Oprah for Prez?

What was unclear? I don't the name of the award show. I do know they have been speaking for weeks the people would wear all black in protest. Am I supposed to know no one on this board follows that?

How about Oprah's speech at the award show?

Knowing the name of the show wasn't necessary to be understood.
What was unclear? I don't the name of the award show. I do know they have been speaking for weeks the people would wear all black in protest. Am I supposed to know no one on this board follows that?

But you didn't know the name of the award show that has been coming on for years.........GTFOH

You tried to make a racial pun that failed.
You are entitled to your opinion. But we don't talk politics because when we do, we just argue...that's a waste of time, isn't it? We all have work to do...
I would say nothing different to "black people's faces" than I say here. So silly of you to even suggest that.
I know Very few blacks like the one here, thankfully. I've mentioned that more than once. I couldn't even begin to tell you who was black except for the obvious irrational radical one...now he would get eaten alive for what he spews here. I've shown people his posts. They're appalled, to say the least.
We see a parent like that occasionally. And that makes us work even harder to make sure their children don't grow up with that horrible attitude.

What a hilarious pack of lies. I'm too sure that you wander into some random "inner city high school" and bring along posts from here. You used to claim you did the same thing over at Amazon. "I showed your posts to ____ and they laughed and said you are an idiot/liar/moron/jerk/crazy person, etc." Remember that?

You, Toxic, are a racist. I'm quite sure that if any of the fictitious ppl you mention saw your posts here -- or the ones at Amazon which were even worse -- they would call you worse than what MvM calls you, and rightfully so. You earned the white sheets; wear them proudly!
I never said that she wasn't smart.
But the only reason that people would chose her is because of race and gender. And panic. You're all panicking. Relax and find a candidate who can beat President Trump if you want him gone...
(don't let Hillary try again...just saying)
Fauxcahontas is still available.

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Why would you say that? There's nothing to hide.
Don't you think it would be a bit difficult to be a racist in an all black school for that many years? Ponder that for a bit...
(saved a few pitties along the way-I'm sure you'll appreciate that even if you're so very concerned for the kids and adults;)
She's truly barking mad, everybody on here knows that.

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LOL at Fowl...I've been sharing the posts for years.....they know of you all.
They're going to love the latest at the CP....especially the picture of students they've taught. I'll have to get some advice on what to do about that:)
"Tammy" had some awesome suggestions...
I, on the other hand, knew the name of the show because it was still on when we went to watch the late night news. Golden Globes. I had no idea about the participants wearing all black because from the few minutes that we saw before we could find something else more interesting, we saw gowns/suits in colors other than black.

You could have worded that better, given that the OP is about Oprah, who is black.

It's been talked about for weeks people would wear all black in protest. I'm sorry that makes me a racist.

I didn't watch the show nor did I see Oprah's speech. What I did see was people raving about it on Facebook and Twitter and I read Seth Meyer's intro mentioned her running for President. Hence the starting of the thead.

Like I said she's an American success story/hero. I have no idea if she could win but she could run for President if she wanted to. She has appeal across the board.

It must be a high for you guys to call others racist that's what we get here.
Precisely. Her current name "TOP" is shortened from her original (banned) Amazon name, TOPICWAQ. Let me know your opinion on these posts of hers:

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 7:59:07 AM PST
Last edited by the author 35 minutes ago

Got an ethnic job joke for you TR...

A black guy walks into his neighborhood welfare office, goes up to the counter and says, "Hi, I'm tired of foodstamps, monthly checks, and other government handouts. I'm ready to get a real job."
The man behind the counter says, "Great--I actually just got a request from a very rich man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his nymphomaniac daughter. You job duties would include driving around in a huge white Mercedes, and the uniforms are provided. The hours are kind of long but you will be given meals and housing. You will be allowed escort the young lady on her cruises and international holidays. The salary package is $250,000 a year, to start."
The guy says, "Ah c'mon, bro, you've got to be bul..s...ting me!"
The man behind the counter said, "Well, you started it!"
Have a great day, TR!
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 9:43:22 AM PST
ignatov says:
"black guy walks into his welfare office and says, 'Hi, I'm tired of government handouts. I'm ready to get a job.'"

Please don't tell racist jokes in this forum.
Oct 28, 2014 3:03:06 PM PDT

Just use​ ​
"​da iggie"
button...bless yo heart:)
In reply to your post on Aug 24, 2015 1:39:12 PM PDT
TOPIC says:
here's the second one:)
"yo IF Dere'$$ Ne11 Hoo knows Frmm FAke blaqq VOICeS, It'$ RRRR DArliN MI$$ toXiCC Wif Hur eRSaTz BlaQ nI$$a, a''' Hurr PENCHant FO' uSiN` A OnliNE eBoNix TranSmaLatorr TA $ho DAt $he'$$ Nawt Uh RaCiST bRacee Yo'$elF Foo'!!
You are very welcome...
That one is English to Ghetto;)
Couldn't care less, says more about you and your spitefulness, to be honest.

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the things you are saying are racist

white peoople like you always say "oh that not racist its just fact"

nope its racist to think those things are facts idiot

they are racist

you thinkiing they are not does not change that

they are racist

that is why we dont let you racists define what racism is

everytime black people complain of racist behavior you types say they are lying about what they call racism.

its out right proof you are racist

face who you are

then realize the people you used to work with just put up with you

they didnt like you much

because you called all their concerns race card fakes

that is why Trayon and Tiamer are dead
You should be free to tell any joke you want, John Cleese and Mel Brooks are right to say that PC mofos like you are killing comedy.

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Her premise, the only reason people vote for black people is because they are black

The only reason people vote for women is because they are women

The only reason people vote for white men is because they discuss the issues.

Well the data does appear to bear that theory out.

In 2008 Obama got 95% of the black vote but in 2012 he got 93% of the black vote.

Hey it's a possibility Oprah is extremely popular and trusted, couple that with a large percentage of voters vote their feelings rather than looking at the stances on the issues. Then there are those who would vote to for the first black woman president just like they did when they elected the first black president. So it is a distinct possibility.

Dumb. Oprah's a liberal so of course we share the same stance on a lot of issues. Don't confuse us with trump voters.
Obviously you haven't been.

Most of her audience is white.

White women you mean, and a few gays.

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I she still on TV?
Were she to run for president, it would definitely be a race defined by race and gender. You don't disagree with that, do you?

Is that why cons voted for trump rather than Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina? They wanted an old white guy in office?

Look at the sig of a rightie here: "I voted for the white guy this time." Says it all.