Are you telling me that it is absolutely impossible that Lucifer will be forgiven, Brent?
Brent, read the verse, he was speaking of heaven. He was going to raise his throne above that of God's. Before he got there he was cast down.
"For thou (he is speaking of Lucifer here) hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: . . . "
When you started in on "it depends on which heaven". At that point you made it clear you had no knowledge of the verses I had given you, and didn't bother going to bible gateway to look them up or even to pick up the book you must have near at hand. Believe me, were we speaking on Buddhism and you brought up the Dhammapada I would simply pick up my copy that is right here on the table.Where did I disagree?
Where does it say that?God created Lucifer to be PERFECT. Since the law of identity only allows one of any thing, he created a mirror image.
You are once again repeating this, "He made him to be perfect" thing. Where does it say that in any scripture whatsoever?Since they are as close to being the same without absolute identity
Then your infallibility theory is simply disingenuous.
Can you see what I am talking of here? He planned to take over, that is what a rebellion is. He and 1/3 of heaven did it together. That 1/3 was comprised of you "watchers".