Oprah for Prez?

I never implied that everyone voted for him only because he was black.
What about his education? Do we really want to discuss that?lol

He's miles above trump when it comes to having intellectual chops. What about his education are you loling about?
Why in god's name did people vote for trump? He's as dumb as a box of rocks and a congenital liar. Were trump voters not smart enough to see through him?
You know perfectly well why, One, as a bulwark against overarching PC, identity politics and "isms" and two, to stop Clinton.

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I'm sure people voted for trump because he had a TV program and a long-time presence in radio and on the NYC scene. Because no one could analyze his brain and conclude that he was a competent, knowledgeable candidate.
I'm sure some did. Many voted for him because they were anyone but Hillary? What's your point?
That being said: Are you with Harpo?
There would be such a frenzy...it would just be hilarious....I don't think she wants to go there, to be honest with you...
Not if she's smart, and I do think she is...
Why, because I don't side with the left as much as you think I should? Because I don't agree with everything black? That makes me a Trump supporter and a racist? You guys have a lot to learn.
I am appalled that a sitting potus is ridiculed this way, during this, as well as past administrations. I am appalled that we are turning into a spectacle for the whole world to see. Focus on policies, focus on truth and facts, don't turn our political system into a circus. Our country, our government is self correcting, and for that, it deserves respect.
I am ashamed of what my fellow countrymen/women have become. Intolerant, vicious, vulgar gossips with no respect for our rule of law. Interpreting and abusing the constitution any way they see fit.

We're trying to focus on truth. Why doesn't trump do the same?
Oprah would be a pretty formidable candidate.

Being a Presidential candidate is all about connecting w/ huge #'s of people. That's really what she does, better than just about anyone I can think of.
And she should be proud of that accomplishment. But is being an astute business man/woman enough to handle the office of the president? Trump is a good business man and he is far from being a good president. Would Oprah be a good president? I don't know, I would like to see her views on the economy, Korea, Russia the ME and of course border security then I could make a decision.

I'll believe trump's a good business man after I see his tax returns.
I do not pay much attention to pop culture and have to plead ignorance, what is the "All Black Awards"?

I might be wrong about this, but I do not think the Democratic party has much appetite for putting movie and pop culture stars at the top of a ticket. That seems to be a Republican thing, if the intellectual lightweights "Bedtime for Bonzo" Ronnie, Governor Terminator, and Reality TV Star Trump are any indication.

In defense of Oprah, I would never put here in the intellectual lightweight category as those Republican dudes. She obviously is highly articulate, keen minded, well read, empathetic, and a world-class business person. Basically, everything Donald J. Trump is not.

At least we agree on the last portion. You are wrong on Reagan... but correct on Arnold and Trump. Definitely correct on Oprah. Not only a world class business person, but in my opinion in the top three entrepreneurs in the history of the US. Ford and Gates being my other two.
Sorry, loser, but Hollywood stuff is not "current events" -- it's Hollywood stuff that has little to no meaning for most of us because -- wait for this -- it doesn't affect our lives in any way, like politics do.

But carry on with your sad little attempts to be noticed.

Adds another to the list.......
Wise choice, no wonder you’re an Owl :)
What about Oprah's political stance on issues?

How would she govern? Does anyone know or are you all just guessing?