Online Misogyny, a thoughtful dissertation by Darla

I must be confused. I thought she was denouncing racist.

Try reading it again... she is whining that we all call out desh for her constant 'u racist' comments, but that Darla is sick of seeing the C word and she goes on to whine that we 'don't care' to call out the evilz men that dare type it.
Try reading it again... she is whining that we all call out desh for her constant 'u racist' comments, but that Darla is sick of seeing the C word and she goes on to whine that we 'don't care' to call out the evilz men that dare type it.

You're such a jerk. I said that a lot of the men here are all butthurt and weeping anytime Desh or anyone implies that the Republican party has more than their fair share of racists. But none of you give a shit about the terrible misogyny that goes on here. It's simply an observation. You're so stupid. Intentionally obtuse I think.
The title is misleading; because it wasn't said 6 times.

Darla's gynecologist only said it once, during her latest exam.
The other five were echo's. :chesh:

I can't tell you how much pleasure it gives me knowing that you are in near constant pain and unable to work, home all day long drinking a bottle of jack daniels and scratching your grossly distended stomach. Just as I always pictured. No one could deserve it more. YOu can't get me mad or "get my goat" or whatever it is you are trying to do. Because I know that God has had the last laugh on you and it's just so perfect. :)

Have a great day. Enjoy your miserable life. You earned it.
I can't tell you how much pleasure it gives me knowing that you are in near constant pain and unable to work, home all day long drinking a bottle of jack daniels and scratching your grossly distended stomach. Just as I always pictured. No one could deserve it more. YOu can't get me mad or "get my goat" or whatever it is you are trying to do. Because I know that God has had the last laugh on you and it's just so perfect. :)

Have a great day. Enjoy your miserable life. You earned it.

C'mon now.
There's no need for you to be such a cunt about it. :D
Plus; I thought you had me on IA and weren't reading my posts, liar. :)
what a truly bizarre thread

you have a whiny bitch, bitching about "men" using the c word, yet she and desh/evince used the word repeatedly. apparently it doesn't bother her sensibilities if a woman says it.

Yes quite a bit of pearl clutching and yet when women here are called that name on a daily basis, and in fact followed around with it, nary an eyebrow is raised.

Hilarious. Must be because when men use it to put the bitches in their place, that's socially acceptable. A woman using it and WHOA stop the presses, everyone is in trouble at work and Damo has to delete a tweet! LOL I have to admit I didn't know what would happen when I posted this, and now I'm really glad I did. It's been interesting.
Oh please. It isn't a sexist term anymore than calling a guy a dick is.

If someone is calling you that personally, ignore them. Problemo solved.
what a truly bizarre thread

you have a whiny bitch, bitching about "men" using the c word, yet she and desh/evince used the word repeatedly. apparently it doesn't bother her sensibilities if a woman says it.


If anybody has a reason to call her a cunt then that would be me due to her saying that I was a rapist. I asked her to apologise yet she has steadfastly refused to do so, Damo said that he would consider a rule change yet, surprise surprise, nothing happened. By the way, just so she doesn't take victimhood to the next level, I am not calling her a cunt.
Grind, I appreciate the thought, but in case you haven't noticed everyone here hates me. Because I am the "loudmouthed" feminist. No one is going to join a group I create. :)

It's okay, my feelings aren't hurt. I am that way here because IRL I do the opposite and use men's sexism against them by playing it. It's more subversive and fun in it's own way, but it does build up in me.

I don't hate you and I'd join your group. I've spent the majority of my life, since puberty, seeking women. Singles. Groups. A bunch. A bundle. A congregation. A crowd. A gang. A pack. To paraphrase one well-known but not so well-liked individual, "Even a binder of women would be welcome." :D
Oh please. It isn't a sexist term anymore than calling a guy a dick is.

If someone is calling you that personally, ignore them. Problemo solved.

What a surprise to find a con woman slavishly supporting misogyny.

Don't ever tell me what to do. I'll post what I want to post. Concern yourself with the insipid shit you post.
I don't hate you and I'd join your group. I've spent the majority of my life, since puberty, seeking women. Singles. Groups. A bunch. A bundle. A congregation. A crowd. A gang. A pack. To paraphrase one well-known but not so well-liked individual, "Even a binder of women would be welcome." :D

Any woman with a pulse??
I didn't actually say that, it very much depends on the context. I can't envisage any scenario where calling someone's mother a cunt would be considered socially acceptable, can you? Try it next time you are in Britannia and see how you get on!!
