Oprah for Prez?

They may not call it "The Secret," but positive thinking is visualization is definitely something MANY successful, wealthy individuals swear by. Trump is a living example of that, actually.
I use it and it is very helpful, I have my list on my wall of things I want to happen, and I’m slowly checking them off. A 30 year old male who sits home on Saturday night writing a list of people and why he bans them shouldn’t make fun of a women who has made billions, using “The Secret”
How about a racial divider? Did you call him that .. which he quite obviously is.

Oprah stands head and shoulders over a buffoon like Trump. How do you ignore that?

'Respect for the office?' How about respect for a wonderfully accomplished private citizen such as Oprah?

Nonsense. How does Trump create racial division, other than the networks calling following immigration laws racism and bobble heads nodding obediently? Low employment and improved economic stats for blacks I heard was not racism either.
C'mon, do yourself a favor and don't abuse a serious issue of racism for partisan gotcha.
Republicans would love it if Democrats gave the nomination to Oprah.

The rest of the country realizes it would be a disaster if we elected a TV star to be president.
It's what you choose to believe brother.

There are lots of serious black people that actually study and know what they're talking about that you could have taken literally .. but you CHOOSE not to.

One of the gifts my life gave me was spending the last three years of my nursing career working for an insurance company doing managed care, with a large group of dedicated and intelligent professionals. The office was located close to Ferguson Missouri, in an area "in transition" (coy phrase meaning the whites were freaking out and leaving). So therefore many of my coworkers were ppl of color, and like me they were nurses as well. The same was truly of our auxiliary staff. This large company offered tuition reimbursement so many of the employees were taking advantage of that to go to college PT. If I had to guess at our ethnic make-up, I would say we were about 60-40 w/b. The drive to gain more education was especially notable among my black coworkers. My boss was working on her MBA, and achieved it. My trainee and cube-mate already had a BSN and was also going for her masters.... and she achieved it after I left. When I first started there I was in training with another nurse who has since gotten her BS in business administration and opened her own business -- an adult day care for folks who are caring for a family member with dementia ( like her own dad )... in one of the shittiest areas of St. Louis you can imagine. My white coworkers were also taking advantage of the tuition benefit, but not to the same extent.

Strong black women, all of them. Some single moms, some with equally-strong husbands.
I'm missing something here. We're talking about parenting. Black people aren't the only one's who have kids which I would think would be obvious. What am I missing?

What you're missing is that if you're going to offer opinion on black parenting, you should know more about it then what a guy who tells jokes for a living has to say about it in a joke.

Here's what you're missing .. ever read 'Raise Him Up: A Single Mother's Guide to Raising a Successful Black Man'?

Ever been here?

I could go on .. but the truth lies far beyond what you can find in a joke .. and if you're really interested in the challenges of black parenting, I suggest you pick up a book and turn off the TV.
What you're missing is that if you're going to offer opinion on black parenting, you should know more about it then what a guy who tells jokes for a living has to say about it in a joke.

Here's what you're missing .. ever read 'Raise Him Up: A Single Mother's Guide to Raising a Successful Black Man'?

Ever been here?

I could go on .. but the truth lies far beyond what you can find in a joke .. and if you're really interested in the challenges of black parenting, I suggest you pick up a book and turn off the TV.

Not just that, but most forget simple things like some of those famous country music songs. Half of them are about men cheating or drinking or running away from Momma and the kids.
Seriously though, I don't think anyone has rights to brag. All parents, single or couples, can do is try their best.
One of the gifts my life gave me was spending the last three years of my nursing career working for an insurance company doing managed care, with a large group of dedicated and intelligent professionals. The office was located close to Ferguson Missouri, in an area "in transition" (coy phrase meaning the whites were freaking out and leaving). So therefore many of my coworkers were ppl of color, and like me they were nurses as well. The same was truly of our auxiliary staff. This large company offered tuition reimbursement so many of the employees were taking advantage of that to go to college PT. If I had to guess at our ethnic make-up, I would say we were about 60-40 w/b. The drive to gain more education was especially notable among my black coworkers. My boss was working on her MBA, and achieved it. My trainee and cube-mate already had a BSN and was also going for her masters.... and she achieved it after I left. When I first started there I was in training with another nurse who has since gotten her BS in business administration and opened her own business -- an adult day care for folks who are caring for a family member with dementia ( like her own dad )... in one of the shittiest areas of St. Louis you can imagine. My white coworkers were also taking advantage of the tuition benefit, but not to the same extent.

Strong black women, all of them. Some single moms, some with equally-strong husbands.

I think I love you.
Whatever the Hollywood award show was last night the people attending wore all black to show their support for #metoo. In his opening monologue Seth Meyer spoke about Oprah for president then after a speech she gave so did a bunch of other people

Oh, okay the black clothes thingy. I get it now. I heard about that.

I do not know much about Oprah's politics, but she strikes me as a superior human being in every single respect to the lightweight celebrity dunces Republicans have propped up and put forth. Bed Time for Bonzo, Governator, and Trump should be an utter embarrassment to any major global political party. So, I am not surprised, nor do I consider it embarrassing or shameful for some Democrats to view her in the highest esteem, a person of capability and leadership. She's earned it. You know what doesn't speak well of people: When they hold Donald J. Trump as a human being worthy of national leadership.