Oprah for Prez?

What you're missing is that if you're going to offer opinion on black parenting, you should know more about it then what a guy who tells jokes for a living has to say about it in a joke.

Here's what you're missing .. ever read 'Raise Him Up: A Single Mother's Guide to Raising a Successful Black Man'?

Ever been here?

I could go on .. but the truth lies far beyond what you can find in a joke .. and if you're really interested in the challenges of black parenting, I suggest you pick up a book and turn off the TV.

Who said anything about black parenting? I was talking about PARENTING, no racial group in front. Yes Chris Rock is black but it doesn't mean his jokes don't cross color boundaries. There are good and bad parents of every race, religion, ethnicity etc. Kids (of any race) who have parents (of any race) who are more involved in their lives generally do better.
You are such scum

Either that, or he's a little piss end troll, diddling themselves. He is a little childish in his approach, like it's one big joke. It's a little obscure, and all over the map random, to be more than a troll.
The only reason right-wingers followed Donald Trump is because he inherited a lot of money. Without that inheritance, nobody would know what a Donald Trump is.

Oprah on the other hand, is a completely self-made woman who has as much, if not more money than Trump .. and she did it in about 35 years

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Oh, okay the black clothes thingy. I get it now. I heard about that.

I do not know much about Oprah's politics, but she strikes me as a superior human being in every single respect to the lightweight celebrity dunces Republicans have propped up and put forth. Bed Time for Bonzo, Governator, and Trump should be an utter embarrassment to any major global political party. So, I am not surprised, nor do I consider it embarrassing or shameful for some Democrats to view her in the highest esteem, a person of capability and leadership. She's earned it. You know what doesn't speak well of people: When they hold Donald J. Trump as a human being worthy of national leadership.

I was making no judgements. As seen by the national responses today a lot of people are excited by the possibility of her running.

But yes, I heard for weeks people attending were wearing all black to speak out against sexual harassment. I don't know the name of the award shows but I did know they were wearing all black. Didn't know it would cause a riot
Obviously you haven't been.

Most of her audience is white.


I've noticed; but where are her Black women supporters??

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Maybe you should have phrased this comment differently, then... "My argument isn't whether he is a good person or not it's all about money."

Typical take something out of context and try to comment on it. The whole thing was very plain and most understood it but you that should tell you something.
i saw a clip of her applauding the "free press"..absolutely clueless that the press is just another advocacy group
Parents are parents regardless of race so I wasn't talking in terms of race here. I'm a big believer every boy needs a father figure in his life. Maybe that's considered sexist in some quarters but it is what it is. There are some amazing single moms in this country and they deserve all they praise they get but a boy (and a girl) need a father figure. If a dude can create a child he ought to be involved in raising them.

I agree and wish that our males would step up to the plate, regardless of marital status .... and that goes for all races. The only thing sexist about your statement is that you think only boys need fathers. Girls do too. Boys need strong mothers as well.
Nonsense. How does Trump create racial division, other than the networks calling following immigration laws racism and bobble heads nodding obediently? Low employment and improved economic stats for blacks I heard was not racism either.
C'mon, do yourself a favor and don't abuse a serious issue of racism for partisan gotcha.

I think you're a nice person, but seriously.... WTF. You never heard all of Trump's diatribes against Hispanics... they're rapists, criminals, "the worst"? You never saw his scree... er, speech where he called for "Where's my African-American?" You've forgotten his birther shit and years of yelling about President Obama's birth certificate? You didn't hear about his calling the Charlottesville white supremacists "some fine people"? I know it's hard because like me you're a white person... but you seriously cannot see where a non-white American might take that shit the wrong way?

It's hard for me to believe that you supported Bernie Sanders. You probably should remove that "non-partisan" label.
I agree and wish that our males would step up to the plate, regardless of marital status .... and that goes for all races. The only thing sexist about your statement is that you think only boys need fathers. Girls do too. Boys need strong mothers as well.

I threw girls in there as well (granted it was in parenthesis) but I say that as the father of a baby girl. But as a guy myself as much as I love my mother, and she is amazing, I needed that male influence. (I don't mean to make it a mom-dad battle over who is more important because they both are). But you hear too many stories to count, including President Obama, from boys who grew up without a father and what it did to them.

(Parenting isn't political but I give a lot of credit to Obama when he said his father wasn't there for him and he made it his number one point that he would be there for his daughters.)
I was making no judgements. As seen by the national responses today a lot of people are excited by the possibility of her running.

But yes, I heard for weeks people attending were wearing all black to speak out against sexual harassment. I don't know the name of the award shows but I did know they were wearing all black. Didn't know it would cause a riot

Well, allow me to have your back on this one... I see what you were getting at, and I did not detect any racial malice on your part, nor would I expect it from you.
It may have come across a little inartfully, but you wouldn't believe the amount of unintentional blunders I make!

Finally, let me just say in closing....

Oprah Winfrey/Elizabeth Warren, 2020!