is at least one thing I like about the democrat base. they can be relied on to steadfastly vote for anyone with the letter (D) after their name, even if that person is the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, no principles necessary.
Bingo. The Demonkkkrat base consists mostly of non-thinkers, so they will all line right up to "vote blue no matter who". They could run on a platform of killing off every single person over the age of 70 and not lose any support. No principles whatsoever.
Ah! gfm7175 is that asshole Intothenight.
Ahhhhhhh damnit! You got me! I truly AM Into the Night... I'm also IBdaMann too... and Truth Detector... and Matt Dillon... and SmarterthanYou... and RB 60... and Life is Golden... and every other person on this forum who isn't a raging lefty... :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
ironically, for democrats to win elections, we need to make sure the biggest losers in life can still cast a vote. They are so worthless they can't actually produce ID, but boy do democrats need them to stay in power.
You're wayyyyyy behind the times... Voters, no matter how dumb, are largely irrelevant nowadays because Demonkkkrats just (mostly illegally) harvest ballots instead.
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He just ripped the R party a new one dude

You are now what you actually always have been

The party of fuck the little guy, now what can we do for the wealthy

It’s over

The Republican Party is fucked
There is no "party of the little guy". The Uniparty (consisting of the Demonkkkrat Party and their wholly owned subsidiary the RINO Party) completely and utterly despises what you are referring to as "the little guy". That's where MAGA comes in... The MAGA movement stands for what you are referring to as "the little guy" (the working class commoner).
Please explain to me what one accomplishes voting for someone or something, that has no chance of passing or being elected? Not happy with a party the find like minded members and change it from within.

by submitting to the status quo of the game perpetrated by the establishment parties, all you're doing is perpetuating the same corruption forward. apathetic acceptance of 'nobody else will win', we lose. play their game if you want, but they will not change within. believing that they will reduces your IQ about 75 points.
There was no election held in 2020, and I see no reason to believe that one would be held in 2024 either.

It's impossible to lose an election that is never held.

There simply and clearly was a fair and honest election in 2020. That according to Repub secretaries of state, over 60 court cases and most sane Trumpys. When you repeat that stupidity, you lose any whiff of respect that might be possible. You are waved away as you are, a terrible conspiracy nut.
ironically, for democrats to win elections, we need to make sure the biggest losers in life can still cast a vote. They are so worthless they can't actually produce ID, but boy do democrats need them to stay in power.

There is no logic in this statement. Voting republican is what specifically DEFINES one as being a malignant tumor on humanity.
A republican is the moral equivalent of a child molester or terrorist.
That's simple fact.
by submitting to the status quo of the game perpetrated by the establishment parties, all you're doing is perpetuating the same corruption forward. apathetic acceptance of 'nobody else will win', we lose. play their game if you want, but they will not change within. believing that they will reduces your IQ about 75 points.

Putting you right up there with the 3rd party hopefuls.
Sadly you "get it" better than zymurgy does........

DeSantis is just a horse with a different feather.
In terms of economic policy, yes. Within the specific context of the office of President (currently the office of Chief Puppet), DeSantis is a globalist horse with a red feather instead of a globalist horse with a blue feather. In the end, still a globalist. Think he wouldn't be a globalist if elected President? Just take a look at all the rich elitist globalists who are funding his campaign. They will obviously want THEIR OWN agenda advanced, not the agenda of the common working man...

This is where "battered conservative syndrome" annoys the hell out of me with regard to my fellow conservatives who continue to be suckered into believing that the corrupt RNC club is somehow going to magically start representing their own economic interests for a change... NOT GONNA HAPPEN... Gotta support MAGA, not the RNC club, in order to get that...

DeSantis is envious of Trump, and wants to be just like him- He just wants to Steal Trump's base from Trump!
It's not ultimately DeSantis who wants to steal Trump's base away... It's ultimately the RINO Party (the right wing of the Uniparty, and wholly owned subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party) who is paying off DeSantis to put on a MAGA pretense to steal enough of Trump's base from Trump. They've learned from the "Jeb!" fiasco of 2016... They now know that they need to pay off someone other than Trump who is also typically beloved by MAGA supporters. Enter DeSantis. Enter "Ron!" 2024.

Other than this correction, you do surprisingly sort of get what's happening.

Every idea he has in his head- Trump put it there!
Again, you sort of get it, but are off on the specifics... It's not Trump putting ideas into DeSantis' head... It is the RINO Party doing so...

DeSantis is completely managed by RINO Party handlers at this point... hence the awkward "Top Gov" political ad... hence the copy-cat "reading a book with his children" photo that was also done when Ted Cruz ran... hence the "book tour" being used as a cover to campaign for 2024 while continuing the pretense that his 2024 campaign hasn't been pre-planned by the RINO Party since at least December of 2021. There is NOTHING authentic about him and his campaign for 2024 at this point... same ol' same ol' from the RINO Party...

This is why I support people like Donald Trump and Kari Lake... they are both authentic people who support the nationalist economic policies that this nation so badly needs right now.

And you can say the same thing for Nikki Hokey!
What I just said above re: DeSantis also directly applies to Nikki Haley, except unlike DeSantis, she's a straight up lying backstabbing RINO POS right along with the worst of 'em. She's currently being used by the RINO Party as an attack dog for DeSantis, so that DeSantis can continue with the pretense that his campaign hasn't been pre-planned since at least December 2021, and so he can continue with the pretense that he is "above the fray", "above attacking fellow Republicans", blah blah blah. It's the same old "elite club" bullshit to manipulate people into turning on Trump, and anyone who can't see it at this point is willfully ignorant.

The Democrats, along with the Independents who are fed up with the direction the Republicans are going in, and with the addition of Republicans that are willing to vote Democrat now just to end the TRUMP era, combined together, are the hugest Voting Bloc our country has ever had!
Many self-proclaimed "Independents" are actually conservatives who are simply fed up with the RINO Party and no longer wish to be associated with them. A much smaller remaining group of "Independents" are Democrats who wish to virtue signal about their claimed ability to "think for themselves".

Outside of that correction, once again, you do sort of get it. Yes, RINOs are soon going to be openly, and in large numbers, moving over to the Demonkkkrat Party (it's already been slowly happening since 2016, but the floodgates are now about to be opened). You're also ignoring many former Democrats who have been joining up with the MAGA movement since 2016.

Why make it easy for them to win?
A battle is not a war.

End the Trump era by selecting candidates that have left Trump and his Conspiracy Theories, lies, disrespect for the law, and unnecessary hatred behind.
The RINO Party wants to end the Trump era (MAGA) because they, like their Demonkkkrat Party owners, are globalists who despise the common working class man.

You continue to support politicians who hate you. zymurgy continues to be a "battered conservative", manipulated by politicians who support, due to who they receive their funding from, the same globalism that he claims to oppose.
I really don't need a retarded Biden voter to break down my choices for me
The "retarded Biden voter", which is true, actually seems to understand the current geopolitical dynamics a bit better than you do at this point.

You voted for a guy that will lie about the most despicable things. Will claim he marched in civil rights parades and will say his wife was killed by a drunk driver when she died by her own mistake.
Correct. He will vote for whoever the people who do his thinking for him tell him to vote for.

Arguing about who is more of a shithead between Trump and Biden seems fair and hard ot choose.
Nah. It's very easy. Biden is much more of a shithead.
The "retarded Biden voter", which is true, actually seems to understand the current geopolitical dynamics a bit better than you do at this point.

Correct. He will vote for whoever the people who do his thinking for him tell him to vote for.

Nah. It's very easy. Biden is much more of a shithead.

you seem like an even bigger shithead

and you bore me.