One Simple Reason why I am a Gap Theorist


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Isaiah 45:18 says,

For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.

The Hebrew word tohu from which 'vain' is translated, in Isaiah 45:18, is also translated to 'without form' in Genesis 1:2, which says, And the earth was [hayah; became] without form [tohu; in vain], and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The Earth was not created without form; it was, rather, made to be inhabited. At a later point in time, the Earth became formless and void, as the direct result of God's judgment upon pre-Adamic civilization.

- Brent
Actually, the Bible does not say when Lucifier rebelled.

Most Christians believe it was at some point prior to Adam and Eve.
Ooops. Getting the temptation story and the casting out of Satan story mixed there... d'oh!

However, let me ask. A portion of the reason he and his minions were cast out, and the reason for the flood, was the fact that his minions slept with the women of the Earth. How could he be cast out after they slept with human women unless the rebellion was after the creation of humans?

I will once again ask you, where is your belief in infallibility?
Ooops. Getting the temptation story and the casting out of Satan story mixed there... d'oh!

Actually, there are some Christians who believe that is the rebellion; that Lucifer tempted Adam and Eve, out of jealousy, and this is what caused him to fall. I disagree with them for many reasons, but it is an interesting approach to the issue.

However, let me ask. A portion of the reason he and his minions were cast out, and the reason for the flood, was the fact that his minions slept with the women of the Earth. How could he be cast out after they slept with human women unless the rebellion was after the creation of humans?

There were, in fact, two separate orders of Angels which fell: first, Lucifer's Angels; and second, the Watchers. The Watchers were created specifically to 'watch' over Creation as their name implies. When these Angels fell, and were later destroyed, they were cast into Tartarus. In the final days of the Tribulation, the Archangel Uriel will release these imprisoned entities to torment the sons of men, as prophesied in the book of Revelation. Lucifer's Angels, by comparison, roam the Earth to this day, along with the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim (the sons of the Watchers).

I will once again ask you, where is your belief in infallibility?

And I will respond as I did before: I am not in conflict with the infallible scriptures!
According to what I have read Lucifer had been on Earth. Read Isaiah 14:13, where before his decision to rebel he was going to ascend to heaven. It was during this battle where Satan had ascended to heaven where he was cast down. He never even made it there.

Agreeable to Revelations he will again ascend to heaven and there will be another battle there near the end times.

So, those 1/3 that fought with him "the watchers" as you give were the first attention to his being "cast down", but it wasn't that he was in heaven at the time, he was already here on earth. Sent down while still obedient to rule over the earth. He wanted to make that throne the throne of heaven.

It is interesting mythology, but it seems clear to me that there was one rebellion where he and his 1/3 were cast down and that those were comprised of "the watchers" as you term them.
The difference is, Damocles, Genesis 1:2 and Isaiah 45:18 are NOT the same passage of scripture.
No, but language shift is the reason here as it was there. It just doesn't suit you to listen to such an explanation there, but it does to assert it here. It is disingenuous to use the excuse you earlier refuse to even consider. It is a clear indication of spin. Here language shift can make it so you must explain the difference between different "vain" meanings, there you cannot even admit that in Greek the modifier takes on the masculinity or femininity of the noun.
According to what I have read Lucifer had been on Earth.

That is correct.

Read Isaiah 14:13, where before his decision to rebel he was going to ascend to heaven. It was during this battle where Satan had ascended to heaven where he was cast down. He never even made it there.

It depends on which 'heaven' we are talking about.
Did he ascend into outer space (the 2nd heaven)? Yes.

Agreeable to Revelations he will again ascend to heaven and there will be another battle there near the end times.

The Battle of Armageddon will, as far as I know, take place on the surface of the Earth. I am not certain whether there will be an interplanetary war (Earth vs. Nibiru, Zeta Reticuli, etc.) or not. The scriptures are silent on this.

So, those 1/3 that fought with him "the watchers" as you give were the first attention to his being "cast down", but it wasn't that he was in heaven at the time, he was already here on earth. Sent down while still obedient to rule over the earth. He wanted to make that throne the throne of heaven.

The Watchers did not fight with him, initially. Lucifer's Angels and the Watchers are two separate Angelic orders. The Watchers had a plan of their own. Read 1 Enoch chapter seven.

It is interesting mythology, but it seems clear to me that there was one rebellion where he and his 1/3 were cast down and that those were comprised of "the watchers" as you term them.

It seems clear in 1 Enoch that the Watchers were obedient prior to their fornication with Terran women.