Oprah for Prez?

Exactly, he is genius At using the laws that were set up to benefit people like him who were born with huge amounts of money. He is not someone who work hard, was innovative, or particularly intelligent at business. He was particularly good at using a system that was established to benefit him in the first place.

So? Does he make money or not. My argument isn't whether he is a good person or not it's all about money. He'll I don't even think he is a good president.
I hate you because it makes me look like I'm defending Trump when in reality you are trying to knock capitalism while getting rich off it.

Trump is a crappy person with shady bausjness ethics but that doesn't mean he didn't work hard or build an empire. You are conflating personal dislike for how business works

He was born with huge amounts of capital. He inherited a real estate empire that grew at a slower rate than the stock market. He has no more of a hard worker or genius then the guy washing cars down the street, the only difference was what he was born with.
People without capital have to borrow money to buy things such as houses and cars, low interest rates make that possible. High interest rates make that more difficult. When someone who has capital wants to invest it low interest-rate give them a smaller return, high interest-rate give them a larger return.

If a person who does not have access to their own capital wants to start a small business, and would like to take advantage of the tax loopholes provided to people who own their own businesses They have to borrow money, when interest rates are lower it is easier to borrow money.

1) why don't we keep rates at zero forever then


2) why are we in this current assett bubble
So? Does he make money or not. My argument isn't whether he is a good person or not it's all about money. He'll I don't even think he is a good president.

He makes money because our system is designed to give preference to the idiot who inherited a lot of capital versus the hard-working and intelligent man who was born poor.
1) why don't we keep rates at zero forever then


2) why are we in this current assett bubble

You can’t keep rates artificially low forever, they must track the economy at some point or the interference can be harmful. We are in an asset bubble because the improvement in the economy is only now showing up significantly, coupled with the shock of a new tax policy Designed to favor the wealthy even more heavily than previously did. Our economy was very strong in the 1940s, let’s go back to that tax rate.
No, I do not know why. We have more pressing problems in the country than being or not being PC. I saw 17 candidates start on the republican ticket, every one of them more qualified than trump, yet this mancub got elected. I truly believe you (meaning GB) get a sanitized or incomplete version of what trump does and says, especially about his lying. Nobody, and I mean pols like Hillary, Obama, bush, reagan etc. has ever lied as much as trump. That's indisputable.
His lying rarely bothers me, it's his actions I care about more. When he tells a lie on the scale of Johnson about the Gulf of Tonkin or Clinton about her emails then I might think differently.

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Cawacko, You don’t think Oprah got help from her government? Do you think without government help opera would be what she has today? The difference with Oprah is that she got help that is available to everyone, Trump Inherited his wealth made available only to those with Rich daddy’s.
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I have never seen her rage, I guess that is a matter of opinion as well. Do you lecture your friends on their use of foul language, if it’s so important to you? Tom uses the word cunt often, and Eagles post are generally profanity filled, or is it just your detractors that you find foul?

Yes I do to other men, all who richly deserve it I may add. Except of course to your bestie but then you know why that is as well. Oh by the way, Larry David is fond of that word as well.

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Cawacko, let me try to explain this to you in a different way, very practical real way. Because I did not have a wealthy daddy, I had to borrow about $100,000 in student loans to go to law school, through a combination of low interest rates and governmental assistance I was able to borrow that money. Several years ago I was able to consolidate those loans at a very low Interest rate because the Fed Forced low rates. Now, because of the low interest rate I am paying compared to the interest rate I was paying when rates were higher, I have an extra $200 a month to take care of my family with. I thank Liberals for the federal student loan program and low interest-rate.

The federal student loan program is available to everyone, not just those with Rich daddy’s. Without the federal student loan program I would be making much less money because I would’ve not had access to the education I was able to attain.
Are we to assume then that won't be passing on anything to your children?

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That is my plan, my children are getting a top notch education and a great upbringing, but I do not plan to leave them money. I have seen too many people fucked up by knowing that they will one day inherit a lot of money. Its bad for the child and the Nation.
His lying rarely bothers me, it's his actions I care about more. When he tells a lie on the scale of Johnson about the Gulf of Tonkin or Clinton about her emails then I might think differently.

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Would you accept this much lying from Theresa May? He lies when he doesn't have to, lying defines him. I'm not sticking up one minute for LBJ on Tonkin or bush on Iraq or Hillary on the emails or reagan on Iran-Contra. All those lies are bad also.

You said his lying rarely bothers you, have you ever looked at his lies impartially and on their own without mentally comparing them to other pols' lies?

May be stupid to you but the facts bear me out! Who did you vote for and why?

You should quit while you're ahead. There is no factual way you can prove that someone voted on feelings. By that standard I'd say that all trump supporters voted on their feelings that he actually had empathy for the middle class.
They've seen the black guy seeking a job joke. That was years ago. And TR? The one mention in the post you keep reposting? One of our very good black friends from Amazon. A musician, actually. Still talk to him.
He was not offended. No one normal was...

Toxic,BS like all your gay friends aren't offended by your hate of gay marriage.
People on the forum are on to you Toxic!
I have never seen her rage, I guess that is a matter of opinion as well. Do you lecture your friends on their use of foul language, if it’s so important to you? Tom uses the word cunt often, and Eagles post are generally profanity filled, or is it just your detractors that you find foul?
We've been over this before. She rages. She's irrational.She's full of rage all the time. Her command of the English language is very poor. I do lecture my friends on occasion. Do you ever lecture yours? Or anyone here? (other than your "detractors, of course;) I don't know who Tom is. But you seem to support the "contributions" from Fowl and Mason, without question. They often use the c word and much much worse...You've seen their "handiwork" up close and "personal" if you recall.
I wonder if you would applaud their latest "project"...perhaps you can get them to give up another link...I think they made it private again..
Would you accept this much lying from Theresa May? He lies when he doesn't have to, lying defines him. I'm not sticking up one minute for LBJ on Tonkin or bush on Iraq or Hillary on the emails or reagan on Iran-Contra. All those lies are bad also.

You said his lying rarely bothers you, have you ever looked at his lies impartially and on their own without mentally comparing them to other pols' lies?

Most of his lies are in fact exaggerations, I put that down to him being a salesman by nature. If he starts telling egregious lies then I will view him differently. I really believe he'll only complete one term and then hand on the baton to somebody else maybe Nikki Haley?

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You can’t keep rates artificially low forever, they must track the economy at some point or the interference can be harmful. We are in an asset bubble because the improvement in the economy is only now showing up significantly, coupled with the shock of a new tax policy Designed to favor the wealthy even more heavily than previously did. Our economy was very strong in the 1940s, let’s go back to that tax rate.

No that's not why we are in an asset bubble and it has absolutely nothing to do with tax cuts. When the Fed artificially keep rates low as they have people will chase yield into riskier assets. Hence the stock and real estate bubble. Eventually the fed has to pull away the punch bowl and we'll see the results when they do.

And the Fed and low interest rates are the reason inequality has grown so much over the past decade. Feel free to pull up where the gains have gone the past decade. Largely to the top. That's what your low interest rates has wrought and that's what you are claiming is good for middle class and poor people.
With all respects to the proposed person, I'd have thought that after the present weirdo you'd have had enough presidents to last you for another four centuries. Why not vote for sensible policies?