Oprah for Prez?

That's pretty lame, Stretch. Like she knew during those photos that he was a predator.

Trump, on the other hand, endorsed Roy Moore AFTER the allegations against him.

Oh...OK...so she's ignorant about the guy? Or, she just looked the other way while he produced her movies? Guess she really doesn't know much about the entertainment industry where she makes her money from, right? She never watched TV and saw the "jokes" about his "open secret casting couch"? She's not so smart after all. Yeah...right...just like Streep. Selective gullibility.
I think you're a nice person, but seriously.... WTF. You never heard all of Trump's diatribes against Hispanics... they're rapists, criminals, "the worst"? You never saw his scree... er, speech where he called for "Where's my African-American?" You've forgotten his birther shit and years of yelling about President Obama's birth certificate? You didn't hear about his calling the Charlottesville white supremacists "some fine people"? I know it's hard because like me you're a white person... but you seriously cannot see where a non-white American might take that shit the wrong way?


Total fabrication of the SSM :palm:
You could be white and born in Appalachia and had a low chance as well. All one can do is make the best of what they've been given. There are kids who come from everything and choose to live very middle to lower middle class lives later in life. There are kids who come from nothing who have the most amazing drive and over come crazy adversity.

Ultimately I'd think we'd all like to see kids have the opportunity to reach their potential. Unfortunately for multiple reasons that doesn't happen. The biggest reason for that starts at home.

That's what the racist white man wants you to believe so he can continue oppressing Blacks and other minorities without fail.
Nonsense. How does Trump create racial division, other than the networks calling following immigration laws racism and bobble heads nodding obediently? Low employment and improved economic stats for blacks I heard was not racism either.
C'mon, do yourself a favor and don't abuse a serious issue of racism for partisan gotcha.


Sorry, but that demonstrates nothing short of partisan blindness. How are you a Sanders supporter?

Need I really have to post all the racial division that's come from Trump? Really?

But you see OPRAH as a racial divider?

That's what the racist white man wants you to believe so he can continue oppressing Blacks and other minorities without fail.

Racist white men think parenting is the most important factor in a child's life? Ok.

Does that imply non racist and not whites think the government plays the most important role?

I mean Tiger Mom doesn't really fit into your equation here.
That's what the racist white man wants you to believe so he can continue oppressing Blacks and other minorities without fail.

Ok, instead of making an assumption I should have asked. Who plays the most important role in a child's development?
Racist white men think parenting is the most important factor in a child's life? Ok.

Does the imply non racist and not whites think the government plays the most important role?

I mean Tiger Mom doesn't really fit into your equation here.

"Racist white men think parenting is the most important factor in a child's life? Ok"

How would you know that?.
That's what the racist white man wants you to believe so he can continue oppressing Blacks and other minorities without fail.

To not be racist should I abuse my daughter or beat her a little just so she knows some struggle? Have no books in the house, don't feed her three meals a day? Scream and cuss at her just to show her? Will that help her not oppress people later in life?
Agree. So how do you reach that hopeless single mom and inspire her to inspire her kids to do better?

I have a friend who just turned 70, so she's a few years older than I am. She grew up as the oldest of 13 kids to a sharecropper family in Mississippi before the Civil Rights Act was a thing. Their life and poverty is unimaginable to me. Their clothes were sewn by hand by their mother/g-mother out of feed sacks. The girls' feminine products were made of the same. There was no running water in the house; everything was hauled from a well. She taught me how to use the least amount of water possible to wash dishes, something that comes in handy when camping. Their food was grown and/or shot by them; the only store products bought were sugar and flour, tires and tractor parts, or bartered for. From earliest childhood she spent summers in the cotton fields, picking with the adults and other kids.

She escaped north when she was 15; lived with an aunt in St. Louis, worked as a cook and housekeeper. She has three kids. All of them have gone to college; the oldest is a nurse anesthetist. She owns her own home in the infamous Ferguson. It's a modest home but it's *hers.* She retired from the county where we both worked as cooks years ago, two years ago. Although she never made it through h.s. herself, she somehow inspired her kids to do better. I wish we could bottle Vera and sell her essence.

IMO - When the government oppresses Blacks, flood their neighborhoods with drugs, in prison all the Black fathers and leave single mothers at home to fend for themselves............I don't agree that it always starts at home.

It starts with the racist white man ending the oppression it places on other.

Why do people have to strive IN SPITE of all that is being done to them.

If we were equal, as the constitution says, it wouldn't be a issue. But the white man always gets a pass on what he does to people.
So saying parents are the most important thing in a child's life is racist and oppressive?

What do liberal parents on the board do to raise their kids but not love them very much so as to be racist?
I wish I had a good answer. From a big picture perspective I don't want the gov't telling parents how to raise their kids but the reality is many parents do a very poor job helping their children. Like Chris Rock said, "if it's a Wednesday night and mamma is out at the club with little children at home it's mamma's fault if baby can't read".

We know studies show kids do better in homes with books but I don't think we can force families to have books in their homes. But it's empirical evidence. (Clearly I'm a Chris Rock fan) CR said you look at some kids, see their parents, and know they didn't stand a chance. That's dark humor but it's sadly true.

Did your mother tell you comedians are for entertainment?

You advocate to eliminate the department of education.

How the fuck do you know how many books are in anyone's home?