Oprah for Prez?

No you said it starts at home.

As if parents, Black parents don't education their children.

That's how it started.

Have you ever left your house? Do you know there are more than black and white people in the world? And that people of all races and ethnicity's generally want to raise their children well? You claim to live in California, a state where Hispanics are the largest racial group and Asians make up a large percent as well.

Or are you feeling guilty because you were a terrible mother and grandmother?
"That's what the racist white man wants you to believe so he can continue oppressing Blacks and other minorities without fail."

WHAT???? :palm:

Maybe it's the ebonics.

her response was to me saying what's most important for children starts at home.
her response was to me saying what's most important for children starts at home.

So if racist white men want you to think parents are most important to their children, and you disagree, did you boot your kids out? It's why I ask why you mentor kids if parents or mentors don't matter.
I get what you're saying but it might help your world view to look at people as individuals and as heroes rather than victims. The instant we label ourselves as victim is the instant we give up our human power and become what we think we are -- a helpless, useless victim. Let's teach others to see themselves as strong and heroic, rather than victims of a crappy system.

I am not ashamed to call my people victims, because that's what they are.

They are victims of oppression from people who have ruled this country with racism and greed. I'm tired of those people always getting the benefit of doubt and being able to get away with what they do, and we're suppose to STFU and take it.

Sorry, but I will continue to call out those who created these problems. We can't fix it if we don't acknowledge it.

It's not me who doesn't look at people as individuals, perhaps that should directed to someone else.

I look at people for what they do....actions speak louder than words.
I am not ashamed to call my people victims, because that's what they are.

I agree that minorities in America have suffered greatly at the hands of the majority.

That being said, I will tell you this. many years ago I suffered greatly on a personal level at the hands of an abusive husband. I still bear the physical and emotional scars. I refuse to call myself a victim, because to me that word gives all the power to the aggressor and removes all the power from me. Instead, I am a survivor. I am the victor, not the victim. You may have heard your friends who are living with cancer do the same thing. They are "living with" cancer -- surviving. They have empowered themselves over the disease. Let us teach others to see their circumstances the same way.... as survivors, not helpless victims. Let us put the power back into the hands of the people. Words have great power.
I use it and it is very helpful, I have my list on my wall of things I want to happen, and I’m slowly checking them off. A 30 year old male who sits home on Saturday night writing a list of people and why he bans them shouldn’t make fun of a women who has made billions, using “The Secret”

thats not what the secret is you dumbass. It's not about goals it's about believing that there is actual some mystical property to the universe where thoughts literally determine outcome. It's not about having a positive attitude
thats not what the secret is you dumbass. It's not about goals it's about believing that there is actual some mystical property to the universe where thoughts literally determine outcome. It's not about having a positive attitude
Lol, limpy, it’s both, it’s manifesting change in your life by the law of attraction, positive thoughts, visualization. It’s like asking for in prayer and believing you will receive it. It has worked for me, so blow it out your wazoo. I don’t care what you think about it, it has worked for me!
Lol, limpy, it’s both, it’s manifesting change in your life by the law of attraction, positive thoughts, visualization. It’s like asking for in prayer and believing you will receive it. It has worked for me, so blow it out your wazoo. I don’t care what you think about it, it has worked for me!

Absolutely. It's the power of conceptualization.

.. and its real.
I’m entitled to my opinion and again if you did talk politics I doubt you would say the things you say here to black peoples face. I have seen how the blacks on this forum react to you, I think it would be the same in real time. It wouldn’t t be well received. It’s why I don’t think you think the same in real time that you do here.

In that case; I doubt your racist husband would say "gook" to the face of an Asian.
I agree that minorities in America have suffered greatly at the hands of the majority.

That being said, I will tell you this. many years ago I suffered greatly on a personal level at the hands of an abusive husband. I still bear the physical and emotional scars. I refuse to call myself a victim, because to me that word gives all the power to the aggressor and removes all the power from me. Instead, I am a survivor. I am the victor, not the victim. You may have heard your friends who are living with cancer do the same thing. They are "living with" cancer -- surviving. They have empowered themselves over the disease. Let us teach others to see their circumstances the same way.... as survivors, not helpless victims. Let us put the power back into the hands of the people. Words have great power.

I never said we were helpless victims because we are fighters, but we are victims of our oppressors, who are white people, the majority of the country and that's a fact.

That being said, I applaud you surviving your struggle, but there are things that I don't think a white person will ever understand. When you tell me how to feel, or what to say, or how to think, instead of listening, it's very insulting.

It comes off as you know better than I do, how I should feel.

I understand the statement your making about being a victim and the suppose effects it creates regarding power, or the lack there of, but it also lessens the responsibility of those doing the victimizing.

If the power is in the hands of the people, then why are we still dealing with racism and all it's ugliest forms? When are the "people' going to do something about the institutional racism running amuck in this country?

And by people, I mean non Blacks because Blacks speak out every chance they get, but the "people" don't seem to want to listen.