Let's break this puppy down:
So you hate Trump for "reasons". Got it.
So you value party over principle. Got it.
In case you missed it, there is no US anymore. The Uniparty rejects the federal constitution, thus there is no more "united". What used to be the USA now consists of:
SODC -- socialist oligarchy of DC
SDTC -- socialist dictatorship of the territory of California
SOTNY -- socialist oligarchy of the territory of New York
48 individual republics, deciding whether to resist or to join the other socialist oligarchies/dictatorships.
Is that why he gave up a sizeable chunk of his wealth to become President?
Is that why he ran as a Republican instead of a Democrat, and had many former friends turn their backs on him because of that?
Is that why he took a stand against the Washington swamp and is now targeted and in their crosshairs at every turn?
He truly wants to save this country from its socialist globalist corruption and see it live up to its capitalist nationalist potential. The "other conservative republicans", as you call them, are all globalists themselves and/or are bought and paid for by other globalists to advance their globalist agendas.