Oprah for Prez?

Why would you say that? There's nothing to hide.
Don't you think it would be a bit difficult to be a racist in an all black school for that many years? Ponder that for a bit...
(saved a few pitties along the way-I'm sure you'll appreciate that even if you're so very concerned for the kids and adults;)

You have shown your racism for years
Pay attention to her.

Obviously you haven't been.

Most of her audience is white.

I decided that when Obama was elected. Clinton was a pretty good president, Bush 43 was so so. Obama was a disaster the only thing he did well was get OBL, Trump is awful diplomatically and politically, but ok so far economically I withhold judgment on his other promises. I just wish he would stop the Twitter shit and keep his mouth shut.

Honest post EE
your whole schtick on trump was he is a success story, you are just being racist.

There you go. If there are two things that Toxic Top hates, it's successful black ppl, and most of all successful black women. You should have heard her wax all KKK on Michelle Obama when she was FLOTUS.

I'll leave it to you to ponder why.

oh hells yeah

Michelle was the epitomy of a successful women

Well educated

great mother

awesome citizen

classy all they way



even stylish

and they hated her like nothing else

they need to take their racist ideas and drag them down to the pond, shove them under water and pile rocks on top of it

they wont

they will cling to this evil and proclaim its not racism until their diseased brains cease function

I really wish there was some way to free them of their stupid

its seems only a natural death will end their evil stupid

I wish them a long and happy life because Im a decent person

I will not morn the death of their stupid however

Its their own fault for not shuttering off the evil like a wet dog.

they want to die stupid and evil

the world will be a better place when they do that

its their own fault for chosing lies and evil .

I will celebrate their evils demise on a certain day

that day will be ding dong the dick is dead day.

when it presents its self to mankind

The day Dick Cheneys second heart stops beating
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She’s a smart, capable person, who would be very good at the job. Why not run her? You think we should stick with white males only?
Low blow, but as expected, as are the rest of these sort of comments
I think we should stick with someone who is not only qualified but unifying. Someone who seeks approval from the Hollywood elite first? We need someone who is at the pulse of the people not in an ivory tower. That's what we have now.
Oprah's fan base is a bunch of old women who like to listen to other women disparage men.
The only reason right-wingers followed Donald Trump is because he inherited a lot of money. Without that inheritance, nobody would know what a Donald Trump is.

Oprah on the other hand, is a completely self-made woman who has as much, if not more money than Trump .. and she did it in about 35 years
Low blow, but as expected, as are the rest of these sort of comments
I think we should stick with someone who is not only qualified but unifying. Someone who seeks approval from the Hollywood elite first? We need someone who is at the pulse of the people not in an ivory tower. That's what we have now.

Are you a Trump supporter?
Low blow, but as expected, as are the rest of these sort of comments
I think we should stick with someone who is not only qualified but unifying. Someone who seeks approval from the Hollywood elite first? We need someone who is at the pulse of the people not in an ivory tower. That's what we have now.
It was a question, you seem to think a question is a low blow?

Average people can’t run anymore with all the money in politics, I would love to see someone who is at the pulse of the people, but Citizens United milked that.
The only reason right-wingers followed Donald Trump is because he inherited a lot of money. Without that inheritance, nobody would know what a Donald Trump is.

Oprah on the other hand, is a completely self-made woman who has as much, if not more money than Trump .. and she did it in about 35 years
And most likely not as much debt! Oprah wins!
I suspect that you are a Trump supporter .. which would make your comment absolutely absurd.

No disrespect intended.

Obviously you haven't been.

Most of her audience is white.


and we are off and running, making assumptions. I don't like Oprah, never have. I see her as one of the greatest manipulators ever.
So here we are, being faced with a manipulator who is old and white and rich, and we are contemplating running an old and black and rich manipulator. The only difference between the two is that we can insult and belittle and condemn one and not the other, else we quickly will be called sexist and racist.
and we are off and running, making assumptions. I don't like Oprah, never have. I see her as one of the greatest manipulators ever.
So here we are, being faced with a manipulator who is old and white and rich, and we are contemplating running an old and black and rich manipulator. The only difference between the two is that we can insult and belittle and condemn one and not the other, else we quickly will be called sexist and racist.
It’s because you give the appearance, sorry
The only reason right-wingers followed Donald Trump is because he inherited a lot of money. Without that inheritance, nobody would know what a Donald Trump is.

Oprah on the other hand, is a completely self-made woman who has as much, if not more money than Trump .. and she did it in about 35 years

Trump's brother had the same advantages and drank himself to death.

Oprah is an amazing success story ... from dirt poor ... to wealthiest woman in Racist America!
She has led a MUCH more successful life than Rump. She was born poor, made it big, not divorced three times. No children born out of wedlock.

She has been incredibly generous with those who have less. She is loved by millions.
Top has started her version, she will only get the vote because she’s black and a woman, she won’t run on the issues, just her gender and race.

I saw that. And your post that "only white males discuss the issues." Spot on.

Some ppl are so immersed in their white privilege that it is simply impossible for them to see how racist they are. I can guarantee though that any black ppl she knows IRL pick up on it.