One Simple Reason why I am a Gap Theorist

Yeah Anyold, this was always a problem with me and religion even when a child. God seems to be pretty much an ass, why would I want to worship him ?
and why would an ALL POWERFUL being NEED us to worship him ?
That always bugged me too. My dad was an atheist -- he's now more of an agnostic, but that's neither here nor there -- while my mother was a non-denominational Christian. I never got the whole "God the Father" thing: it seemed really a pointless existence to me. Why would such a being care about such petty bullshit?
Yes Ornot, I was raised up in a holy roller penticostal church and religious family.

And same here, why would an all pwereful creature who can create universes worry about we poor pitiful creatures, and not for empathy apparently because if we don't do just as God says we burn in torment for an eternity....

Of course the old line "But he is God how can we hope to understand him" :rolleyes:
Yes Ornot, I was raised up in a holy roller penticostal church and religious family.

And same here, why would an all pwereful creature who can create universes worry about we poor pitiful creatures, and not for empathy apparently because if we don't do just as God says we burn in torment for an eternity....

Of course the old line "But he is God how can we hope to understand him" :rolleyes:
For me it was a fear of heaven. In order for standing around perpetually worshipping a Deity to be a pleasant experience I would need to be changed significantly, therefore whatever arrived at heaven would not be "me".

Each description made it worse.
For me it was a fear of heaven. In order for standing around perpetually worshipping a Deity to be a pleasant experience I would need to be changed significantly, therefore whatever arrived at heaven would not be "me".

Each description made it worse.

yes would not work for me either, as I don't even have any heroes here on earth. I am just a quiet rebel that walks my own path, wherever that might lead, it is my path not someone elses.
Yeah Anyold, this was always a problem with me and religion even when a child. God seems to be pretty much an ass, why would I want to worship him ?
and why would an ALL POWERFUL being NEED us to worship him ?

I think if you analyzed religions according to the behavioral codes they espouse, it all might make more sense. The supernatural aspect is tacked on to authorize the morality, which is too difficult to explain to children. When there is a basic understanding of behavior between individuals, they can work together, instead of wasting time stealing from and harming each other in various ways.
"AC is doing a great job showing he knows absolutely NOTHING of Orthodox Christian doctrine.

Lucifer, created to be another God? LOL..."

Appeal To Ridicule Fallacy.
Brent is ignoring me, unless he feels that he can gain the upper hand by referring to something I've said.

As I've said since I first encountered the little punk...LIAR.
Is brent a Fundie ? I thought he was a nut ? Hollow earth stuff full of giants and faeries...and all that nonsense.