Oprah for Prez?

I saw that. And your post that "only white males discuss the issues." Spot on.

Some ppl are so immersed in their white privilege that it is simply impossible for them to see how racist they are. I can guarantee though that any black ppl she knows IRL pick up on it.
I think she is one of those people that switches depending on her audience. I guarantee you she doesn’t talk this way to her black associates.
I saw that. And your post that "only white males discuss the issues." Spot on.

Some ppl are so immersed in their white privilege that it is simply impossible for them to see how racist they are. I can guarantee though that any black ppl she knows IRL pick up on it.

What issues did Rump run on? Basically that Mexicans are rapists and he would build a wall on the Southern Border. Oh, and Hillary hate.
The only reason right-wingers followed Donald Trump is because he inherited a lot of money. Without that inheritance, nobody would know what a Donald Trump is.

Oprah on the other hand, is a completely self-made woman who has as much, if not more money than Trump .. and she did it in about 35 years

That's about as American as anyone can get. Isn't this the kind of success story we're all told about as kids.... that you can be anything you want to be if you work hard enough? I don't remember a single tale of a spoiled rich brat inheriting his dad's wealth and going on to great things, do you?
It’s because you give the appearance, sorry

Why, because I don't side with the left as much as you think I should? Because I don't agree with everything black? That makes me a Trump supporter and a racist? You guys have a lot to learn.
I am appalled that a sitting potus is ridiculed this way, during this, as well as past administrations. I am appalled that we are turning into a spectacle for the whole world to see. Focus on policies, focus on truth and facts, don't turn our political system into a circus. Our country, our government is self correcting, and for that, it deserves respect.
I am ashamed of what my fellow countrymen/women have become. Intolerant, vicious, vulgar gossips with no respect for our rule of law. Interpreting and abusing the constitution any way they see fit.
I do not pay much attention to pop culture and have to plead ignorance, what is the "All Black Awards"?

I might be wrong about this, but I do not think the Democratic party has much appetite for putting movie and pop culture stars at the top of a ticket. That seems to be a Republican thing, if the intellectual lightweights "Bedtime for Bonzo" Ronnie, Governor Terminator, and Reality TV Star Trump are any indication.

In defense of Oprah, I would never put here in the intellectual lightweight category as those Republican dudes. She obviously is highly articulate, keen minded, well read, empathetic, and a world-class business person. Basically, everything Donald J. Trump is not.

Whatever the Hollywood award show was last night the people attending wore all black to show their support for #metoo. In his opening monologue Seth Meyer spoke about Oprah for president then after a speech she gave so did a bunch of other people
That's about as American as anyone can get. Isn't this the kind of success story we're all told about as kids.... that you can be anything you want to be if you work hard enough? I don't remember a single tale of a spoiled rich brat inheriting his dad's wealth and going on to great things, do you?
I am shocked someone calls her a manipulator, I have always found her to be warm and genuine. I think of all the people whose lives she has improved, black, white, etc.
What is the All Black Awards? Are you talking about the Golden Globe? Disappointing; I didn't think you were a racist.

Maybe you guys can begin the campaign of denigrating and disparaging her now, just in case she does decide politics is her new thing. You know, like the meme posted here constantly about Biden being a molester.

I'm a racist because people in Hollywood decided to wear all black to the award show? Ok dude. Like I'm the person who told them to do that. SMFH

But people in Hollywood who supported the sex offenders for years and now are speaking out against it are totally righteous?

And what the fuck does Biden have to do with anything?
The only reason right-wingers followed Donald Trump is because he inherited a lot of money. Without that inheritance, nobody would know what a Donald Trump is.

Oprah on the other hand, is a completely self-made woman who has as much, if not more money than Trump .. and she did it in about 35 years

And she should be proud of that accomplishment. But is being an astute business man/woman enough to handle the office of the president? Trump is a good business man and he is far from being a good president. Would Oprah be a good president? I don't know, I would like to see her views on the economy, Korea, Russia the ME and of course border security then I could make a decision.
I'm a racist because people in Hollywood decided to wear all black to the award show? Ok dude. Like I'm the person who told them to do that. SMFH

Surely you understand the connotation of your comment.

Why would you characterize the awards as all black when everyone did not wear all black?
Why, because I don't side with the left as much as you think I should? Because I don't agree with everything black? That makes me a Trump supporter and a racist? You guys have a lot to learn.
I am appalled that a sitting potus is ridiculed this way, during this, as well as past administrations. I am appalled that we are turning into a spectacle for the whole world to see. Focus on policies, focus on truth and facts, don't turn our political system into a circus. Our country, our government is self correcting, and for that, it deserves respect.
I am ashamed of what my fellow countrymen/women have become. Intolerant, vicious, vulgar gossips with no respect for our rule of law. Interpreting and abusing the constitution any way they see fit.
Sorry, I’m entitled to my opinion of you, and I stand by my comment.

Trump deserves the ridicule. If he doesn’t want to be ridiculed then he needs to stop saying ridiculous things.

I am sorry you are ashamed of your fellow countrymen, I am proud people speak up and don’t blindly support any leader.
I'm a racist because people in Hollywood decided to wear all black to the award show? Ok dude. Like I'm the person who told them to do that. SMFH

You're racist because you support the racist right agenda/ideology, institutional racism and the republican, conservative, libertarian party.

That makes anyone a racist no matter how decent and kind they seem on this board.
I think she is one of those people that switches depending on her audience. I guarantee you she doesn’t talk this way to her black associates.
I don't have to alter my speech depending on my audience, lol. Especially teachers I've worked with all my life. So, you're just wrong. I have to chuckle at your " I guarantee", though. No school today, but I'll let them have a good chuckle as well tomorrow.
(we rarely discuss politics these days, though...so if you want to slap a guarantee on something, that would be a much better bet..lol)