Oprah for Prez?

Yes, his success in real estate has translated well to other businesses. He loves debt, he’s called himself “the king of debt”.
It’s why I didn’t understand debt/deficit hawks supporting him

Exactly. My husband has followed Wall Street, financial news, and such for years. He said it is common knowledge among the money folks that Trump is heavily in debt to the Russians. His cred with Western banks is so low that in the last 10 years no one has wanted to lend him money for his various follies. This is why he won't release his tax returns.
White men have been the President of the United States since day 1, until 2009.

Things can and do change....albeit slowly.

Since the internet, Americans have been pulling the scabs off of what racist white men have been doing to this country and it's revealing a lot.

It's only a matter of time before America rights it's wrongs.

P.S. the federal reserve really has fuck all do to with income inequality in any meaningful way. It's a talking point the clueless right wingers use.

And this is from the liberal Gaurdian on what QE has done in the U.K. to hurt the middle class

What were the benefits to the black community, middle class and poor since you are claiming its only right wingers who think it increased inequality.

So your still talking about the false premise of QE?

Again, I don't believe in your false premise that QE is what causes income inequality, so I can't answer your question as I feel it's BS.....In my mind, it gives you credibility.
The federal student loan program is available to everyone, not just those with Rich daddy’s. Without the federal student loan program I would be making much less money because I would’ve not had access to the education I was able to attain.

But think how much money you would have now if your rich daddy had paid for your law school and you graduated with no debt at all? Plus it's possible that your rich daddy would have been able to use his connections with other rich daddies to get you hired by a prestigious law firm, where you could have been pulling down six figures this whole time -- without that student loan debt.
You should quit while you're ahead. There is no factual way you can prove that someone voted on feelings. By that standard I'd say that all trump supporters voted on their feelings that he actually had empathy for the middle class.

Translation: you got me I have no answer on why I voted the way I did other than it felt right.
means nothing to me...........nice try though.

I don't think just because it comes from a "liberal" its true. Hell, there are so called "liberals" on this board who prefer dump over Hilary.

I don't listen to them either.

It's easier to remain ignorant on a subject than try to understand it. I do it myself. So I guess you won't answer how QE helped the black community and middle class and poor?
I must have missed the show. Darn. I think Oprah for president would be "awesome". Would she take Stedman or Gail with her to live in the WH? Or both?
She loves dogs. She can't be all bad. Her food line is awful, though. One of the local stores had a "tasting". Food like that is just sad...
But, heh...some people don't really enjoy food, and do love their microwave, so heh....(not really affordable for too many of her peeps, though....I was surprised)
Translation: We need a female African American as President of the United States.
Family legacies should not be based on wealth but intelligence and hard work. Are you saying if his father were poor, you believe he would be where he is today?

Agree. It's interesting the stuff here about inherited wealth from the cons. Remember how the Kennedy family has been bashed and bashed again over the decades for their wealth... by the right? But now that one of their own morons is in the WH, it's okay.
means nothing to me...........nice try though.

I don't think just because it comes from a "liberal" its true. Hell, there are so called "liberals" on this board who prefer dump over Hilary.

I don't listen to them either.
It's true only if a liberal who voted for Hillary says it, right buttercup?

You fuckers truly are too dumb to be free.