Online Misogyny, a thoughtful dissertation by Darla

Mmm, love me some cunt... :tongout:

I think the main problem with the word is its Germanic roots, it is too hard and guttural whereas it ought to be soft and fragrant. In French, you can take your pick between chatte, con, conasse or vagin. In Thai, it is หี which is pronounced as hee with a rising tone. Here is another one for uber-feminists, in Thai shit smell is pronounced key men. So you have key men meaning shitty smell and he men meaning smelly cunt, how ironic is that?
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What a surprise to find a con woman slavishly supporting misogyny.

Don't ever tell me what to do. I'll post what I want to post. Concern yourself with the insipid shit you post.
What a surprise to find out a libtard is the board crybaby.
BTW - Desh... It should be Phalt if you want Phallus to be part of the term. It should be Felt if you want Fellatio to be part of the term. Falt makes no sense.
Grind, I appreciate the thought, but in case you haven't noticed everyone here hates me. Because I am the "loudmouthed" feminist. No one is going to join a group I create. :)

It's okay, my feelings aren't hurt. I am that way here because IRL I do the opposite and use men's sexism against them by playing it. It's more subversive and fun in it's own way, but it does build up in me.

Only the needledicks, racists and crybabies with baby avatars hate you. A sizeable fraction is in awe/intimidation, take your pick. And a handful - the smart ones - fucking dig you. :)
What's difficult? When you call people pedophiles it invariably leads to discussions about what they "do" to the kids. That is outright not going to happen here.

This isn't difficult, calling your mom a c*nt has nothing to do with what activities pedophiles are up to.

In my case no it didn't. You equate merely saying the word - or even just implying the word - with posting kiddy porn.

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